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Pain above left breast, left armpit and shoulder

Hi. Since April I have had pain above my left breast. It's not constantly there, but it comes and goes. Sometimes it feels like a burning pain, other times it feels like a cramp. I've also felt it in my armpit at times and it will also creep up over my shoulder. Although I VERY RARELY feel it on the right side, it DOES happen once in awhile. But for the most part it's been my left side. I've had all the heart tests, including stress echo, I've had an MRI of my brain and neck, I've had a breast exam. I've even seen a chiropractor. Every test they've done comes back normal. And nothing seems to help. I've tried aspri - doesn't work. I try massaging my breast and shoulders and that seems to help a tiny bit. Usually the pain is very dull...but one night I woke up in excruciating pain for about 10 seconds, then it went back to being dull. I'm 24, and I am being treated for Anxiety/Panic Disorder. My Psychiatrist does not think it's related. Does ANYONE have ANY ideas about what could be going on with me?!?!?!
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Hi! I didn't read all of the comments on here since there are so many. I did however read enough to hopefully shine some light on this subject for many of you. I have EXACT symptoms.  Pain in left breast (upper and/or lower), pain in arm pit,  shoulder pain and anxiety that I take a low does of meds for. I have been to ER and done 2 stress tests and I am only 38. This year with a change in insurance I had to go to a new doctor. She is a internalist. ( basically an adult pediatric doctor) what they know about children and new diseases/ medications she knows about adults. She diagnosed me with costocohndritis.  If you have not had it mentioned on here,  look it up. It's common and fits the description of many of your complaints.  I know it has helped me knowing and the pain is mess frequent now that I know.  I only hope the same will be said for all of you. Best wishes
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Hi there, I wish I knew what is wrong with me. Had cancer 12 yrs ago but it was on the otherside breast. Been in remission for 12 years and I don't even think of cancer anymore ... What I am afraid of now is being overweight that I could have a stroke or heart-attack. The dying part isn't the worst, its the having a stroke and I will be disabled. How do I know if I must rush off to Emergency? I wish somone would answer this question as we live 50 km away from help.
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Hi,  glad I'm not the only one, I've been having chest pain now for approx 3 yrs. Usually a dull ache/cramp type pain tho sometimes it comes more in waves and a more painful. Always in left side usually above breast but seems to move around which when u tell the doctors this I feel like an idiot, sometimes the pain is under my left breast more towards bottom and quite often nr my arm put too or in my breast bone area,  I've been up A&E numerous times during a bad episode as I panic then it's my heart.  Originally Dr's said it was either muscular or anxiety which pissed me off cos I have a history in the past of anxiety they then put everything down to that when the fact is I get it more days than not and can be totally relaxed and unstressed but then get stressed cis of the pain. I've had blood tests,  chest x ray, ecgs, all normal, a chest ultrasound said my rib cartilage was thicker than normal?! And said I prob have costochondritis, I've resigned myself to just living with it now, it's chronic pain and it gets me very diwn sometimes as rarely feel 'well' I take strong ibuprofen frequently though shouldn't as have gastric problems (caused by taking the ibuprofen for the chest pain in the first place) think I'm immune to its effects now though, I also get through tons of deep heat as I find it takes the edge off though I then stink! I often wonder if it is costochondritis and nit anything else I think I've noticed it's worse just before I get my period and a few days respite after, who knows, I'm h I ad there seems to be others with this 'undiagnosed chest pain' as the er called it, felt like a right hypochondriac
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I'm really glad to have found this website; the comments I've read have helped me greatly understand what's happening in my body! I started having pains over my left breast by the armpit for the past 3 months, and it goes to my upper back from the spine to the left around the shoulder blades.  None of the doctors I've seen understand what I'm talking about when I describe it; they refer to t as "my chest pains," which is inaccurate. It has been bothering me a lot, until I found this website with all the comments that I completely relate to. Doctors have not found out what's wrong with me, and are sending me to a rheumatologist. Blood tests show chronic inflammation in my body; I'm on Prednisone for it. I was hoping that I wouldn't have anymore flare-ups after taking this med., but I started it again since 2 days ago.  When it starts, it gets progressively worse with excruciating pain, and lasts for 4-5 days. I can't sleep, because I can't turn without a lot of pain on the left side of the breast. During some of these episodes, I've had fever, chills,  pain in my lungs breathing in.  I had open heart surgery to repair the mitral valve 5 months ago,
and must blame it as a surgery complication, because I was very healthy prior to the surgery. I've been extremely stressed out for months, so maybe that's it???
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It started with a slight discomfort around my rotary cup.  When i worked out with a 8lb weight.  Now its moved right into the backside of my lower shoulder blade and thru my upper to center chest around my left breast area.  Woke me up ladt night so I took an aleve and went back to sleep 30 minutes later.  Almost feels like it needs a sling to hold left side in place
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I'm 16. And have been experiencing this type of pain for months maybe even a year now. It's like I can't even describe the pain it just takes my breath for a few seconds and then it gets worse as I breathe deeper, the pain is just something I cannot ignore like a headache, it feels so intense. The pain starts from the left side of my breast and continues under my armpit round just past my shoulder blade. I have had struggles with my anxiety over the last 12-18 months, so I'm hoping it is something similar.
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I literally have the same exact pain going on as we speak. I have a pinching feeling on my left side of my chest closest to my armpit. Ive also felt some pinching in my right arm, right chest, mid chest. Its only been for a day now but this has happened before in the past. I have had so many EKGs done and even went as far as a 24 hour Holter Monitor and Im healthy as can be. No palpitations. But I do suffer from immense aniexty. And to this day cannot come to terms that aniexty can triggers physical pain but everyone swares it does. My mind likes to manifest things into a huge ordeal. Ive been freaking out that Im having a heart attack or maybe its angina you name it I believe I have it. Its awful. Ive also read these pains could be gas related.
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I'm having the same  experience as we speak..it comes and goes..mine is from a pinched nerve in neck..I have degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis also a ruptured herniated and bulged disc with a couple of spurs. So I'm I'm used to this type of annoyance..ice packs seem  to work best for me..hope you find relief
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I'm having the same  experience as we speak..it comes and goes..mine is from a pinched nerve in neck..I have degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis also a ruptured herniated and bulged disc with a couple of spurs. So I'm I'm used to this type of annoyance..ice packs seem  to work best for me..hope you find relief
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I do this exact thing
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17780111 tn?1460026613
Please stick to the nature as nature has cures to all ailments. cut off sugar, oil, meat or any processed food intake for at least one month. Do some exercise.... starting normally and increasing the exercise intensity and time up to a level where your body should drench with sweat.. use garlic,onion juice with honey or alone... but the most important is "sweaty exercise"...

