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I seriously need reassurance, my labia minora is NOT NORMAL

I think my vagina is very very ugly. the labia minora is a darkened color and it is almost 2 times longer that the outer lips. My boyfriend is a lot more experienced than i am. I've only been with one other guy before him. He says that i am "different", but won't admit whether it turns him off or not. But our sex is still great. i've seen pictures and videos of other people's vaginas and it only makes me feel uglier.
Please tell me that there are others out there with the same "problem". i wish i had a pretty little pink one like the girls in porn clips; but i do not want surgery. We love eachother very much and i don't want this "isseue" to ruin our sexlife due to my lack of self esteem. Big sisters..please help!
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WOW im sooooo happy that i found this site because for like 12 years ive been feeling like mine is not normal or there must be something wrong with me because mine to is on the large side and is not the pretty pink so i must say after reading this i feel soooooo much better about myself THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH
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If it makes you feel any better plenty of men including myself considers a larger vagina in any shape are form to be very attractive, more to appreciate definitely sexy complete turn on.
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First of all...there's nothing wrong with you. Every one looks different down there. Dark skin and longer labia minor are very natural. The lm can become larger with children and older age.  Of course we would all love small pink vaginas like the porn stars but the reality is, that's not going to be the case for most women.  I too have the same issue and self consciousness about dark skin and larger lm. 10 years ago or so the self consciousness had me asking questions. They do make a bleach cream for the dark skin of your labia and anus. While it's a great thought, I decided to pass due to already being sensitive. I didn't ask a Dr about it or look up anything to see what risks there are.  But I did question my gyno about  being larger and if I was normal. Yes I'm normal...but it was then I discovered a surgery to "fix" this. My gyno said he could do it.  I did look into it with insurance but bc I had not meet my deductible it was more than I had to spend. Fast forward 8 years...new gyno and im going to have a hysterectomy. I questioned get about it and she said she absolutely could do it while I was under.  Unfortunately insurance wont cover elected cosmetic surgeries. There is a way around this though. If your larger labia minor cause discomfort during regular activities or affect certain types of clothing, there's a great chance they will cover the surgery. However, most plastic surgeons don't even mess with insurance and this surgery can cost anywhere from 7k to 10k.  So great! My gyno will do it and ins will cover it!  Sign me up!  
This is where my nightmare began. #1 I didn't do enough homework in the subject. This surgery is very complex. It's a very sensitive region obviously and if not done correctly, you can have permanent nerve damage. Your labia minora also aid in the natural lubrication of the vagina. You can imagine the issues with no lubrication. I did read that I needed to ask whoever was doing the surgery how many they have done, what technique they use (trim or wedge) and request before and after  pictures. I asked my gyno and she said she'd done 3. While that is not nearly enough she was very confident and I trusted her..I mean, she's a vagina Dr...surely she knows what she's doing right?  WRONG! I wanted this done so bad that I chose to go ahead with the surgery.  
I am now left with an extremely botched vagina. She used the wedge technique but did it wrong. She cut more of an L. The top part of my labia were the largest part. But she cut almost all of the bottom part off.  Bc of this when she stitched, there wasn't enough left to accommodate the swelling. She gave me zero after care instructions other than for my hysterectomy. And she advised me to at least slow down my smoking. She said it would take longer to heal if I didn't....including my hysterectomy. I didn't research that enough either. 8 days after my surgery my stitches separated. At 14 days she freshened up the edges and restitched. In the meantime I found a website called real self. It's an amazing site and I definitely recommend checking out it if you are considering any type of plastic surgery. The larger and tighter stitches she did for the restitched also came undone leaving my vagina looking like it had been through a meat grinder. She should have NEVER restitched as the tissues were too soft at that point and soft and whitish have held together no matter what.  I'm sure you can imagine what a traumatic experience this has been and the emotional scarring it has left me with. Aside from that I have 1 chance to be "fixed". I've had to do countless hours of research to not only find a plastic surgeon to fix it but they have to specialize in labia plastic revision. Let me tell you, there aren't many. Checking their credentials and before and after pictures and reviews is an absolute must. I finally found one. Fortunately, bc of the other plastic surgery he does for patients with deformities and reconstructions he does bill insurance depending on the case. My ins will cover it 100% and I've had to wait 6 months to be completely healed to do the reconstruction of what is left of my labia minora. Surgery is next month. Continuing to smoke is not an option or he will not do the surgery. While she botched me, my smoking did as much damage as she did. Remember I have 1 chance to be "normal looking" while the ps feels I will look normal to the naked eye (which is only my husband) it will never be really normal.
So here's my advice...never use a gyno for any reason. A urogynocologist could do it but make sure they have plenty of credentials and references. 99% of botched labiaplasties come from gynos. Labiaplasties isn't even taught in general plastic surgery. It's an extra credential that is actually learned through extra study and assisting other ps.
