159727 tn?1356513483

Many problems exist.. no idea what it could be......

Ill try to make this short

Im 18years old
I am overweight (but not my #1 concern right now)
I am not sexualy active and never have been.
I only had 1 period since nov of 04. (spring 06) They have never been regular

I have excessive sweating (i think??) esp. on my butt. I have to wear pads or it's very noticable on chairs i sit in.

Sometimes i have sharp pains in my chest and it hurts when i breathe. I just suck it up or apply pressure and its gone in a few secs.

For awhile, i had coughing fits. I felt fine but coughed nonstop... but not in my sleep.

I do not have very good endurance, i loose my breath easily.

When i run, my chest hurts so i have to stop.

Sometimes i have stabbing pain that lasts for only a few seconds in my side.. or even pelvic area(Like cramps)

I have bad headaches sometimes.. for no reason at all..

I have problems with my moods and personality. I WAS perscribed bipolar meds but they didnt do anything. I am very weird and anti teenage-like. I find some things normal that others see as insane. My psych. says it may be depression, but i dont LIKE anything anymore. i dont find joy in things, but i'm not sad. Just very stoic.

Sometimes i stare off into space and dont realize it for awhile..

Lately, ive been having memory probs. Forgetting little things and bad short term memory.

(i have some other minor symptoms that i dont think matter much.. like my pinky toenails tend to fall off every so often.... excessive hair growth in places it shouldnt.. )

I'm out of space now, so thanks for all of your guys' help!!

20 Responses
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Cait - I agree 100% that you are likely suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Read the information at this link: http://www.4woman.gov/faq/pcos.htm

It also sounds like you're suffering from depression. If you are still in school, go to your guidance counsellor or even your teacher, and explain your situation. I bet they know of free resources to help you out, that you haven't heard of before.

Do get some help - you CAN be helped!!
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goodness, u got a lot to deal with huh? i dont like to go to the dr. but i find if i do i feel better, i would do the best i could to get to one, even if it meant letting them know i may not have the money right away to pay for it.
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159727 tn?1356513483
To be completely honest... I haven't been to a doctor since i can remember.. Probably around 3 years old...

My mom, being a nurse, said doctors are stupid and dont know anything.

She had some serious problems too, and no doctors could figure it out..  (we were going to have an appt made at the mayo clinic, but she died before then)

So.. i just never went to any.. and ive never really been /sick/ like flu or whatever..

I havent had chicken pox.. or anything...

The only thing is.. when i was really little like 2,3,4 i had weird red "bumps" on my skin.. i was tooken to several demoatologists and noone knew what it was.. it wasnt chicken pox...  they eventually went away.. so noone thought anything of it....

No idea if it has a connection to now..

Also i have weird .. rashes sometimes.. on my arms.. I never scrape my arms on anything but it looks a LOT like i fell on some pavement! but i didnt.. Im thinking perhaps my cat might have sat on my bed and licked my skin raw while i sleep.. but i have no idea...

They hurt for the first few days but then i dont even realize they are still there...

So.. my dad hasnt been to a doctor in forever either.. he's been to a back doctor type person and we found out he has degenerative disk disease from smoking or something..

But i tell him that i want to go to a doctor because i dont like living like this. He says

"well i dont know who to go to and they will charge us way too much so no!"

It's very frustrating for me............

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134578 tn?1693250592
Well, the first thing is to remember that at 18, you don't need your dad's permission or money to go to a doctor.  I know that you would be worried about expense, but you should be able to do some things:  

1.  Read up (and do what you can) about diet.  Try Weight Watchers (yes, go to their meetings.  They are a world of support, I am not kidding).  If you are enough overweight, it can cause some of the other problems you named.  Also, if you get to the point where some of their information is working for you, you will find that a lot of other things in your life seem more in control.

2.  Once you have a handle on your weight, look for a job.  Try for one with benefits, so you can get health insurance.  I noticed at a Toys R Us the other day (I think that was it) they even offered health insurance for sales employees.

3.  Ask other relatives you trust, not just your dad, for help.  If they see you are trying to take charge of things, they will help you if they can.  If no relatives, then interested friends (not other kids, though, right now you don't need distraction).  You might talk to the pastor at a church if you can.  

Good luck, honey.  You can get past the inertia, but you have to want to (at least a little) to generate some momentum.  Just waiting isn't going to help you, and your dad has probably gotten too depressed to rely on.  Praise yourself for each step, even the tiny ones.  Learning to pat yourself on the back will save your life.

