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Monthly boils or ingrown hair?

For several years I have been getting knots on my genital area, sometimes more so on the buttocks area.  These knots are very uncomfortable, they hurt for anything to touch them.  Sometimes they will come to a head or with a warm compress, I can get them to bust and pus comes out then blood then clear fluid.  I end up bruising the area, but ultimately I put alcohol on it with a cotton ball or neosporin ointment to try and get it to go away.  The doctor (OB/GYN) says it might be from shaving?  He said it is probably hormones causing a hair folical to become inflamed.  I am not so sure about this diagnosis.  Because this started about 4 to 5 years ago and now it seems I have one most of the time.  I read where other women have these on this site and wonder how many of us are suffering.  And what else has other womens doctors told them?  One girl suggested it may be herpes.  I have herpes, I contracted it when raped in 1986.  I have not had any kind of breakout since 1989.  Then what I thought was an outbreak in 2002.  But these boils/ingrown hairs (which I have never gotten a hair out from) are not annything like the herpes lesions.
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that is exactly what i do with the boils. i pop them if they come to a head and the same stuff comes out, then i clean it and it will go away after a while. then another one will come not long after that. when i did go to the doctor she said alot of people were getting them because of the whole bacteria and stuff from katrina. but i don't think its an ingrown hair becuase it never has a hair come out of it and its likea hard ball underneath the skin.
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Well I am sure it is  not from Katrina!!!  How crazy that sounds.  I do think it is from shaving.  Maybe I will not shave for the next couple months and see if they stop coming back.   Or maybe waxing will be the answer, because really it is something that didn't start until I started shaving, now that I think back.  Its just that my boyfriend would rather I shave.  I could really care less about shaving. except if I am wearing a bikini!  lol
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i agree! i only got the brazilian wax because my husband wanted it and thats when the problems started with the ingrown hairs but i have been getting the boils since after my son was born and besides painful its kinda embarassing.
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I agree it is embarrasing!  I won't even think about being intimate while one of those litle monsters are lurking around!  I shave pretty much for the same reason, my guy, he likes the 'haircut'!  lol

  I'll post again on this subject next month and see if not shaving makes any immediate difference!  

