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Ok... this is by far the worst thing possible that could EVER happen to a girl!! Ever since i was 13 i have been havin an odor coming from my underwear. It smells like B.O. I'm not a nasty person that does not bath or is not clean by no means. I am just so sick of it! I go to bed crying and praying that it will go away. The smell is not there all the time. It jus depends on if it is hot or what i'm doing. I know it is sweat because that's what it smells like when people sweat, but why in the **** would it come from "down there"?? I just want it to go away! It is SO VERY embarrassing!! I'm always worried I smell like it. I go to the bathroom all day just to see if i do! And then i dont want people goin in the bathroom after me because i dont want them to smell it. And what guy is going to want to do anything when it smells like B.O down there!?!?!?! Please Please Please give any helpful advice you know, or what it could be from. And i have tried putting deodorant down there, change my underwear, wear cotton underwear, EVERYTHING! But nothing works! HELPME PLEASE!!!
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Dust lightly with baking soda after showering and moisturizing. Be sure to wash it of everyday or it can make you peel. Vinegar also works well. Wipe it on with cotton pads or tissue. Make sure not to get any inside the "lips" or it can burn. Basically, wipe it anywhere hair could grow.

And, of course, see a doctor if you have concerns!

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Babe! honestly the worst thing to do it spray any kind of deodorant down there!! Its sounds like you may have B.V (Bacterial Vagnosis), the thing that causes this is cleaning too much, using soaps (usually because you think you should be cleaning more so you scrub your insides thinking it will make it better but my god it makes it worse. My advise is shower with only water, sleep with your underwear off (witch your boyfriend will appreciate greatly) and stop doing any recreational drugs you may be doing. I wish you the best of luck good luck xx
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uhmmm hi i have the same problem but i just have been having it my whole life im 14 and i dont kno what to do my say it is really bad when u can smell your self but i need help and im scared to ask a doctor or to talk to my mom please i hate this i want to be a normal teen i hate this please help i shave i wash good and i even give it air sometimes im scared cause i want to have kids some day PLEASE HELP i have had this cause when i was a kid my mom and dad was going through some things and when i got older i found myself doing everything wrong like wipping down there now i was to fix it but i dont kno how ITS NOT MY FAUGHT PPPPLLLLAAASSSEEEE HEELLPP ME thank you im shure u will do more then my mom ever did thanx!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ugh I have been having the same problem too
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Turn your underwear around backwards, I think you smelling the back instead of the front,,, and quit eating all those cheesy bean burritos.  

