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Mirena IUD pregnancy symptoms

Hi guys!  I had a mirena inserted in march 06, i bleed for 2mths straight and then stopped, and got a normal period a month later.  I am 3weeks over due for my period, im always tired, frequent urination, weight gain (eating heaps)...and feeling sick like i want to vomit.  I have also had problems with my bowels (which is common in my pregnancies).  I have three children already oldest is 3 and the young 8mths.  I have got pregnant on the pill, the implant (in the arm)...and im scared im pregnant again.  I had a home preg test which came up neg, then a week later it came up lightly positive.  Just to make sure i took another one three days later and it came up neg.....what is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Rosalind
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If you are having symptoms of pregnancy you need to get your self tested right away as ectopic (tub) pregnancys are uncommon they are a higher risk with birth controls such as the marina. More then that the risk of being pregnant on marina according to my recent research is no longer 1% or 1 out of 1000 but instead it is 8-10%. Now that's just according to what I have found. I have had my marina since February of 2013. My periods have been lighter and shorter. How ever then the more recent months I have been having symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea. Feeling tired all the time. Cravings. Feet selling. And a decreased sex drive. Really bad heart burn too.  I have a almost 3 year old and wasn't really planning to have any more kids right now. I asked my doctor about it and all she could say was I don't know if it's normal. And left it at that. Since having the marina I have never been more then 3 days late with my period. Now I'm 7 days late and feeling worse then ever. I am going to the doctors Wednesday and if all is well I'm having this thing taken out. I have recently learned that if I do become pregnant on the iud it may not be able to be removed as in doing so could result in a miscarriage. By leaving it in it could cause a miscarriage anyways and possibly birth defects. I could handel the 1% but the more research I do on this the more I find that pregnancy on the marina is more common then I originally thought. I'm worried that if I am pregnant that the iud could harm the baby. I'm playing safe and having it removed. I feel that there are things that weren't disclosed to me before have the iud implanted. I did research but I guess not enough. everything I have found has me. Very worried about my health.
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So I got the Mirena around six months ago I think. I got it to alleviate period cramps and it has been great so far. A few weeks ago I was possibly raped. I haven't had sex other than that (and I can't remember all of what happened that night). My boobs are a little tender and I've been feeling nauseous and had a lack of appetite for the last week or two. I've continued to spot just like normal with the mirena in the first few months. Do you think it is possible I might be pregnant? I know the statistics are so low (especially just from one instance), but who knows--I'm 20 and probably pretty fertile otherwise. If you think there is a chance I could be pregnant, should I buy a cheap test at the drug store or go straight to the doctor. I'm in college so I have lots of free (well, paid for by tuition) resources at my disposal. Thanks for your advice.
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Hello there.. my daughter is fixing to be a year old and I got my mirena when she was 2 months old and im experiencing what feels like the fluttering, back pain, spotting, nausea, which to me seems like pregnancy symtoms. Im constanly tired no matter how much sleep I get. Hunger like a wolf to. Im thinking im going to get my removed. Any other IUD suggestions? Does it cost to get it taken out?
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Hello my name is Ariel i'm 23 and my husband and I just had our first baby little less then 7 months ago.  I got the IUD 4-6 weeks after having my beautiful daughter Clover-Lynn and have had problems from the beginning.  First there was problems with the string and I had to go back several times to have it shortened and now there is no string for me to even do a check to see if its in right.  I have noticed pregnancy symptoms for about two months now.  I get random periods some time a little painful.  My breast hurt almost everyday, intercourse is some times very uncomfortable just like during my pregnancy. I am very confused and scared, I my self do not want any more children my pregnancy was very rough.  I'm always tired my seance of smell is unbelievable and I'm losing an enormous amount of my hair, these were also all the signs i had when I was pregnant.  I have not taken any tests I have called the doctor twice and they brush it off like I'm nuts.  I feel no lumps or anything in my stomach but that doesnt always tell you everything.. I've also had a eptopic pregnancy before so my odds are even greater.  As I read all these blogs I begin to wonder if maybe all these symptoms we are having is being cause from all the hormones in our bodies. I think the IUD needs more research behind it.  
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7677474 tn?1393281310
i need  help i dont know if im pregnac or not i do have a iud in me and the last time i had my peirod was jan 22 before my bday and i been asking people but they say its nothin it could be just stress but i been feeling sick in the moring my throat would hurt and my nose would run and run or suff up i dont know i throw up but it was like clear and bubbles and i dont know i been eating alot and looking up what could it be so i need answers plzz guys help me i dont know  what to do im 23 year old yes im young i dont know if i should tell my mom bc she old and i dont think she could handle it i dont talk to the person i last had sex with so im scared i need anybody help that could help and tell he whats the problem
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Has anyone actually came out pregnant or just symptoms?? I am not using protection and lately I've been very tired and moody. i feel flutters , having cramps, and even dreams of being pregnant while being woken up crying and staying o the verge of crying all day log...  all the home pregnancy test are negative... no insurance just yet (3 weeks) ... crossing fingers but don't want to get to excited.
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Yes! I have been having major breast tenderness and tingling for 5 weeks now, and have been also having frequent urination I get up 3times a night! I am off th get the iud removed tomorrow. Before I do I will take a pregnancy test. I'm scared, after hearing all these stories. I have had the iud for over 4 years. What happened .... We're you pregnant?
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I have had my mirena in place now for 4 years and 8 months. I recently have started to feel those same pregnancy symptoms. I have stomach cramps, spotting headaches and eating a lot more. I took a pregnancy test but it came back negative. The problem with that is that the test itself says that if you have ovarian cysts,  it can lead to a negative result. I don't have insurance and am very worried about ectopic pregnancy. I am wondering if because I am almost at my 5 year mark if it is not giving off as much hormone needed to protect against pregnancy. I normally feel nausea in the morning but it subsides by the afternoon. I already have to children and wouldn't be terribly upset to have another if that was the case but I am really scared with what could be going on. I would not recommend the iud to anyone. I believe that this iud is what caused me to get very painful ovarian cysts. Please anyone with info let me know
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Had Mirena 5 months now,