  Did you get these after you waxed too?
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I was just wondering if you wear pantyhose alot? My friend wked where she had to wear them every day & she would get places up very high on her thighs & have to go to the DR w/ this problem. Dr thought it had alot to do w/ the pan everyday. Once she quit that job she hasn't had any more problems:)
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i just got alot of ingrown hairs from the waxing. i went to the doctor today and got meds for it but it hurts bad, like the pressure is built up. i keep putting hot compresses on it to try and see if a head will form so i can relieve the pressure. i think my husband might be giving it to me. i always get them in that area and i had never gotten staff before i met him. he has had it several times and since i shave down there that is open access to staff in that area.
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what does it look like...i have something about the tip of my finger away from the lips of my vag....soo im kinda worried....ive never had one before, soo im worried..please help as soon as u can
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You are not alone in this problem and you are not alone in the fact that no body seems to know exactly what it is. It is called Hydradenitis Superativa or HS for short. Doctors rarely have a clue and are reluctant to diagnose. It can be a severely crippling disease when these things (or aliens as we HS survivors call them)ravage your body with extreme pain. I am in the middle class of HS'ers. I have gotten aliens for about 35 years. But they really showed up after my hysterectomy. It is like the blood and infection has no outlet now and so it all comes thru the pores, but always in the fatty areas, and the genital areas. My worst one was 2 years ago right after I had a gastric bypass, it came on the inside of my thigh, would not come to a head and was literally as big as a golf ball. Then it spread out about 8 inches wrapping around my leg and still would not burst. I had to go to the doctor and tell him what it was because they JUST DONT KNOW ... and he had to cut it out of my leg. It took three surgeries to remove it all. There is a great support group on Yahoo called HS-Awareness. Check it out and research the internet. It is a horrible affliction, painful, debilitating, you cant stand sit or lay down at times depending on where the aliens are, but it is good to know what it is. But yet bad to know there is no known cure but surgery when they get very mean.  Please check it out on the web. You can also find some great and awful pictures.
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i have the same problem with ingrwon hairs. ive been waxing for a year now and thats when i started getting them i have 5 right now ( i kno!) i sqeeze them and puss and blood come out. sometimes i will get the hairs out but not freqenly...i sqeeze so hard they look awful now can someone help me what do i?
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well im a young teen girl that gets a bump or two on my virgna n what i do is bust it and pus would com out then iit turn pink cus puss n blood or it might just be blood. and i dont know what make that come in i havent asked anyone beczuse im embrass to ask cause it dont seem right
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OMG! I thought that I was like the only person who suffered from this too!! It is so dumb, and like it has been stated, its called a reaction to ingrown hairs, but I have YET yo pull out a damn hair! Just pop the boil and puss, blood, and a clear fluid comes out. I dont know what this is, but I HATE IT!!!! The scars are UGLY! I hate my pubic hair, and am scared to shave it half the time because I dont want to get another damn boil! Then the thing that gets me is, just like another person mentioned, It started with like just one every once in a while. Now I get them more often. Not to mention, they hurt like hell when they pop!!! Everytime I go to the Dr. looking for some kind of medication or advice on how to get rid of them, I get nothing!!!!!
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I have something that works really well to get rid of boils.  This is not a cure!  Once the boil starts to poke out a little,  this will work and bring you immediate relief.  You will need a large pot and a glass bottle.  (coke or beer)  Fill the pot with water and place the bottle in the water.  Bring the water to a boil.  Once the water is boiling take the bottle out and be sure to hold it with a towel,  as it will be warm.  Place the opening of the bottle over the boil holding it snugly to the skin.  You will then hold the bottle in place until it cools this will cause a strong suction.  Air expands when it's hot and compresses when it's cool.  It will be like sticking a vaccum to your pore.  It will suck the core and all of the goop out of the boil.  It will cause some pain as it draws the infection out but it is well worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This has always helped me and i hope it helps you also!  Be sure to keep the sore very clean afterward.  If any of the drainage touches anoyher patch of skin,  it can cause another infection.  PHisoderm soap works great!
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thank God a solution...i have those too. i thought i had herpes!
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by hmyl

Well i have been sufferring with these awfull boils now for about 4-5 years.Same symtems as all of you's here, which i feel verry babdly for yu's all because i know how anoying they are. But i must say i never shaved so i was wonderring if it has really anything to do with that. We are always getting something. Wish they would find anwers to all of our problems, sure would make life easier. I thougt that perhaps it had to do with medications, operations, stress, who knows right, because i had no one in my life for 8 years so i know it has nothing to do with any type of disease...And i have someone in my life now and it is emberacing when yu have to explain why you dont want to have sex. And going to see a doctor i never did for they never know much of anything.I prefer to look it up on the net so thank you Anonogian for the website and the name, now i am able to look it up and study this..Have a wonderful day everyone and thank you

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hmyl ----May 14, 2008

Sorry forgot to put the date on silly me lol


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An autoimmune disease called Behcet's Syndrome's initial symptoms closely resemble the herpes virus, causing vaginal sores, cuts, fissures, folliculitis and or inflammation in the genital area. Other symptoms develop many years later. It is different in everyone who has it. . Your immune system is in over drive. It is an autoimmune disorder caused by enviromental damage to your immune system.  It could get better or worse, depending on how well you take care of yourselves and how well you are treated.

