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Large lump found on labia majora........ painful........ worried!

Hello there. I am 20 years old and Im a virgin. I have not had sexual contact of any kind, i.e not even oral. The day before yesterday I felt a pea sized lump on the inside of my outer labia. It was uncomfortable but not painful as such. Today it has gotten bigger, and when i looked at it with a mirror it is on the outside of my labia as it is clearly visible by looking at it. if i push and pull it around (it is very painful to do so) it does move, and there appears to be a sort of white 'head' on it, though this 'head' is under the skin. I have looked on the internet to find out what this could be and the only things i can come up with are a cyst or an ingrown hair. I had a small pea sized non painful lump in a similar place last year and that went away in a few days of its own accord but this is different. I do not feel comfortable talking to my parents about this. I am not currently registered with a doctor. Do you think i should register one and go and see them as soon as possible? What could it be? It is hurting me to wipe myself, and also when i sit down or stand up. Please help me.
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I read on another website that its best to drain the cyst if that is what it is, so i sterilised a razor blade and tried to burst the cyst. However it didnt work. I dont know if i wasnt cutting deep enough but it was very painful so i stopped. I tried squeezing it and that didnt help either. I dont know what to do about this. If i register with a doctor would going to see the nurse be sufficient? are there any over the counter products that could help deal with the pain in the mean time?
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This is likely an infection hair follicle.  You should see a doctor now, especially since you have resorted to home surgery in the form of trying to cut into it with a razor blade.  

If it happens again in the future, apply moist heat to it several times a day (warm washcloth) and leave it alone.  It will drain on its own eventually.  If it doesn't, or if it becomes bigger or red areas spread you should see a doctor.

But now that you have opened it up with a razor, I'd see a doctor.  You could get a nasty infection.  Explain to the doctors office exactly what happened, so they can get you in quickly.  If they can't, go to an urgent care or ER where you can be seen quicker.
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This sounds to me like a boil/cyst/infected hair follicle. You should really see a doctor if its that bothersome to you! Don't mess with it so much either! I get those too, and I find that when I examine them or press on them in any way they get more and more irritated, and that just makes you think, "gosh what is this thing?!". They normally heal up within a few days in my case. Taking a warm bath or placing a warm wash cloth on them can help draw out the infection, and makes it feel much better. If the skin breaks, put a very small amount of neosporin on it. Best of luck to you!
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I have a large lump on my left labia majora, Ive always had lumps but they were just normal ingrown hairs that go away within a few days notthing to major. But over the weekend I developed this humongoid "it" on my left side, everytime I look at it it seems to just grow bigger, I always bathe in hot water, but this sucker just wont go down, its big enough that I can grasp it with the tips of all five fingers. My g/f tried to squeeze it last night and it hurt like all hell, Ive tried to put a hot compress but it dosent even take the pain away, now if I do squeeze i can see like a head thats just really smooth and it looks sort of like a small head on top of a huge cyst now. Any suggestion ???
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So did u ever figure out what it was? I just began to notice mine this past Thursday. I messed with it Friday night and it just got bigger. It hurts everytime I walk I can't even sleep due to the pain.
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I'm in pain right now. This is the 8th time I get this thing!..I've gone to the E.R twice they cut it open n insert a tube so it can drain. But I'm tired of going ...so what I do is just sit in the tub with warm water and just let it pop n drain on its own.I'm the best thing to do is not mess with it just leave it alone sit in the tub 3 times a day or more if possible. It sux going thru this but that's the only way to get rid of it...I've tried many things before n they never work all I do now is take a lot of pain killers and leave it alone..good luck to ya
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Hi, thank you for your posts.  I think I have exactly what you are describing.  It is twice as big today than it was yesterday.  Mine has a white head on it but it appears to be under the skin.  I was thinking that I may go into the ER because it is very painful and i had no idea what it is. I do feel a little better though after reading this forum.   I would go to my regular doc, but since my layoff, I don't have insurance and it seems easier to go to the ER and pay off the bill.  I'm not sure though.  I think I will try the several baths thing and warm compresses and see how it feels tomorrow.  Its been growing for almost a week now and is now painful just sitting here.  Please send updates if you have them.  Thanks so much
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I posted something similar yesterday with no reply ;-( my lump starts off as red, then it gets painful for two days before it starts bleeding spotty. The pain goes after that but it turns a scary purple. I dnt shave exactly on that area. Wat could it be?
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I am getting over the same thing thing and since there seem to be more questions than answers, I'll tell you what worked for me.  I put slices of garlic on the infected area and covered it with a band-aid.  The garlic brought the infection to the surface and over the course of the last two days it has drained quite a bit.  This morning the infection finally came to a head, and I was able to pull out the ingrown hair (which was surrounded by quite a bit of puss).  It has been reduced by nearly 2/3 from it's original size and is still draining.  I know it sounds gross, but garlic does the trick, no matter where the infection is.
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I have had these since 13 years of age. They are Cyst or Hidradenitis suppurativa (hi-drad-uh-NI-tis sup-u-ra-TI-va) this is a chronic skin inflammation marked by the presence of blackheads and one or more red, tender bumps (lesions). The lesions often enlarge, break open and drain pus. Scarring may result after several recurrences.

