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Monthly boils or ingrown hair?

For several years I have been getting knots on my genital area, sometimes more so on the buttocks area.  These knots are very uncomfortable, they hurt for anything to touch them.  Sometimes they will come to a head or with a warm compress, I can get them to bust and pus comes out then blood then clear fluid.  I end up bruising the area, but ultimately I put alcohol on it with a cotton ball or neosporin ointment to try and get it to go away.  The doctor (OB/GYN) says it might be from shaving?  He said it is probably hormones causing a hair folical to become inflamed.  I am not so sure about this diagnosis.  Because this started about 4 to 5 years ago and now it seems I have one most of the time.  I read where other women have these on this site and wonder how many of us are suffering.  And what else has other womens doctors told them?  One girl suggested it may be herpes.  I have herpes, I contracted it when raped in 1986.  I have not had any kind of breakout since 1989.  Then what I thought was an outbreak in 2002.  But these boils/ingrown hairs (which I have never gotten a hair out from) are not annything like the herpes lesions.
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Change you diet,stop eating corn and wheat,the GMO's are triggering it.White sugar plays apart also.Stop eating pasta.Corn syrup is killing Americans,cut way back on how much pork you eat.I would go to the hospital 2 times a year with IBS symtoms,not anymore.No medication and I'm doing great.I have been eating a little to much sugar so I've got a painful ingrown hair on my little finger,it should clear up in a couple days.I sometimes use a drawing suave called PRID if I get small boils,it works really good.
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I have the same problem:(  I get several boils every month right before and during my menstrual cycle. They last a few weeks. The Dr. Said wash with antibacterial soap and with hibiclens 2x a week but it doesn't help bcuz no matter whatthey come back . iI get them on my vagina, thighs, buttocks, and armpits.  I got tested for herpes and my drDr says I don't have it.   She said yes u do have herpes to no u don't. She said these are definitely boils. Why do they come only when I have my menstrual cycle and my husband doesn't have them and we've been together for 5 years. The Dr says I need to lose wait and quit smoking and eating better and it should go away.?????
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I have suffered the same discomfort and embarrassment of these recurring cysts in the labia area. Try a super clean diet of greens, alkalizing foods, and 4L of WATER!   ABSOLUTELY NO SUGAR OR FRIED FOODS OR DAIRY!  (bacteria thrive on sugary diets, fried foods decrease your immune system's ability to fight infections, and diary if full of hormones that causes breakouts and triggers inflammation in the body)  Avoid all tight clothing...skinny jeans are out!  Tea tree oil or manuka oil 3x/daily during flare ups and daily for prevention.  Bleach baths/soaks will irradicate Staph bacteria which is a major culprit.  (This is the same bleach solution for MRSA prevention if you want to google it)  Commit to the diet change alone will give you results!  This is an ongoing battle that requires lifestyle changes ladies. TAKE CONTROL! AND GOOD LUCK!!
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Sitz bath works...2 cups of epsom salt dissolved in a half tub of hot water(as hot as you can stand it) .. soak for 20mins twice a day until it busts...take ibuprophen for the pain

Once it pops, make a solution of white vinegar and water...use this as an antiseptic and cover with gauze... you may still want to do the sitz bath while it's open until it's fully healed. ... this is what works for me!  And I too get them BAD! Ugh!
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higgssbExternal User
I wouldn't have surgery unless it was a last resort-- and I'm an RN. A lot of surgeons aren't competent to slice ham.
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higgssbExternal User
I agree with your diagnosis...hydradinitis suppuritiva is almost certainly what the problem is. I've been a sufferer for over 30 years now. Some tips: smoking is a no-no. Antibiotics can be effective... such as keflex. In my experience, moist heat tends to make them multiply. My best advice is to get their to a dermatologist and don't ask-- tell them you have hydradinitis suppurativa, and let them advise a treatment plan. Good luck... let me know how it works out.
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I have also had this for several years now. They started out small but now during my cycle they're huge. I thought that having laser hair removal would help but I think I made it worse with that. I recall a co-worker many years ago telling me about a daughter's friend having surgery to remove them but I was too embarrassed to ask what kind of doctor does the surgery. I've never come up positive for Herpes but I have noticed as I'm getting older and have gained a lot of weight its getting worse. I don't tell anyone about it and of course I'm afraid of being intimate with someone except for the last guy I was with didn't care but I don't know if everyone would feel that way. I want to ask my doctor to refer me to a dermatologist but I don't know if they will give any permanent solution to the problem. If someone knows if any surgery works please let me know.