Do your homework...check out that site real self. It's amazing. This part of your body is not something you just give to anyone to  reconstruct. Thank God I have not experienced any nerve damage of constant pain or no feeling at all which is a huge possibility with this surgery.  Sorry this is so long but I wish I had this info from the start. I would have probably left well enough alone as my husband loved it the way it was. And even now, with it botched, it doesn't bother him at all. It's me with the self consciousness issues. Now more so than before.  If any man you are with has an issue with the way it looks and has the audacity to joke about it, you probably should rethink your relationship. Kidding or not, it's damaging for our self image. If a perfect pink ***** (sorry) is what they want them tell them to call a porn star. They aren't real, porn isn't real. And it unfortunately leaves men and women alike with unrealistic expectations and self image. You are fine the way you are. Men see those parts of our bodies differently than we do. They don't see ugly. If they do, they not only need a reality check but experience with real women too. And adding to the unrealistic expectations we have about ourselves and lady parts bc of porn, I am a wife of a porn addict. It's been and always will be a lifelong battle for my husband. Of course that added extra self conscious issues for me. Love yourself the way you are. Don't put yourself through what I did.  And if you decide to, for God's sake research research research! Xoxo
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Never feel down anout yourself and your body..learm.to.love yourself and body
Maybe Your made different because you are different..
Finding the real places that make you feel.like you never felt before sexually is something that will change your selfesteem
And if the male in your life criticism is all he does about your body
You dont need him
Find someone who.loves everything about you
There is only one you..
You are you
No one can take your place
Just thought id
Drop this note to
Let ya know there are us out here thats been through similar things.
I have scars from abuse
When i was a teen
Burn scars from a cold hearted ******* thst burned me with cigarettes and other things and other scars from other torture.
Love your self
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You are different. WE ALL ARE DIFFERENT. No two labia look the same. Do not get surgery to make yourself look like a little girl. Your labia is a sign of sexual maturity. Own it. If he is that immature, then he is a waste of time. He we realize that a lot of girl (if not over 60%) will look similar to yours.
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Mine is the same way. My labia minora is much darker than my natural skin tone and they are also longer. You are not alone. And don't worry about it! You are healthy and do not need a labiaplasty.Be confident in knowing that you are JUST like arount half of women in this. Check out the website called The Labia Library. It's pretty helpful. Best wishes. :)
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As a licensed health-care provider, I find myself a tiny bit irritated because so many of the most beautiful girls think that they are the only ones with 2+ inch labia minora.  I do understand that when uninformed guys make some uninformed comment associating your vagina with something less than tasteful, it hurts.  The first thing I want you to know is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and you are absolutely beautiful!  If some guy wants an eleven year old, then clearly he is the one who is sick!  I also realize that if a gal's labia minora truly do get in the way of your looking good in a bathing suit, for example, that's understandable.  If you can relax a bit, you will discover most, yes most, guys like a gal with large inner labia, and you will easily find the guy of your dreams who will make you feel like the queen you are.  Unless it's simply so problematic that life is truly unbearable, please do yourself a favor and make surgery a last option!!  Labiaplasty, can come with some serious complications that are frequently irreversible, and the last thing you want to do is something that will put you feeling more badly than you did in the first place.  It's not to say that, there is never a time and condition that calls for this surgery; however, it is rare.  If you and your doctor feel this is a good option for you, get a second opinion because different types of surgeons do this procedure differently!  If this procedure is for you, take your time and remember to ask your gynecologist/OB/plastic surgeon every question you can think of!  Seldom do girls maintain a prepubescent style looking vagina, but again, If you find a guy who truly loves you, then you will never hear anything but the truth: that is exactly just how beautiful you truly are!  I also realize that I don't have to live with any such problem, but I do know what an incredibly beautiful and sexy gal looks like, and it's obvious you are more normal than you think.  I think if you only knew how many gals think the same way you have been thinking, it would greatly surprise you!  In the meantime, I suggest you find a real boyfriend and one that is not so insecure about himself that he feels the need to belittle you in order to make himself feel better.  Take care of yourself: there is only one of you, and you are priceless!!
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Idiots dont eben realixe there is alot of sexual pleasure for men when a lady has a Labia different from.most
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I have the EXACT same feelings about mine. I've had one boyfriend jokingly teased me about it,, not realizing how self conscious I was. I would like to get surgery just so that I would feel better about myself, but I am in college, barely able to pay bills, and don't have health insurance. But one day I will probably have it done when I can afford it... I've been to a gyno once a couple years ago, and they said I was normal... But I still feel like to some guy, I'm just gunna be "the girl with the ugly vagina"... For now, I guess I'm just trying to reassure myself that it's normal. Unless you get surgery, I guess that's all you can do.
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I feel you too. I have the same problem with my vagina. When I was little, I don't have any knowledge of tha parts of the vagina. I accidentally pulled my labia minora without telling my mom. I was so afraid. And now, it looks ugly. What should I do? I want a natural way to look normal. Please
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Talk to your Mum she will do all she can to support you. My daughter has the same issues and we have looked into it together, she knows that it is normal and that no two people are the same, your Mum will know you are upset and she will be worrie about you. If you can talk with her you could both go to your GP together that way you will have her support and you can both ask questions.