Most likely, you vagina is a clean as a lady I used to work with.  We taped an open tuna can to the bottom of her office chair; nevertheless, she was in the bathroom all afternoon.  I am quiet certian she had the cleanest hot pocket in town because all that was heard was water running all day in the restroom.
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Baby powder is a good idea. make sure it is cornstarch based. carry a water proof pouch and extra underwear and change throgh the day. carry a travel size bottle of baby powder. (talc based powder can be an irritant among other things)
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I have the same problem. I have an odor from the vagina and the rear. But I think it I smell it more when I use the lady's room or if I sweat, or didn't pat dry thoroughly well or if I somewhere where it's extremely hot like if I am baking, cooking using the oven, or standing near the drier. Believe me I bathe up to 4 times a day, still I see no good results. I even tried avoiding eating or drinking fluids just so that I will not have to go to the lady's room and that seems to help , ..except when I sweat. But I read a book, Home Remedies. That before you bathe, have your bathtub ( halfway ) filled with water and add a cup of tomato juice. Sit for about 15 minutes and than bathe as usual ( of course with new clean water ) or shower using a strong perfume soap. This should remove the odor. I have not tried yet but planned too. But I am also learning, so I will take some of the advices here. Believe me it has ruined my life and I am afraid to step out of my house. I am a mother and I am concerned  I hope this helps will use this home remedy and will come back later to post the news at how well did it work. good luck to everyone even me. =)
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I have the same problem. I have an odor from the vagina and the rear. But I think it I smell it more when I use the lady's room or if I sweat, or didn't pat dry thoroughly well or if I somewhere where it's extremely hot like if I am baking, cooking using the oven, or standing near the drier. Believe me I bathe up to 4 times a day, still I see no good results. I even tried avoiding eating or drinking fluids just so that I will not have to go to the lady's room and that seems to help , ..except when I sweat. But I read a book, Home Remedies. That before you bathe, have your bathtub ( halfway ) filled with water and add a cup of tomato juice. Sit for about 15 minutes and than bathe as usual ( of course with new clean water ) or shower using a strong perfume soap. This should remove the odor. I have not tried yet but planned too. But I am also learning, so I will take some of the advices here. Believe me it has ruined my life and I am afraid to step out of my house. I am a mother and I am concerned  I hope this helps will use this home remedy and will come back later to post the news at how well did it work. good luck to everyone even me. =)
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1717392 tn?1364536664
Hey girl, I know exactly what you mean..Its hard to explain to people about it because they have never experienced...Its not the "vagina" at all...i think it is coming from the groin area after sweating..smells just like BO..NEVER had this problem until after i had my second child and gained quite a bit of weight.  I notice it pretty well after i have sweated or walked a lot. (think of arm pit smell people..not yeast smell). As i am starting to loose weight, i dont seem to notice it as much.
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i have this problem. but only sometimes. when i have sexual activities with my boyfriend i get really wet and it smells. even when i pee it smells bad. i tired eating fruits but it didnt work for me. i dont feel comfortable telling my mom this. i shave everything. i just dont know what to do.
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Eat yogurt EVERYDAY and take triple chlorophyll get it at GNC - didnt spell it right- that cleans you from the inside.Make a very big difference in just less than a week!!!  Breat too!  Also BO smell is probably just that. Sweating and from your butt, too. I put deodorant inside my thighs right at my panty lines  and on my butt- crack and hole then use real baby powder- like the cornstarch kind - not the cheap store brand- use Johnson's .  I use Dry Idea roll on.
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I do not know if you still have this problem but I clean using icecubes. Everytime I shower, I place at least four or five icecubes inside there and by the time I finish showering, they have melted, the first time I did this, very nasty things were coming out as the ice was metling. This has worked for me and I love it coz i do not stink and my panties remain dry and clean. I have no idea if it causes any health concers though. Try it and give feed back. Good luck!
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Try Vagisil.. Wash it works goood I use it when im on my period
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i'm fourteen and when i was twelve that same thing started happening to me.
so when i went to see my doctor i asked about it, and she told me that this happens to almost all girls around that age. and also she said that a lot of times our areas don't smell half as bad to everyone else as they do to ourselves.
the key way to prevent odor is to rinse daily with fresh, neutral-tempetature water, and to wear clean underwear every day.
milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy can make smell thicker and worse, so try to avoid those.
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I have. Them same issue but people smell me!!!! I don't even want to return to work I bath once befor bed and shower before work!!! I don't want to be known as the stinky lady help help help! I've tried everything!
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1544943 tn?1293782895
I have the same problem.  Thru out my entire life I'm 25 now and still have this problem. I've been bk&fourth to the doctors and still no solution my social life is ruined and I cry every night.
Pantie liners don't work. Try poise.... If it's leakage and vesicare. These will help a lil
email me and I'll give u more advice
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Been a long time since anyone has replied, but in the recent year, I've developed this problem too.  I'm told it's caused by bacteria and fungus and I've used anti-fungal creams such as lamisil, vagisil, and others.  The smell has died down.  So try an anit-fungal cream if you'd like.  I also recently visited a GYN and he told me there's a pill as well as cream that can cure the condition but he forgot to write me the prescription.
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yes i do shave everything!
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299646 tn?1192288419
Do you shave? I don't mean all of your hair.  Sometimes that helps! Good luck  =)
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also not a doctor but I remember hearing something about vaginitis... It is not a sexually transmitted diesease, but if I remember correctly, you could get it if something in your *routine* has changed recently...  I think the big thing with it was the very strong smell. Don't know if my info is accurate, of if it applies to you, but you might want to check it out.

good luck!
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So it's your underwear. The only thing I can suggest is to use panty liners and change them throughout the day. The odor is caused by the discharge when it hits air(leaves the body) and bacteria starts multiplying in it - it's the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive and cause odors, warm and moist. If you don't want to have to use panty liners then take extra knickers with you and change them regularly during the day so you remain as dry as possible. Good Luck. :)
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It's not my urine or my actual vagina that smells, its jus in my underwear. They get really wet and then they will smell like B.O. Maybe i'll try drinking more and goin to the bathroom more often. I do hold it a lot and for a long period of time.

Oh and i do wipe from front to back... ha... my mama taught me that at a young age!
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You may have an allergy.  Also, my aunt had a similar problem, turned out, even though she was a clean freak, she had been wiping from back to front when she used the restroom.  The proper way is from front to back.  It caused her a similar problem, she had been suffering from it for years and years and years, it ended up causing and coupling with many problems- because of the bacteria transfer.  She had never told her doctor, until I suggested it.  By then she still had to have a procedure done, but this was her whole life's worth of a really bad habit.  I'm sure yours isn't so bad.  So, tell your doctor.
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299071 tn?1197384028
Please know I am not a doctor but I do want to let you know that oders can often mean stds And my mother went to the doctor because wow it smelled pretty bad after she left the bathroom and she wound up having tumors. NOT CANCER tumors so go to the doctor asap!!! Trust me theyve seen worse!!!!
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