You are right to say "I don't want to live like this."  That's the first step.  I'm rooting for you.

(((HUGS)))  Annie
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143952 tn?1237864541
i'm so sorry for the loss of your mother, and for all of your sadness.  are you still in school?  if you are, please see your counselor and confide in him or her.  if you belong to a local church, you could see your pastor/preacher/priest and ask for assistance there.  if all else fails, check your local phonebook to see if there are any resources you could use.  hopefully there are some hotlines you could call to find some help.  your first task could be working on your weight.  go slowly and don't overdue excercising.  try walking for awhile, not running!  if you can't afford the fees for weight watchers, you can probably find enough of the information online to do a pretty good job of following it by youself.  the excessive sweating could in part be due to the weight - i know i sweat a lot more than i did when i was skinny :)  good luck, and please don't give up trying to make things better :)
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Caiterz....I am sorry to hear of all that you are going through. When I read what you wrote, I was in a world of shock. I am also sorry to hear of the loss of your mom.

The comment that AnnieBrooks wrote was very touching! I see her post in many situations with everyone! I don't know her...but man, she's things right on the point of target!

She's very supportive in ways you can't even imagine! I wish you all the luck in finding all the solutions that you need and want. I too, am here if you need to talk and is rooting for you.

Taking the path and road you will go on does require taking baby-steps. Remember as a child, you first learned to crawl, before you could sit up and then you learned to walk before you could run?

These are the steps you will have to take...and although you may feel like sometimes you can't go any further...you have us all here to help and lean on!!

Lots of Love and Support from California...

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Well firstly I wanted to say that you sound like a very intelligent young woman. You are very articulate in documenting what your problems and issues are and I think that speaks volumes about the kind of person you are at heart. I know that the internet can be very easy to open up to and you may not be like this in person and even have difficulty talking face to face with other people, I don't know, but I see that you have the potential to be a fluent, intelligent, articulate and successful woman so well done for speaking out and for finding this board - the women here are fantastic and you will get all the support you need and then some!!!

I also wanted to add that you seem very wise to your surroundings and what you know should and shouldn't be tolerated. I see that you are aware your father is not very helpful - and God knows I can certainly understand why. I am sorry for the loss of your mother - you never stop needing your mum in your life and times like this probably make it very difficult for you. I would not be surprised if a lot of your health concerns are partly due to your being overweight, but I also recognise that they could be signs of stress and depression. The rashes for instance are a classic sign of this but they could also be exacerbated (worsened) by the fact that your diet and nutrition probably needs addressing.

Annie's post above has some great starter points that you absolutely need to do and I hope that you will keep in touch with this board and even use us as support while you take these steps that will benefit your life! Take care and be strong!
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I gree with Annie's post. The only thing is weight watchers, if I'm not mistaken, cost a great deal of money. I would start out with trying to eat better. A lot of veggies, and drink plenty of water. Your weight can cause a lot of problem people don't even realize.  Start walking and see if you start to feel better. It will give you a goal, someting to keep your mind set right. Your mind can make weird things happen. The rash could be from your nerves. You still need to go to the doctor. Look for somewhere close that has a clinic. It would be worth the ride. Or you could use an online doctor. I know some don't charge very much.

  I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. I'm sure that has affectd you greatly.Depression can cause physical pain. Pains and aches.

I wish I could help you more. I wish you the best!
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134578 tn?1693250592
I was not talking about buying Weight Watchers products, but instead about going to their meetings, and I don't think that is expensive.  It's not like LA Weight Loss and such places.  It's more like AA.  You just go to the meetings to talk, not to buy things or be given foods or whatever.
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I did WW for a bit -- if you go to the meetings & weigh-ins, there is a registration fee or you pay $13 per session (depends on your location I believe). And if you miss a weigh-in, they can possibly charge $5 per missed session.

http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/mtf/index.aspx <--- you can find a location here & see what their meetings cost you. Also - the food is OK, but TOO expensive, not worth it at all!

You can also do it on-line, or get the gist of it in a few meetings & then do it on your own -- I found if you actually go to the meetings & weigh-in's, it's much more beneficial because there's that goal every week of weighing in in front of someone, and having them write it down, and the other people there really help to encourage you.

Cait - I think the key for you will be to get your diet right & things will fall into place (as other posters mentioned)... There are alot of on-line support groups & people you can talk to to have "diet buddies"... you can also do things like Slim Fast online, it's free, and they set up a meal plan for you, you can also email with other slim fasters.