As a Mum I think we would all rather know what was upsetting our children so we can help.

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Me to:( I'm only 15 and I'm going through it already, I've never had sex or even masterbated and its happenening to me:( I can't stop crying about it, I'm to embarrassed to talk to my mum or boyfriend about it... What do I do:(
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Are you even still with this guy after six years?
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im the exact same way and nothing to be worried about cuz i thought that  was the only one and it started for me when i just started to turn 12 but your not alone...
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Relax Little Missess.  Love yourself.  You are normal.  You are beautiful.  Your man will love you and appreciate those labia.  He will love to see them, he will love to play with them, he will love you for you, all of you,  just as you are.  You need to learn to love yourself.  Labia come in all sizes and it is totally normal for them to be darker than the surrounding area.  Stop stressing about it.  Nothing to be ashamed of.  It really is normal.  It really is beautiful!  I can say this with no reservation because I am a man.  Have a great day!
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Same problem, exept mine is not a diff. Color! I'm a little insecure bit not to worried I mean vaginas are gross looking anyways.. what's a little bit of extra skin gonna hurt? Lol
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I just have to say that I can't believe this thread has been going on since 2007!

I did not know so many women and girls were faced with this insecurity. I always thought I was normal until my early teens when I saw an episode of Howard Stern with a guest who had gotten surgery on her vagina. They showed a photo (obviously bleeped out) and Howard Stern went crazy making negative comments about her vagina pre-surgery. The comments he was making was describing me!! Ever since then I have been self concious.

But, admittedly, at 26, I have been with lots of men...more than my age. I have NEVER, not once, had a guy say anything. My labia are very large. Both lips hangout. They always have, there was no "itching" or anything "popping" out as some of you have said. I have been to the gyno many times as ALL OF YOU YOUNG LADIES SHOULD DO IF YOU'RE HAVING SEX!!! and they have never mentioned it.

I also waited till much later than most to have sex because of my insecurities. I'm glad now because it protected me from having sex too soon. (15 IS TOO SOON!!!) However, you are all normal and special, and if a guy is going to complain, he is not worthy. I don't expect these words will make it any easier, but just know many women, older than you, have had the same insecurities and we all push through it, and manage to get on with our lives.