Considered a severe form of acne (acne inversa), hidradenitis suppurativa occurs deep in the skin around oil (sebaceous) glands and hair follicles. The parts of the body affected — the groin and armpits, for example — are also the main locations of apocrine sweat glands.

Hidradenitis suppurativa tends to start after puberty, persist for years and worsen over time. Early diagnosis and treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa can help manage the symptoms and prevent new lesions from developing.
Hidradenitis suppurativa commonly occurs around hair follicles where many oil and sweat glands are found, such as the armpits, groin and anal area. It may also occur in areas where skin rubs together, such as the inner thighs, under the breasts or between the buttocks. Hidradenitis suppurativa can affect a single area or multiple areas of the body.

There is no cure for hidradenitis suppurativa. But early treatment can help manage the symptoms and prevent new lesions from developing.

Treatments depend on the extent of the affected areas and whether the sores are painful or infected. Mild cases can be treated with self-care measures, including warm compresses and regular washings with antibacterial soap. Moderate cases may require medications, such as those you rub on the affected areas (topical medications) or those you take by mouth (oral medications). For severe or persistent cases or for deep lesions, surgery may be necessary.

Apply a warm washcloth or compress to help reduce swelling.
Gently wash the affected areas with antibacterial soap. After washing, apply an over-the-counter antibiotic.
Wear loosefitting clothes and underwear to prevent skin irritation.
Avoid shaving the affected areas to prevent skin irritation.

Talk to your female relatives as this is Genetic, (men do get this, but is rare)

When in doubt go see a doctor. It will make you feel better.
But write down questions, and make him/ her answer them. Don't leave untell you understand. Remember you are paying alot of money to see them!
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i had a boil too on my left labia majora...at first, i am not sure if it is a boil..i thought it was only a pimple, but when i went to the OB, she told me that it was a boil..she recommended me to take in an antibiotic drug-Stafloxin 500g 4x a day 4 1 week..and she suggested that i should do- hot compress in that part for 30 min. 3x a day..what i did also was after i hot compressed it, and then washed with antibacterial soap is that i covered it with cotton plus the gauge and plaster so as not to further infect the area..after 2 days of doing it, the boil pop out on its own..
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I've had painful bumps on my labia before and I was relieved to know that it's very common. I use Anbesol or something similar (an oral numbing gel) to help with the pain. Just be careful when applying it! If the bump appears to be filled with pus, I usually drain it just to help relieve pain (I use Anbesol to numb the area first and a sterilized needle). If you're not sure if your lump is a Bartholin's gland infection, see a doctor first!
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I had a small sore lump on my left upper labia minora that quickly grew larger.  Within 3 days it went from the size of a tic-tac to the size of the end joint of my thumb.  It became so tender that anything touching it was agonizing, and even if nothing touched it, it ached like a toothache.  I was so worried that the infection was going to poison my system if it didn't pop, and I thought I would probably have to go to the emergency room to get it lanced.  Between being embarrassed and being scared to let anyone or anything touch it, I dreaded going.  I took lots of hot baths, and put drawing salve on it overnight, but it didn't open.  The next night, I used very hot teabags (as hot as I could stand--without burning myself, of course) as a compress.  I'd read about that on-line.  I probably did that 10 times in a row, replacing a teabag when it cooled.  That must have been the thing that did the trick, because the last time when I removed the teabag, it was covered with orange=y looking blood; I assume it was blood and pus. As soon as it opened like that, it was easier to press on it and empty the rest of the blood/pus mixture out.  It was still tender, but not agonizing.  A LOT came out, and I took a hot bath afterwards.  It was amazing how quickly the pain was just a memory!  
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Hi all first time posting. Also very relieved this is a common thing! I had one come up a couple days ago and is especially painful at night. But cream with a numbing agent works wonders, and i will follow tips left by you, BIG THANKS!! :)