Good luck!!!!
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i'm glad you told me that. I don't know what it is here where I am (wv). I thought you had to join a club or something. Sorry about the wrong info.
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134578 tn?1693250592
Thanks, hon.
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134578 tn?1693250592
I'm glad you posted that about Weight Watchers.  I didn't think the meetings were especially costly, and I hated to think of people scaring each other off such a good program by confusing it with things like Jenny Craig or LA Weight Loss.  My husband has done Weight Watchers twice, once years ago (35 lb. loss) and once this year (when he heard I was pregs, LOL), for a 30 lb. loss.  The weight stayed off, too.  Every meeting he went to, it seemed like they had as a topic of discussion that night exactly the thing he needed to hear (the first meeting this round they were talking about "portion control," and boy did that ring a bell for him).  And he is NEVER hungry when he is in his regime with them, and he eats foods we have here at home (his first WW counselor said not to waste your time buying Weight Watchers food -- LOL again!)  And he just loses the pounds like a dream and feels so darn good.  So I really think it is a great program.  There are normal-sized ladies sitting there in normal-sized jeans and they will say, "Well, I have lost 80 lbs. since starting Weight Watchers."  It is totally amazing, and there is just so much help and support in the room.  So thanks again for giving the details -- I haven't ever asked dh how much it costs, just got the impression it wasn't that much.
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No prob - and I totally agree -- it's a GREAT program. It's a very healthy, realistic approach to weight loss. It's not a get slim quick, cut out carbs (insane!?!) crazy plan - it's just an easier way to count calories.

That's so great that it's worked out so well for your husband! I did it a little while back, lost about 8 lbs (goal was 10, but good enough for me!) and have kept it off since, and I learned alot about the food I was eating, and what not to eat anymore!

Also, i just weighed in & went to the meetings for a month or so, then I did the program on my own (had a weight-watcher buddy luckily), and we didn't  have to pay, just did our own at home weigh-ins....so that wored well!

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Hey girl,
Sometimes when you have a lot of different problems and doctors don't see an obvious connection they'll try to convince you that they are isolated problems or that some of it is in your mind.  I am certainly not a medical professional, but what I can say is that doctors may be wrong. So, when you do get to a doctor keep this in mind.  Right now think about your diet and water consumption.  Maybe you have some food allergies.  Think about what you are eating and how you feel afterwards.
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Original poster--
Let me just say that as I was reading your post, I was brought to tears.  My mom died 3 years ago, when I was 30 years old.
I just want to encourage you that SSOOOO many of your symptoms sound like symptoms of grief.  I am not discounting the fact that you may have some medical issues, but I would like to address the fact that you need help!  Grief is a very natural, but extremely difficult process to work through on your own.  And, even if dad is overly caring and loving, if he is struggling on his own with the loss of your mom, he is probably not able to help you.  It sort of sounds like you are alone.

Almost every symptom you mentioned can be an effect of losing someone...especially your mother.  I say this because I went through a period very similar to what you're experiencing.  And, you alluded several times to the fact that your mom was ill, but you don't know what she died from.  It is very common..almost expected..that when a young girl loses her mom, you will begin to psychologically exhibit symptoms that were hers.  Your identity is wrapped up in who your mom was...sometimes, in my worst moments, I don't expect to live past the age my mom was when she died.  I always thought I was "crazy" for having these thought, until I was counseled on grief, and realized that the mother/daughter bond is very unique, and that my response was normal!!

I say all of this to encourage you to find someone..a school counselor, your pastor at church..someone that can help you work through the grief.

You may truly have physical symptoms, but please address your psychological ones, as well.

Keep us posted--
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Try to find this book..

Motherless Daughters by Hope Edelman

It was invaluable to me, because it made me realize that I was making myself Physically sick due to some psychological stress.
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Sorry -- that last post was supposed to be to annie, lucy & cait!!! it didn't come out right in the "comment to:" box...
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Lord have they done a full body CT scan? i mean all these problems cant be in your head.Sounds like some serious issues that need immediate attention.
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159727 tn?1356513483
OK i forgot something IMPORTANT..

I live with my dad... and we're kind of poor and we live in the middle of nowhere in michigan.

Sooooo....We dont really have the ability to go to a doctor.. and we dont know what kind of doctor to go to even if we could.

There are no free clinics around here besides basic things (bloodpressure monitoring)

My mom was a nurse, but she suddenly died last year. She didn't know what was wrong with me either, but she was probably more concerned with herself..

Thanks again

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