Also know many guys are just as insecure about their penis size. I dated a guy for 3 years and during fights I would say he had a small one. I would later recant. He definitely was not small. But every time, no matter what, even if I was joking, he would get offended. That was the same for others as well. So, just remember he might just as insecure as you are!!
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OH MY GOD!! I'm not the only one. FInally someone who knows exactly how i feel, and i am only 19!!
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Me too! I'm 21 and for my entire life up until now I thought that it was abnormal. I just found out that it was normal today when I tried to search about it to see if I could have it removed. You don't know how relieved it makes me to find out that practically every other woman has it as well. Seriously they ought to talk about this to girls in school. Both protrude by like 2cm-ish since before I hit puberty (age 10), actually for as long as I can remember, and I have always felt it was strange and felt self-conscious about it. I have even avoided making any relationships with guys because of it and felt that my entire future life was going to be lonely on the marital front because of it. I am crying tears of relief right now. Why does no one tell you stuff like this? I now feel so overwhelmed that I have spent my young life worrying about nothing and being made to feel self-conscious, ugly and fat by stupid sexualised media and by the fact that I have felt like such a FREAK for AGES when I am in fact ENTIRELY NORMAL
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and bytheway, for men indeed have different penis as we ladies have labia! :)) - different sizes, forms, textures, angles, even colors! Wouldn't you love your man with any penis??? you would not want other penis as he have! because it is his unique penis!
you care not one specific detail but all in common, mostly his/her PERSONALITY, character, values, attitudes, charm, lifestyle...

If we are so worried about our labia you can only imagine how worried are men for his important 'friend'... but they keep it deep inside!
Women are responsible to show how much we love the way they love&pleasing us :)
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Uff, i read all those more than 200 posts! have to admit how much more man knows about us woman! all men's comments were as dessert :) bravo to gentlemen! while we ladies want something from our childhood still... TILL right time comes and we discover why those big inner lips are needed!!! and i'm sure - your days are front of you: it's so much fun & pleasure what woman can receive from man!!! Creativepaddler described it very well:))) no need to repeat what man can do with labia! LADIES, IT'S WOWWW and for man it is most important that you are truly pleased & excited! :)

I'm in 30-ies. and honestly i only lately discovered that actually vagina and penis are big Creator's art and in a special way beautiful and masterpiece for having love. I thought like mostly women that why we have such 'ugly' vagina and labia?mine is bigger too, and now i love it!!! could not imagine that in my 20-ties! Relax our minds and enjoy what nature gave when right time comes!;)

Yes, don't loose virginity (both genders) without thinking, waiting and preparing! in young age you can get only mental traumas what you don't need in your life! You are a human not an experiment for someone!
Girls can be so cold or vulgar or sharp that young man can be easily hurted and get scars for life... And the same vise versus - what boys understand in young ages about woman's intim organs & needs?? let them develop and get mature as MAN when he is ready to show love you deserve! He don't need to learn anything on you and collect experience!!! When 2 halves meet they are perfectly anatomically made for each other and instinctively knows what to do and enjoy sexual growing&discovering process together! No need to be perfect because with all your many "faults" u are already perfect for each other.

Lucky girls who found these posts - look , how many we thought something is wrong with us!!! but no, it's just missing knowledge... ALL VAGINAS & LABIAS ARE OK and kind of lottery what we are getting with all tastes, smells, textures... just follow of course everyday's hygiene & respect:) Young ladies i understand you get shock with body's changes, shy to talk about this topic and many years keeping inside worries, scare & missing confidence.
     It's my case too... i lost virginity in 18 (now i would say early!) with long time bf, he was good young man at the same age but in sex he hurted me without realizing so much by asking what i have 'there' and why... i suddenly felt like sick & abnormal but before i did not even imagined that something is 'wrong', i did not know what it is, just is! We had some more intimacies and i knew he loves me and accept me the way i am but inside i had pain that he would wish me a different! and soon from my side our love ended but It closed me for many years to go in new relationship because i got shy! i felt sexy always but protected that area as prison. Later i discovered men don't wonder what it is... but i just couldn't get relaxed inside... i always quit guys after having 1-3 sex times and not because something went wrong but because i was scare to be hurted & laughed at, and i naturally run away from relationships. Till....... one man/bf touched them and immediately got excited with shiny eyes and said oohhh, i want kiss u there pls now!!!!!... he did it with such love and joy that we both discovered new levels of intimacy. I first time open up to someone and said how i felt about my body... he was shocked and appreciated a lot that i told him and loved & got crazy even more for my big labia by lucking, sucking, pulling etc, that was heaven for me! :))) We are no longer together for other reasons not sexual, but i finally love totally all my body, don't want cut anything and so happy for what i have and don't want any other labia than i have! Now i'm super confident:))) And glad for peace inside i have... and want give my vagina, my labia, my boops, all me only to my husband! less sexual memories u have from previous partners better for you both!!!
God bless all women & men
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I'm a guy who found this comment thread when looking up labia for my girlfriend's wellbeing. Firstly, I fell in love with the woman, not her genitals.