Just wondering, is it just me, or has anyone noticed it's more commonly on the left side?
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You know what? Mine's on the left side, too. Why is that?? Weird. Maybe there is a larger gland on that side or something, who knows? I could feel mine on both sides, like a hard knot. Didn't notice it until after sex with the husband and it was tender and itched so got a mirror to check it out. When I was able to get it between my fingers and squeeze (hurt like hell) it let out some white pasty smelly stuff (yuck). Then, the more I squeezed it between two fingers more whitish, yellowish (more liquidy this time) came out. Just messing with it made it 3 times the size it was when I first noticed it, but now it seems to be going down a lot and not so painful anymore. Had it for 2 days now and husband bugging for more sex but I'm embarrassed to tell him why I don't want to engage him b/c he'd probably think that was NASTY! Anyway, huge relief since I squeezed it and hoping it goes down on its own now within next few days.
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Mine is on the right side and is large but only hurts a little bit if I touch it. This morning I could tell it had a white head on it so I think it's the same as all of yours. I've had these before (my mom said she would get them too) and they've always been smaller and have gone away after a day or two. This time it's stayed for almost a week, but I think it might've been due to having a heavier period this month and using pads every day and night.
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Hey everyone... recently i found a little bump on the left side of my labium majora. It didnt hurt and after a day i tried to pop it. its been here for about a week now and has grown in size it is now painful sometimes and part of it is hard while the other isnt.. Ive never had sex or any other type of male contact in this area. When I look at it it is purple but not to noticeable. Ive put hot clothes on it but it hasnt gotten better. It doesnt feel like something is there in the morning but it progresses in size during the day...
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Pennies work for boils get a bandaid or tape and put a penny on it before bed, usually by morning the infection will come surface and form like a white head then u can drain it. It sounds weird but it works , something about the copper helps it...
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hey guys fist time posting,
I am 17 years old and not sexually active. Yesterday as I was changing into my bathing suit I found a white bump on my left labia. Its actually right on the tip, not inside. I tried popping it (probably a bad idea) and nothing happened. There is now what looks like a little dot of blood on the whiteness of it. I am really panicking and could use some advice! I dont want to talk to my mom about it because I know she will freak out. From the research i've done, it looks like a cyst, but it could also be a sweat pimple..? Someone please help me, I am so scared.
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Hi Amanda,
I happened across this forum as I just noticed a similar "bump" a couple of days ago.  I know it's been a couple of days ago that you posted, but wanted to tell you that it is more than likely a small cyst as most in this post have described, and nothing to really worry about.  I do think you should go to your mom and tell her what is going on.  Even though she may freak out at first, she will soon learn that it really doesn't have much to do with being sexually active.  It would be a good thing to have some support from her, no matter what the "bump" is an indication of.  Just remember, mom's love their kids unconditionally.  She will also be able to help you in finding the right doctor if it doesn't go away on it's own fairly soon.  I am giving it a few more days of watching and waiting, but will definitely see my GYN if it doesn't improve.  Good luck!
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OMG i have TWO of these and they hurt SO much. they're both on the left, they're mega huge and one is like pretty much all the way inside. so that's rather upsetting. i haven't tried to pop them or treat them in any way because a couple of days ago i thought they would just go away. i've done a warm bath, didn't work, and it hurts A LOT to just sit down. D: i guess i'll try some garlic or pennies?? i'm supposed to to a bike race on saturday and i seriously feel like i can't possibly do it. but it was $45 to register and i bought a new bike for it! D: i need a solution!! lord have mercy
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Hi, so I had this problem too and first I was scared I had obtained a wart because my boyfriends has them on my hands and I have been told some of the strands associated with hand warts are similiar enough to be passed on to the genital area. Much to my relief this is not the case.

So anyway what I did was take a very hot shower. I washed the infected area ONLY with face wash, rinsing it very quickly. I then Used a soft baby cloth with antibacterial soap and washed it off very gently. Then with another baby cloth I soak it completely in the warmest water I could stand. and just let it rise to the surfice. Just hold the cloth there, once is starts to cool, get a new cloth and repeat the process. Once you can see a small white head poking out, it's okay to try to pop it.

Immediately wash it with an antibacterial again and eventually you will be able to pop the entire thing. Once you are done, if you've done it right it will look as if nothing was there at all.
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Ive had this 4 about 3 years I only get them before during or days after my menstrual and ive went to the er and my gynocologist and they say its a ingrown hair but I rarely shave since the first couple times ive noticed it sometimes its swollen with no head other times its a black head or a puss bump
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I am in my 40s and have been getting these since I was 30. I have notice that if I check often for little non inflamed spots and squeeze it, a thick pus with the hair follicle comes out and this has prevented the swollen red hurting boil thing....
wanting to know if anyone else has noticed hair loss?
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