. My symptoms started at age fifteen with itching, inflammation, then folliculitis (ingrown hairs), then cuts all over the vagina from time to time. It is different for everyone who has it. Some people just have inflammation where others may get cuts, or sores aswell. Folliculitis is a type of acne and is very common in Behcet's and occurs during or before a "flare" and can be on the face or anywhere. Chronic yeast infections and BV come hand and hand with Behcet's because it is a immune system disorder that weakens the immune system because the immune system is working in over drive. You are now allergic to more things. It is not contagious and it doesn't run in families. Researchers around the world think it is triggered by strep throat or from other enviromental causes. It has been proven to not be genetic. Gential to Gential contact will cause a reaction "flare" in these people, so will a common illness, injury, or stress. It is very important for people who have this to rest often, use condoms, and take good care of themselves to avoid flares. They will also need medication like steriods and or immune suppressants, depending on their case.  Someone who needs a lot of medication to start, might not need that much with a little time. Common symptoms later in the disease, if it goes untreated, are digestive symptoms, bowel inflammation, possible bladder inflammation that feels like a bladder infection, arthritis, fibromyalga, and very late in the disease serious eye inflammation and possibly central nervous system involvement. People rarely die from this illness, the main thing a person has to be worried about is quality of life. That why you want to be proactive, not scared. This disease can be managed if properly treated.

For about ten years I had the gential symptoms and was sure it was herpes. My doctors said there was nothing else it could be wvwn though all my cultures came back negative and never mentioned it again. None of the medication for herpes had ever helped me and I also noticed my husband never got sick from me. The inflammation was the worst and I was using hydrocortisone on my own by then for some relief.

I started having other symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome and fatigue. Then after I had two children my symptoms got a lot worse. FIbromyalga, Interstitial Cystitis, Epi-scleritis (inflammation of the small blood vessels in my eyes), and things like that. My immune system was attacking my body. It took years before I had enough symptoms and saw enough doctors to start getting it treated. They are still not totally sure what is wrong with me. There is a lot of misconceptions about these things because they are thought to be rare. The truth is that they are just highly under treated in the United States. They think I have something called Behcet's Syndrome, the world's oldest known disease. It is an autoimmune disease that can be very mild or more severe. It is hard to tell what it is unless you are able to get enough of the symptoms well documented and you have just the right symptoms even though your symptoms might be totally different than everyone else's symptoms. The stress in your life plays a big role in how bad your flares will be.

There are no tests that can tell if you have Behcet's. It is based on symptoms only. Vaginal symptoms that look like herpes (herpes causes inflammation, cuts, or sores), canker sores in the mouth at least three times per year, and inflammation in the blood vessels in the eyes. It can take years for enough of the symptoms to show up and they usually don't show up at the same time. You really need to fight for answers. Go to the American Behcet's Association for more information, but remember when you are there, those are the worst cases, most people with Behcet's don't have it that severe and do well with treatment.

I don't have an offical Behcet's Syndrome diagnosis yet is because I have yet to have any serious organ damage documented, which can actually be really hard to do. Not everyone has to wait as long as I have been waiting. A lot of the time small damage from tissue and blood vessel inflammation can not be seen by any tests. Often, surgery is required for them to find vasculitis. That is how they found vasculitis in me during surgery looking for endometriosis. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't still be waiting to start treatment. I am lucky because my symptoms have not been as serious as some, but it has also been a big problem because I have been suffering greatly and not gotten the help I needed many times. Most of my symptoms cannot be seen and it's been very hard to prove that something is wrong.  I have had to fight back against people thinking this was all in my mind. I have had to find a medical cause for my symptoms on my own and a lot of time was wasted because it came on over a long period of time. Only one of the hundreds of doctors I've seen had ever even heard of Behcet's Syndrome, he was a GI doctor. They do not look for it. One doctor, my Rheumatologist, told me he didn't even believe it existed. This disease is very real. It's treated all over the world, but most American doctors no nothing about it. They do not know the symptoms or how to treat it. They rely on old information and still think it only happens to people in the middle east even though research has shown it happens because something has damaged the immune system and not because of your genes. It does not run in families and it is not always a text book case. You would think it would show up on MRI's, but often with Behcet't it's the very smallest blood vessels involved, and those don't show up most of the time. It takes a big incident for them to see it and prove that you have it . American doctors don't want to be liable for treating anything until they have enough medical proof to be sure that you require the treatment. It is not easy to get that far. For us, it is more important to get the treatment before something bad happens, not afterwards. I have all the symptoms and I am being treated with immune suppressants and I have had several doctors diagnosis my symptoms as Behcet's Syndrome, but with this disease the ultimate decision is up to the Rheumatologist. My rheumatologist says it shouldn't matter if I have an official diagnosis as long as it is being treated. He says he is more concerned right now that I will lose my ability to qualify for insurance once I have a diagnosis. One thing to look for as far as tests are concern would be a a slighly high white blood cell count...your nerophils mainly, but others white cells also. It could mean just that you aren't feeling well at the time to have it be a little high, but if you can gather your records and show that you have an on going problem with a high white blood cell count, that would be a first step in showing your doctors something is not normal.

