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heavy Bleeding after sex for first time

I had sex for the first time on thursday nite, it lasted quite a long time, and we did many different positions as he is quite experienced, however when we finished we noticied the sheets had a lot of blood on and there was also blood on the floor, after however the bleeding pretty much stopped just   a little bit of blood, and it was like this on friday, however now saturday night i have started bleeding a lot more and it is very thick and brown. i only had my period a week and a half ago and normally onli have a period every month and a bit and always very light, so im pretty sure this is not it. is it normal to bleed like this two nights after having sex for the first time, when ther was so much blood stright after and then only spotting till now two nights after, now it is quite heavy, thick and brown, i have put a tampon in is this going to be ok?? is this normal??
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When a woman loses her virginity, she might notice anything from no bleeding at all to a great deal of bleeding; however, it should not be as much as a period. Most women will experience very light spotting for a few hours after they have sex for the first time. It is important to remember that bleeding during sex – or not bleeding – doesn’t mean a woman is healthy or unhealthy. It is just a natural response to how much of a hymen is there. Also keep in mind that some women don’t bleed at all. This is especially true if she has become accustomed to masturbating, playing sports that take a strong physical toll, or otherwise being very active. Not bleeding doesn’t mean anything is wrong – it just means the hymen has been stretched or torn at some earlier time. The good news is that it lasts only a few hours at most. Some women think it’s just enough to stain a panty liner, while others experience a bit more. Again, it depends entirely on how thick the hymen is when you have sex for the first time. If you are bleeding very heavily, a continuous flow for several days, or you are in severe pain, it’s time to see a doctor. Keep in mind that this complication is extremely rare, and usually is a signal of an underlying problem.

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I lost my virginity at 28, definitely a late bloomer.. I did not bleed at all on my first time.. on my second experience I was gushing out blood n was bleeding for quite a time... Towel I was wrapped in after cleaning was all in blood..but again for the third time.. we were just getting started.. I started to bleed bad and it's really upsetting.. I don't know if this is normal... It's really starting to get me worried...
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I am 17 years old and me and my boyfriend had sex 2 weeks after my period stopped . Its been a week ever since and just today I went to the bathroom and I peed a lot of blood . What could that mean.?
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I Lost mine a few weeks ago and all three times i bled. but the second time there were POOLS!! of blood i sat in the bathroom and just basically let my self gush into the toilet supposedly it's normal. then the second time i bled but not as much my boyfriend is huge though did that add to it?
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Hi, I recently lost my virginity, but unlike most of you I didn't bleed afterwards. It was during sex that I was literally dripping blood. I though it would be a one time thing, but we tried again two nights ago and i got the same result. IS THIS NORMAL AND WILL/WHEN WILL IT STOP???
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yes I had this same problem ! I am sooo releived to see that this this is common because  I was totally FREAKING OUT !!! but I think it just depends on the person and their body type . I lost my virginity and there was no blood until I got hme it was light but then we did it again two days later for like 2 hours and lots of positioins it wasn't that painful, but when I went to pee later on that day there was some tenderness and some blood ...but it stopped then the next day there was a lot  of blood so I put on a tampon now its the day after and I woke up with blood all over my pjs and my covers but I was wearing a pad . I was totally freaked out so glad I read this. I thought I  was pregnant or something!
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i lost my virginity on saturday 11.12.11 & i'm still bleeding , unprotected sex also & i'm 17. i'm bleeding like if i am on my period . :O idk what to do ?!
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I literally just lost mines about an hour aqo 11/1/11 and during sex I started bleeding. Then it slowed down, now its sorta gushing an now its just uncomfortableness and slight pain. I HOPE it doesn't last too long. He was forceful at times, from what I've read that can be a cause of bleeding cause of some tearing and also I wasn't lubricated so that can also lead to tearing and bleeding .
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Ok so I lost my vicinity on sat and it lasted for lyke 35 minutes nd while we were it was hurting and when we were done I was bleeding and now everytyme I go to the bathroom it hurts really bad when I pee . Idnt kno eat to do ???? Is this normal kan sumbody plz reply And help me out here kuz I'm klueless please ??:(
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first time I had sex, I bled for over two weeks- just like when your period is tapering of. The first bleeding actually would run along my thighs and onto the floor and sheets with tiny clots in it. I would say that the bleeding ruined my first sexual experience. don't know if this is normal or not, but just wanted to say that now 2 yrs later, still living
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Like u i also had d same problem!i bled so bad that i had 2 visit my doc n i got 3 stitches on my inner vagina..now im okay but i havent have sex thenafter coz im afraid it may happen again..can i hav sex again?plz help me out guyz!
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Im kinds the same. So im 20 and i lost my virginity last night and i bled. a lot. we only did it once and it lasted like 30 seconds. but I was beyond embarrassed, i've heard of people bleeding before and thought it was normal. But right after it was everywhere. i dont get my period for another week and a half so im nervous that something is wrong. I bled all night into this morning.
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1464413 tn?1286150767
I also have same situation as u. but the different is i lost my virginity but no blood after the time of intercourse. but when i got home at night i see a blood spot in my underwear and until 2 days. still bleeding. i think this is normal?. :)
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im having the same situation i lost my virginoty on thursday 11/06/11 and when i woke up he next morning to pee i realized i was bleeding the next day 11/07/10 we had sex again  and when i went home and had to pee i realized that my underwear where coverd and wet in blood and now this morning i wake up to find my pj pants with a huge circle of blood and i put a tampon in and everyhing  and yes honey i do think this is normal sometimes people bleed alot like me and you and sometimes people are lucky and dont bleed but remember to take some vitamins die to the fact that your losing alot of blood :) be safe and remember safe sex is GREAT sex :D
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you have little vitamin K in your body. Take a tablet of Vit K. your problem ,ll solve.
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same here im 20 years old  i had sex for the first time april 3nd 2010 and  we did various positions and we did fourplay it is now april 15th 2010 and im still bleeding it not really heavy but brown like blood like the kind you get when your period ends is this normal ?? could this possibly be a period ?? HELP !!!
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i had sex about 9 days ago and i am still bleeding it is very light now but its freaking me out cause i always have very light periods and its scaring the crap out of me cause it has not stopped and i know its not my period!!!!!!!
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I'm going through a similar experience now, I have had bleeding and cramps similar to my period for 4 days now. How many days did it take for the bleeding to stop for you? Did you see a doctor, if so what did the doctor say about this?
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I lost my virginity last week and im going through a similar situation. As far as I could find, anywhere from 2 to 6 days of heavy bleeding is normal. It's just from your hymen rupturing.
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