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Heavy, swollen, painful breasts, not pms

Wow - my first question.
Wondering if anyone has experience with heavy swollen and painful breasts, AFTER your period? My period ended a few days ago yet the pms-type breast symptoms have not gone away (they usually disappear when my period starts). I do not feel any lumps or growths, wondering what this could possibly be? Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks!
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18890850 tn?1469369865
I have pcos and I've NEVER had sore/swollen breast before a till now, I have really bad pain in my lower pelvic, sides and my lower back but my doctor said those aren't the sides of PCOS cause I have sore/swollen breast and I've had my period already and had to stop it with provea cause it went for 3 weeks. But I am just letting everyone know that I have PCOS and I've NEVER had sore/swollen breast a till now cause I went to the hospital with pelvic pain etc and they told me i'm NOT pregnant but at the same time ive never had this much pain. What do you guys think?
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I am 20 years old and am experiencing the same symptoms. My period ended about 2 maybe 3 weeks ago but it was lighter than normal and my breasts just keep swelling and getting more painful. I don't think I am pregnant BC as I stated Ihad my period a while ago. I have been tested for PCOS and everything has came back fine. I just hope someone knows what the cause is because Iccan't take this anymore! I have no insurance and plus the doctors where I live don't really like to help people unless they are getting paid. My diet and caffeine consumption hasn't changed either :/
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my breast is so soar i havent had a period since last year in may of 2013 i have been going thru menepause so i dont understand why this is still happening can u help?
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i also have really really sore boobs the left one is a little bigger than the right but it is also more painfull my sisters have PCOS but i have never been tested but i have the same symptoms so assume i have too! i have really irregular periods but the past 2 months i believ them to be " sorting themselves out "
my bras no longer fit and it hurts to turn around sometimes im so worried! :(
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I've been on the depo for a year come of it last month I sometimes get period like pain in the morning and it goes still no period. My breast have been very sore lately and are bigger, I now and then get belly cramps been more sensitive then usual and tired I have had unpretected sex with my bf but also done a pregnancy test the other day which come back negative so if any one could give me answers I'd very much appreciate it?
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I just turned 26. I was on the depo shot for almost 8 yrs and have recently switched to the pill. Ive been on it for 2 months now. Recently my breasts have been so sore, and HUGE might I add. Ive noticed my nipples have been very itchy as well. I dont know what the problem is. My breasts have been so sore that its all I can do to wear a bra. Any help?
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I'm 42 and this is the first time that this has happened to me. I had a strange/light period with unusual cramping, and pms symptoms that didn't ease up once my period begins.

I typically experience strong pms symptoms, intense abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, temporary weight gain (5-10 lbs, probably from water retention), enlarged, painful breasts, moodiness (don't put Bambi on while I am pms-ing, I fall to tears at the thought of watching it!) and gas. What fun.

However, I have always relied on the fact that these symptoms subside when I start my period. I faithfully track my periods, as I feel better knowing that the unpleasantness will end. I am frankly pretty ticked off that this is happening to me.

I am unwilling to go to the doctor because I am sick of being told that because I am a woman, these strange things just happen, and that I am making it all up in my head (or worse, causing it) anyways.

I am thankful that I read this post. I am going to try diet modification, more exercise (although I have been more active these past few months than normal), less caffeine and more water. I am hesitant to take any supplements other than plain old vitamins. I haven't been taking those but heck, I will throw that in as well. My stomach can't tolerate any anti-inflammatory meds as I was on high doses a few years back for another condition... (I seem to have permanently enlarged mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes and tests that show that inflammation is going on somewhere inside but no diagnosis of anything. I have bouts of intense fatigue and joint pain that are ongoing but not related to this).