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One more thing....I've seen over twenty GYN's as well as other doctors and I did my own research on the possible causes for the inflammation and for the cuts some people with Behcet's Syndrome get. I can tell you from what I have learned  that these symptoms are not caused by any type of HPV. They also would not be caused by Herpes 1 in people with no other apparent serious health problems like HIV. Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast Infections may cause inflammation and small cracks in the folds of the skin, they do not cause cuts in center areas of the skin, and they heal without reoccurance once the infection is treated. An anal fissure can sometimes occur in the center area of the pernium (between the front and back) because of straining or constipation. Unless you have developed more than one cut at a time at some point, or have developed cuts in different areas of the genitals other than the pernium, a pernium cut may just be a fissure. An anal fissure would be a single cut that keeps happening in the same place over and over again on in the center of the pernium. An anal fissure is caused by repeatedly tearing open the thin skin in that area from straining. Not like the small cuts that just happen for no reason the way they happen with the Herpes Simplex Virus and Behcet's Syndrome. I have one cut the comes back over and over again on my pernium area, but I also get cuts in other areas from time to time aswell along with severe inflammation. All of my hormone levels are normal. Those are the only things I've found that could be the possible causes for these symptoms. Just having the inflammation is a symptom, not everyone get's the little cuts. Not everyone get's full blown Behcet's either. If you take good care of yourself, you can do really well.

I wanted to add I have herpes 1. Just about everyone has it. It should not be causing your symptoms unless something is wrong with your immune system. I had the new herpes blood test that showed I have herpes 1 but not herpes 2. We started doing culture after culture of my cuts trying to see if it was herpes 1. I have never had a culture come back positive for anything. It took a long time to prove it, but we have finally established my cuts are not caused by herpes 1. Herpes 1 is much milder than herpes 2 and should not be causing ongoing vaginal symptoms. If it is, it still says something is wrong with your immune system. The white blood cells were the only thing they could find abnormal with my tests. They found them in my blood and in my cultures every time I wasn't feeling good. For years they would say, well that's because you're not feeling well today. Until I gathered 15 years of records showing that I am not feeling well on a regular basis, that was the first clue.
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Folliculitis is the correct name for your boils. They are not normal. They are caused by either, herpes 2, a bacterial infection, or an autoimmune disorder. If herpes has been ruled out, and you do not have an on going bacterial infection, than the only other thing it could be is an autoimmune disorder like Behcet's Syndrome.
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Hi Guys,