Very frustrated.
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Ive has issues with these for many years, its a mixture of shaving, tight clothes, hormones changing, allergic reaction and yes stress can cause it. I have scares really bad all in that región lets just say ill never be in porn lol. But it is so rmbarrising and i hope to figure out how to stop them and gral the scares. They are big and deep and i get like litttle holes too.! I totally hear you.
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I'm 27 years old, female, and got my first boil ever about 8 months ago. I didn't even know what it was until I went to the doctor because the pain was just killing me. They explained what it was and that they had to lance it. The doctor didn't seem like it was a big deal, as he explained he does this on basically a regular basis.
Ever since then, I have been getting them pretty regularly. At first i thought it was just a body reaction to this guy i was dating, as the boil showed up the first week I was dating him, but he's out of the picture and i still get them.  Now that I can anticipate them, i use hot compresses, and bought a drawing salve from drugstore.com that seems to help a bit. There have been an additional 2 more that I had to go in and get antibiotics for, and they drained on their own.  The last big one I had, I decided to fix myself, which i do not recommend.  I was curious to see if i could fix, which I did (had to poke it, and squeeze and drain all puss out) however you have to make sure it's done in a clean fashion, but be prepared for a scar.
very recently, as of 2 months ago, i've been getting them in clusters, small ones in the inside of my legs and near my bikini line. Normally it's just a single isolated one, on my stomach or back side, well now they are little, still with puss, but inside of my legs.  It's very frustrating and painful, as i have no idea how to prevent this. when I go in to the doctor for antibiotics, they don't have any answers but "use antibacterial soap, and make sure you're clean."  I've never had these ever before in my life up until 8 months ago.  It's almost like I had one, and now my body is infected with this monster. I feel for everyone in this group.
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I don't think this has anything to do with shaving.  I've gotten these since I been puberty and only recently (to try and prevent) like in the past few weeks started to shave.  I've gotten them on my outer labia, armpit, buttocks and my inner thighs. I wonder how many of us are overweight and if its not just irritation from friction and running?
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ive had these "boils" since I became diabetic and they get worse the older I get. ive got 4 at the moment they pop then come right back.  dont know what to do.. I can,barely walk.. they suck...
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I've had these things for about 5 years now and yes they only come around when I shave. It's sooo annoying! Always in the panty line and then I end up wearing my husbands under wear so it doesn't rub. I know sounds weird but the pain is crippling. I bought a hot water bottle but sometimes it just doesn't work. Someone at work told me to try either a raw potatoe or fat back. I had one lanced but now I have a big hole under the skin.
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I used to get this constantly on my groin. Like on my inner thighs, my mons, the inner and outer lips of the vulva..like three or four at a time and they'd get huge and be extremely painful. And as soon as one went down a couple more would crop up so I'd always have them.

Now, I get one maybe every few months.

What has helped me keep them away is not shaving with a traditional razor. I use an electric shaver and right after, I clean the area with anti-bacterial soap. I also clean the blades of the shaver between uses with Dettol to keep bacteria from growing on it.

When they do pop up, I slather them in castor oil a couple of times a day. It helps the boil come to a head and pop naturally, after which I wash the area with the antibacterial soap and continue applying castor oil until the area returns to normal.

Finally, someone told me that cutting back on sugar would help keep them down and I believe that, because while the above procedures reduced them, I didn't notice a big change until I quit drinking soda, juice, and white carbs. After a couple of weeks of that, the remaining boils cleared up drastically and now I rarely see them. So if medicine and all that doesn't work for you, try cutting sugar and see if that doesn't help.