First few days, potting
Light period first month, no period since
This last month or so I am tired all of the time and my breasts really hurt
The last 2 weeks I have been peeing more + heartburn
Strings are still where they were

Mood swings are better than while on pill
Not sure what to try next, pill was bad for mood swings/crying
40, 3 kids
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Did anything else ever come of this? I am on my 3rd Mirena. I've always gained a little weight when I get them in at first, but lose it easily. For the last month, I've convinced myself that I am pregnant. I also had a negative HPT. But still have tender breasts, swollen abdomen, extremely tired, and feel unhappy.. I just wonder if its possible to get a negative HPT, and still be pregnant. Did you go to the Dr.?  Are you pregnant? Please let me know. I really don't want to start my deductible over if the negative is definately a negative.  Thanks!
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what ever happened? im getting fluttering and swirling and every test i take is negative too, im really interested to know what your blood test came back to say? im really close to going to get one myself! especially becaise i have surgery for a tumor on Jan 8th and im worried about doing it if im pregagnt, i had mirena put in jan 2013 and everything has been fine until recently
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My symptoms to a tee, how did u go?
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I have had my IUD in place for around 20 months now, have had regular cycle since insertion, until about three weeks ago when I began to spot blood, very much on and off, with breast tenderness and swelling and overall feeling of pregnancy as I already have two children. Just annoyed and wondering if I am maybe over reacting? Also huge tummy!!!!
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Hi there, saw that u had these symptoms early this year, I have had the same symptoms for two months now, getting scared, how did u go?
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Were you pregnant or not? I have the same symptoms
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I've been on the Mirena for a little over a year now. When I first got it, I didn't have my period for a couple months then I finally got it and it last almost a week. After that I didn't get it for another 3 months. Within those three months I thought I was pregnant, not only because I was late but because I had all the symptoms of fatigue,  frequently urinating, cravings, nausea, very emotional and also I felt little flutters in my uterus. I also took a pregnancy test and it turned out to be negative. But again it's been almost three months since my last period and I'm getting the same symtoms again, only this time I feel really bloated. Took another pregnancy test and still negative. Not sure if this is normal or not and I'm starting to think this is my new cycle and if it is it's very scary because I don't know if I'm really pregnant or not.. anyone else get the same symptoms?
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Hi, okay so I've had the mirena for 3 years now, and I've had periods every month except for this month, I've been cramping like I'm going to start but I haven't started and I'm a month late. I took 2 pregnancy test and they both came out negative, but I'm having symptoms of being pregnant. Like frequent urination, feeling nausea after I eat. Idk really know what to do... Anyone know what I should do?
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I have had mine for 6 years. I had extreme pain the following days after getting it. That first year was bad and I had bad pain spells that would have me in the fetal position. After about two years the pain subsided. Every once in awhile there is pain during intercourse. I hardly have periods and they are irregular and VERY light... I mostly just get the symptoms of a period. You do get pregnancy symptoms once in awhile. I now think I am pregnant due to pregnancy symptoms that are not like the mock ones im use to, these are much stronger than they have ever been. My doctor did tell me a blood test would need to be done to detect pregnancy with an IUC.
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I too am 35 with a 3 1/2 year old son.  I have been having signs of a pregnancy too.  I have been getting headaches, I'm always tired with absolutely NO energy, being irritable, weight gain, heartburn, my breast are getting bigger and mood swings.  I am going to make an appointment to see if I am indeed pregnant and if not, then I may need to get the IUD taken out.
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I have been having issues in the last week I had my peruid a week ago and the other day I spotted once then stopped mh stomach gets nauseas everytime I eat and feels like its going to explode....anyideas
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6707015 tn?1384035590
the same is happenig to me i have had my iud for the past yr and a i think im prego i have all symptoms but is hard to tell because i never gotten my period
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I just got my mirena a 2 months.ago. i have 1 baby and in no way am i ready for a.sec. i dont know what is going on. I have every pregnancy sympton known to man. Throwing up and what really scares me is my breasts r so.tender. i have cked my strings and i dont feel anything. Please anyone out therr with any advise i am all ears....
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I just got my mirena a 2 months.ago. i have 1 baby and in no way am i ready for a.sec. i dont know what is going on. I have every pregnancy sympton known to man. Throwing up and what really scares me is my breasts r so.tender. i have cked my strings and i dont feel anything. Please anyone out therr with any advise i am all ears....
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I am on my second IUD.  My first 5 years were fantastic...no issues!  Then I had the second inserted two years ago and now I have an appointment to remove it!!!  I am experiencing all symptoms of pregnancy, negative urine and blood test, and have confirmed no other health conditions with my doctor.  Like I said, my next step is to have it removed and see if the symptoms will stop!!  I have a 7 & 8 year old.  I am very happy with being a Momma of two, but at this point...if I'm going to feel pregnant...I might as well be pregnant!  We are considering having Daddy snipped!!  Good Luck everyone!
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