I live in the UK and also have a problem with this type of thing, ever since i was about 19, I have been getting boils, or little sore bumps, mainly on the inside of my thighs or on my bum, I have put up with this for years, im now 28 and i am still suffering. I always left my bumps alone until they got to a boil and then I couldnt stand the pain and so would try bursting them, they would go away for a while and then come back even bigger and more painful than before, so I finally got over my embaressment and went to the doc, he told me that it was because I was overweight, I accepted what he said and tried to lose a bit, i am 5,2 and weighed 13.5 st, i went down to 11, and although the problem didnt go away, it got a little better. Since then i have put weight on again and the problem remains the same. I now get small ingrowing hairs on the inside of my thighs, small ones on my legs, my stomach, under my arms, on my bum and occasionaly on my back. About 1 year ago I had a problem area, right in the crease at the top of my thigh, it was a boil that just wouldnt go away, after squeezing it for months it became really painfull, massive and very red, i had puss coming out of four different holes, it made me soo sick, so i went back to see the doc and he said that i had a sebacious cyst, which is basically like a sack under the skin which is a collective of infected hair folicles, i think. Any way he said they had to take out my sweat Gland from the top of my thigh, now since that's happend I have had nothing but trouble around my vag area, at times I have had 5 in one go. I have at times got a hair out, sometimes the hair and then attached is a small hard white ball, grose, I have been back to the doctors since told them becoming a joke, I keep being told different things and I am not getting anywhere! Before seeing him I had looked it up on the net and thought that I might have foliculitis, so armed with info told the doc, he said yes you might be right, (like wtf, do we have to do these peoples job's for them), so anyway he gave me some meds and basically told me to wear clothing that is natural to allow air to the skin, loose weight, and try and use an antibactiral wash, like a hebi scrub or somthing.

I think from my own experience this is an hormonal thing, but have had a thyroid test which came back normal, I have had blood tests and nothing wrong, they have taken swobs of the infected area but have not found anything. I have resorted to not shaving, which I just couldnt stand, so I started waxing but still casued me problems, so now for the last six or seven months I have not shaved, or waxed and the problem is still the same, in fact the problem around my vag area is a littlevworse, I have taken the docs my meds and nothing has changed. I am just at a loss and have lived with it soo long! I am now always looking for little black marks on the skin, these are usually ingrowing hairs that have not yet matured and so get them where I can, but it's making my skin look pitted, and I know I am leaving myslef open to further infection but I just cant help it, my skin and hair have become an obsession, I thought that maybe it could be toxins in the body trying to get out through the pores, and as mentioned seems to build up around fatty areas, would body brushing also help, not sure but i can only try all of the above, leaving it is no longer an option, if i do have any sucsses i will be sure to let you guy's know. I am a bit worried that i could have some sort of disease or somthing wrong inside my body? I have read that laser hair removal could help, it's soo expensive, and I have so many areas to treat. I wish that someone would do some reasearch and find out whats going on, im just glad im not alone though.

Lastly if anyone has a sucsses storey, please tell.