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Ive been going to through the same thing boils/ingrown hairs on the inner thigh buttocks area, ive had it now for probably 5 yrs and through research online i thought i might have HS.. ive went to a couple of doctors and they always tell me its either a bacterial infection or its from shaving, ive tried a million things to get them to go away and just when i think they are starting to, then my period starts to come and i know its coming because i will get like 3 large boil ingrown hair things in that area, so idk about the diagnosis either.. and through research and reading what other women have to say i think this is something alot of women have been hiding so doctors arent really aware of it so they will asume it is from shaving and what not.. i think for me it might be something hormonal or have to do with my sweat glads, for now i am just keeping super clean, trimming not shaving, and using a cream for the scars that have been left from these things... *****!
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Hi, i've just been reading all of these comments and can't believe so many of us are suffering from boils in this area...I started getting mine in my early teens but only ever got one at a time, and was never left with any scars once they had popped... I suffered with them up until I had my first child, then they disappeared, I thought that after having my children my hormones must of changed so that must of been the cause of them.....I was wrong....I am 50 now and about 10 years ago they come back with avengance, I have them all the time, never get any relief from them and I'm covered in scars...antibiotics don't work as my doctor thinks I have so much scar tissue, that the infection is in between the scars so the antibiotic can't work...I have been to see a plastic surgeon who is prepaired to operate on me, by taking all my skin off from around the groin and pubic area and skin grafting me from other area's of me....she said it is a hugh operation and I would need to be desperate to go ahead with it, but I don't know if I have any option, my husband of 26 years has just left me and the thought of meeting someone else and having all of these boils and scar on my pubic area really scares me, I don't know if anyone would be interested in me with this problem....what I would like to ask you guys is, would you consider the surgery.....
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what i get is not a boil with a head or anything its a sore. ii cant pop it and my skin is raw there. i cant touch it with anything cuz it hurts like hell and when i comes i have to wear boyshorts or loose underwear so it doesnt press on it. i thought i had herpes as well bt im pregnant and they do all those tests and they came back negative. i thought it might be from shaving but i stopped shaving so i wouldnt get it anymore and i still do and always ALWAYS in the same spot. in my genital area but not exactly on my vagina its like toward the back and to the side like where my vagina and leg meet before it gets to my rear.... or somewhere close to there. i dont know what to do?? and im too embarrased to ask a doctor to look at it...
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Be careful because a boil that doesn't come to a head could also mean you have MRSA (staph infection) and must be on antibiotics (probably Doxycycline). If so, you'll also need to shower with Hibiclens for at least a week. Have your internist cut it for a sample of pus/blood to send to lab and get positive diagnosis.
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I get these boils in the crease of my legs, on my rear end even nesr the anus, I get them under my breast and in my armpits.  No doctor has given me and answer to the problem.  Im 32 and have been living with these since I was 12.  I had a boyfriend once that embarassed me and said I neeted std testing.  I went and everything turned out fine.  Im just plagued with these nasty things.  Since I get them all over I try taking hot baths and soaking.  I to shave the crease of my legs for my man and that always brings more boild.
I worked in a pharmacy and the pharmacist always recomended this stuff called ichthimol salve or boil ease.
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we have the same problem...i only got boil since when my son was born. and it keeps coming back for 3 months now...i am worried that maybe this can cause me not getting pregnant again? how can i get rid of this and not coming back to me anymore??
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we have the same problem...i only got boil since when my son was born. and it keeps coming back for 3 months now...i am worried that maybe this can cause me not getting pregnant again? how can i get rid of this and not coming back to me anymore??
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Hi guys I have been reading the posts here and I want to share a solution. I also have that problem of big boils/ pus build up in my genital area. It is not herpes. It usually comes out just before my period. I showed it to my dermatologist and she said it is being caused by bacteria that live on our skin. She prescribed a cream- Bactroban (Mupirocin)  and instructed me to apply it on the genital area for 3 weeks and also on my nostrils. Why the nostrils? because she said some bacteria actually are caught and live on our nostrils and spread out to our skin. I'm actually surprised that doctors in the US or other countries where you guys are from have failed to diagnose this. I followed this treatment and it disappeared completely. (I'm from the Philippines by the way)
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I got my first boil 7 years ago and recently I have been getting 2 or 3 a month.  I am now 40 I have looked at all options if it is hormonal stress related etc.  I have been told that people with dark hair are more prone to them.  I normally use Magnesium paste and this normally works and brings it to a head which I can then burst.  Having read all of the posts above, I am concerned that I making this worse.  I have just spent the evening researching it and many suggestions.  One of the things I am goign to try is Vitamin E and A to stop them coming in the first place.  I have tried the hot bottle tonight, but don't think that the boil was ready to burst, been about a week now and still no head.  Will try that again tomorrow.  If anyone has any more self help remedies that work I would love to know about them, as this is driving me insane. xx
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i woud suggest to everyone tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil and apply it directly to the area.  Do this in the morning and before u go to bed and it will take it down significantly for you, the more times you apply the faster it will go down.  I really hope this helps all of you for it has helped me
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I've gotten pimple-like things after shaving before, and they would usually come to a head and so I would pop them and problem over. Well the last two months I got ring worm around my vaginal area. I didn't know what it was at first, but I went to the dr and they gave me a lotion that got rid of it in about a month. My dr suggested I not shave so I don't spread the ringworm. So when it finally went away I shaved my pubic hairs. Only this time I got three or four round, red itchy bumps. They're about the size of my fingertip and aren't painful. They just itch like crazy! When I would get the pimples from ingrown hairs, they would itch. But these seem a little different. They're kind of dry and scaley and don't have heads. I'm worried they're some kind of other rash! I'm on vacation and I don't want it to spread!! Help?!?!
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