Thanks to all who took the time to post. I wish that I could find a doctor to have a frank discussion like this with. Hope everyone finds some relief and some answers.
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I'm a 28 year old woman and my breasts r extremely sore! I haven't had a period since my youngest was 6 months old and he's now 8, I was on birth control then but haven't had that since may last year still haven't had a period would u know y they r so sore?
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Iv had constant tender breasts for almost 2 weeks now my period ended a week ago im not pregnant as just had a period and I dont drink alot of caffeine and have quite a healthy diet im only 23 what could this be??
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4767126 tn?1358906577
hello there! I'm 35 and i experienced the same, i had breast pain for a month straight but im just wondering i had pain in my one side breast, left breast, i went to my gyne doctor, and she said she cant feel any mass and lump, i went back to another Internist doctor and he asked me for breast ultrasound, and it turned out to be negative,... Im so scared to death...
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so true!  I recomend watching Food Inc. also...this brought me around real quick to the truth of the absolutely horrifying things they put in our "food".  Geez what a wake up call.  and I know it's all true, otherwise the film makers would be getting sued for slander, etc...and they are not!~~
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4328024 tn?1352935455
My breasts have been sore for 3 weeks maybe 5 lost track with it to be honest after 2 weeks due to work and kids lol.. am wondering why my breasts r tender and swollen.. I still lactate from my left breast also! :/ my youngest is 7 now I don't leak or anything but I check every so often to see if I am still lactating! And sure enough I am :/ my dr didn't say much bout it but he checked for stuff through blood work and all is normal :/ but the lactating is not my worry wort the tenderness is.. as Mrs Canada's my tenderness goes away the first day of my cycle.. I do drink soda and coffee but its never had any effect on my breasts before.. had my period and am suppose to start again in 5 days..guess its been closer to 6 weeks with the tenderness.. not stressing about pregnancy because I would love that :-).. but all tests say neg! So any ideas as to why my breasts r tender and swollen? Areolas are not darkening so pretty sure its not pregnancy! I have unprotected sex with my husband often as we r not worried about getting pregnant! Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I don't check on here often emailing ur suggestions and ideas would be best den.***@**** thanks a bunch
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Hello, i have been having the same issue but with more symptoms like headache, nausea, lightheaded and the urge to vomit, took a test which shows negative because i know i had unprotected sex so I'm thinking that i might be pregnant but had negative results am confused. Help needed.
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This link will help


Depending on you age 30- cyClic
30+ Noncyclic
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i am having the exact problem. i am trying to get pregnant and have been for about 8 years now. i was on the shot when i was 17 but that gave me my period for a year straight so they put me on the pill for a moth and fixed it. still trying to have a baby my periods are always normal and about 4 or 5 days long. i got breast pain 2 weeks before i got my period then i found a lump because my breast were sore. went to the doctor they did an ultrasound and it came back as a benign cyst that burst so they said to re-check in 6 months. my period was over 2 weeks ago. my breast still hurt and i get nauseated randomly and hot cold feelings. my mom had trouble conceiving me but this is weird feeling my nipples hurt and breast are so tender.
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I am going through this same thing and I only eat home grown meat and it's organic, hormone free. Not sure what I'm dealing with.
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so did you ever figure out whats going on? For months now 2 days after my peroid my breast will feel heavy and hurt like crazy i can't be pregnant tubes are tied, and it seems the only time they dont hurt and arent huge is when im bleeding> driving me crazy
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I'm 13 and I have these symptoms.... I was actually really worried, still am actually... I just don't know what it is! I'm too embarrassed to talk to my mom about this...
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My breast are very sore not the nipple and my rt side has a pain and I feel like I have to throw up 6dbp
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My breast are very sore not the nipple and my rt side has a pain and I feel like I have to throw up 6dbp
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I thought I was the only one that had this problem it started a few days ago and OMG it is very painful and I have a son and it feels like the months I was pregnant and didn't know it. I am really certain I am not pregnant again. Someone help!!
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Well  im 23 years old and im having the same freakin problem  except ive had this problem for a year now and my dr cant find a reason why  this is happening to me well actually he ignores the problem but my boobs are swollen my bras  dont fit me  i had to go up a cup because of the swollen-ness my sex drive is gone and so much more crap with this problem so if you know how to fix email me plz i beg. ***@****
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Am 16 n started hair when I was 14 n areas but have not hit puberty yet started to get a little under the arms that's all my sister young they got more under the arms then I do but my boobs is sore hurt but puberty have not yet
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glad i found this..i have the same problem and im 21..
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