Thanks x
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We are exposed to MANY toxins & pathogens in our lives that "traditional" doctors will never discuss with You. Vaccinations are loaded with heavy metals which poison the body and various viruses also are in vaccinations. Also, fluoride in water & chemicals in "regular" cosmetics & processed foods will damage your immune system leaving you open to these skin problems. I HAVE A CURE. I too have had YEARS of ongoing health trouble due to lack of honest health care in America. I had a condition where my fair follicles were simply growing into my skin & causing years of chronic inflammation & infection. This was happening at various parts of my body.. even my eyebrows. A few months ago I was introduced to 2 things which are saving my Life. I don't sell them. I only share because I KNOW what hell this can be. I was & am a model by profession. So believe me, I understand how debilitating this can be. HERE IS WHAT YOU DO. # 1 ONLY PURIFIED WATER. NO TAP WATER. Research how to eliminate fluoride from your diet. #2. Eat Alkaline Diet. Google this.  #3. 700 ml of water upon first rising in the morning Before You brush Your Teeth. ( this is from a long study in Japan to heal the body. ) #4. THE CURE ! ORDER THIS NATURAL MEDICINE CALLED MIRACLE MINERAL SOLUTION. Google This. IT is called MMS for short. IT NATURALLY KILLS OFF ALL FUNGUS, BACTERIA & VIRUS in Your body ! You can download a free Ebook about this to learn all the ins & outs. It is only 25$ ! & IT TRULY IS A MIRACLE ! I do not sell This. But it saved me ! HERE IS ONE MORE MOST ! You must go to a health food store & by powdered Spirulina,  Chlorella  & A "Green" mix such as MACRO GREEN. You mix this in 2 parts ALOE JUICE ( ORGANIC ) & 3 parts organic Juice. Take this on an empty stomach 1 hour after the water upon rising.
After 30 minutes You can eat. Take the MMS with a light meal.. & later in the day take an acidophilous to give Your body HEALTHY bacteria & To prevent Yeast infections. The green drink, Spirulina & Chlorella ( which are types of Algae ) FLUSH HEAVY METAL TOXINS from Your body. Non  natural cosmetics & beauty products have loads of chemicals & heavy metals in them. Begin using & eating  ALL NATURAL organic FOOD & BEAUTY PRODUCTS. THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE IF YOU FOLLOW MY PROTOCAL. any questions ? email me at ***@****  I have a cause to spread natural cures to people. Love & Light to All. Blessings. Pass on the Kindness & Help another Please !    
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I am new to Posts... if You wish to find me email me at missvalentine a t g mail ******* love & healing to All of You.

love a pin up model with heart
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it is very rare to contract herpes and not have any outbreaks, i know a woman who suffered the same problem as you and after years of dealing with it she discovered that it was indeed herpes outbreaks.. these may seem as simple as an ingrown hair for some people whereas others suffer painful sores so extreme they disrupt daily function... what you're describing sounds exactly like my friend describing her herpes outbreaks..
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Very interesting.  I, like so many of the rest of you, thought I was alone.  I will definitely try the few suggestions posted.  However, nobody seemed to mention a link to their menstrual cycle?  I get them every time I get a period, which thank God isn't every month.  Quite often in the same locations over and over again.  I'm assuming that this is because once you have an infection, the "pocket" in which the infection sits, never really goes away - only the infection itself.  Ever notice that you get zits in the same place over and over?  Same thing.  Meanwhile, I haven't shaved in years.  I'm terrified of getting an onset of boils.  So I only trim short.  

Also, I had Pilonidal Sinus Disease a few years back.  After my second daughter was born, I went out and bought a new pair of jeans.  They were much too tight, and consequently, I actually felt a hair get pushed into my body.  It was right at the top of the crack of my rear end.  Golf ball size infection, couldn't walk at all.  After many recurrences, I had surgery, where the pocket was removed, but I was not sewn back up.  They stuffed the remaining hole with gauze, which I had to have changed every day.  It healed from the inside out, thus eliminating the pocket.  I've not had a problem since.  The surgeon told me that army personnel suffer from this a lot, as they bounce around in those jeeps on bumpy roads.  I don't know if that's true or not.  

Not that any of this helps any of you, but it was a story to tell.  And I think it helps explain why they keep coming back.  Now that I know I'm not alone, I think I'll talk to the Dr. about it, and see if I can get surgery on it........

Colleen - way up in Canada, nowhere near Katrina damaged areas!  lol
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I must say, I am affected by this as well! I have been told to wash about 3 times a day, with an antibacterial soap, and, don't use a razor with more than 2 blades to avoid too close of a shave. I too have tried so many things and talk to many doctors! Nothing they have told me has helped. But, I have an Aunt who went to a dermatologist, she had to show this "ingrown hair" to him. Then he prescribed (sp?) clyndomyacin phosphate lotion for her to apply as needed! This works, she had given me a refill of hers, they will return but, at least this has a much better affect than the squeezing, popping, bruising, and pain that comes with this! I guess gyn's are not the answer...but, I also did notice an increase just before my menstral cycle :) good luck to all!
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