When we first had sex and I discovered her flowery labia, at first I was surprised, and then immediately intrigued because she was a bit different and therefore more interesting, less common and unique to me. I soon learned that she had a little embarrassment about it, could not enjoy wearing a sexy thong, and I set out to show here how wonderful her full, flexible labia were.

I won't go into enough detail to make this comment an abuse of the website, but:
With her, I am twice as turned on to oral sex. I love to gently roll them aside, pull them slightly with my lips and enjoy their texture.

When making love, they hold onto me, and we both enjoy seeing how they caress me on withdrawal. In short, I love her genitals and her long, velvety labia. If you have such gifts, please be happy with what nature has given you. Being proud of them will also show confidence and make your lover(s) glad you have developed uncompromising awareness of your femininity.
Men,(and perhaps many women) appreciate a sexually confident woman.

Be kind to yourselves. Forget about what you believe is 'normal' because you are. Love your body, because it's what you have. Love your body because it will encourage the enjoyment of all you can do.
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I am old enough to be your mom...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not do this to yourself. ANY of you girls. I remember being insecure about everything when I was ya'lls age and can't imagine how bad it really would have been if airbrushing and photoshop was around back then. You guys are comparing yourselves to Playboy models that have been "fixxed" in their pictures. All a guy wants IF he cares about you is to make you feel good.And if he is out for himself, nothing about you will matter except that you are a living breathing woman for the few minutes he will be around... If you are not a virgin, he wants to be the best you ever had. My childhood sweetheart had a penis that seriously bent 45 degrees. Yes. It looked...and felt...like an L. So we are not the lone rangers...men have issues too and you will be amazed at the things you will encounter as you explore your sexual sides. What I DO KNOW FOR A FACT is that men ARE visual and a confident woman is a complete turn on so please do not go into any sexual encounter with any insecurities.  It will show and that WILL turn him off. He could care less about anything else unless you surprise him and you are really a guy. That might be a problem, lol.
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Right on!!! I am a 49 yo mother of 5 children and never considered my vagina might look different than someone elses. And you are SO right! They are ALL ugly. I think. My god, wait til the hair starts turning gray and falling out. I shave the hell out of it now but never did before and just now find out how gross that was so being married a long time can have its benefits I suppose beyond a lifetime partner. Penis' are ugly too. The only toime a guy is going to see it is if he is performing oral sex and all he is interested in is making you feel good...
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I'm 19 and I want to have sex with my boyfriend but im embarised because oneside of my labia is stretched and darke while the other is tight and I guess lighter in color. My biggest fear is even if he doesn't see it at first he will feel it. Its so bad Im scared to even let him touch my vagina. Would my issue be a complete turn off for a guy
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Hey girls, I found this page by googling, because I have a very similar issue. I lost my virgity 5 months ago with my fiancé, and we have intercourse regularly. But despite that fact I'm still very self concious about my vigina. I always beat myself up about how I look, because I tell myself that nobody else could look like this. My vaginia has on really long flap compared to the other on the inside. It sticks out the outer lip and it makes me so incredibly self concious. My fiancé  Has never once had anything bad to say about it, but it still makes me nervous. He wants to try oral sex, but im just to nervous to let him go down there. I feel ugly and unattractive, but im not sure if i did it to myself or not. I have never said anything to anyone about this,fly fiancé unfortunately doesn't know this either. When i was five years old i was kind of molested. Not raped!Just rubbed up on, down there. Since then I have always rubbed up on myself down there, just because it felt good. I wouldn't let anyone else touch me, but I would do it to myself. I was incrediably nervous about guys touching me, that i never really dated much. I got my first real kiss when i was 16, (that's how nervous I was to let a guy touch me) So now I feel like its my fault that one of my vigina lips is longer than the other? I have never been to a Gino, because I'm scared something really is wrong with me and they  will treat me like im a freak or something. I dont want to ruin my sex life with my fiance, but I'm just too self concious whenever he wants to try something new. i just want to feel normal. Everything I've read on here has made me feel a little bit better but I'm still worried. Someone please offer a word of advice.
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