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I can't agree more. I stopped sugar, caffeine intake and I am currently on garlic soaked in raw honey, I take green tea(Dried moringa leaves) first thing in the mornings, I eat moringa seeds at night(Helps me get good sleep) and I have felt much better, even thou my underarm pain is still there, but it has reduced greatly and I believe it caused by anxiety.
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I have left breast pain, armpit pain and shoulder pain. sometimes it comes to right breast and chest. Could you please help me
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did u ever figure out what was wrong? I am having the same issues.
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Hi what are your symptoms and are u still suffering???
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I have had this in the past and experiencing it right now, I'm certain it is Anixety, the first fear that comes to me is breast cancer but that feeds the fear and makes the sensation worse, I am on Celexa but I have a lot going on on my life right now, husbands gotta have brain surgery for one!!  I'm trying to just relax and tell myself what it is and it seem to help!!!
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Hi! I didn't read all of the comments on here since there are so many. I did however read enough to hopefully shine some light on this subject for many of you. I have EXACT symptoms.  Pain in left breast (upper and/or lower), pain in arm pit,  shoulder pain and anxiety that I take a low does of meds for. I have been to ER and done 2 stress tests and I am only 38. This year with a change in insurance I had to go to a new doctor. She is a internalist. ( basically an adult pediatric doctor) what they know about children and new diseases/ medications she knows about adults. She diagnosed me with costocohndritis.  If you have not had it mentioned on here,  look it up. It's common and fits the description of many of your complaints.  I know it has helped me knowing and the pain is mess frequent now that I know.  I only hope the same will be said for all of you. Best wishes
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hi i am 21 and have a bad sharp pain next to my left breast near my lung and as well a sharp pain by my chest left side through to my back doctor said it is a pinch nerve i doubt it because the pain is scary i smoke as well could it be my lung because i have short of breath just do not want to die of a heart attack doctor said my heart is fine so i do not know what to do?? hard to explain but sometimes my left side of my face goes numb as well could it be multiple things happening at once
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I have had the exact same symptoms back pain like a tightness which radiated to my front just above my left breast..caused me such anxiety which made it worse ...when I lay down it was so uncomfortable .
Today I went to my massage therapist and chiropractor.after a really deep massage and chiropractic treatment turns out I had two dislocated ribs!!!
Makes total sense your ribs run from the back to front hence all the pressure.
He popped them back and instant relief...
So if you are having these symptoms this could be your issue...
This can happen from sneezing the wrong way, to working out ect
Hope this helps
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I have been checking this thread for a while and like most posters I stumbled across it by Googling my symptoms - pain under left armpit (very painful when pressure applied), under left breast and also around into back/shoulder blades.  The big C was a real concern but my GP said no.  Had an X-Ray - nothing.  But she did refer me to a Myofunctional Therapist and HOLY MOLY I THINK SHE CRACKED IT!  

By that I mean that it seems I have MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROME - as yolo67 said its trigger points in the muscles (Google it for more info).

Pardon me if someone else has mentioned it, I could not see it anywhere except in yolo67's post when she mentioned trigger points.

It's not an easy fix (think mine is caused by poor posture and breathing - not helped by having a fall and broken wrist a year ago) but OH THE RELIEF to know it's not a terminal illness!!

Hope this helps someone :)
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I have same issues except mine is the left breast.  Pain that goes under the arm.  Sometimes my breast feels like its swollen.  Have an appointment in March, so hope to find out something then. How are you doing since I see this was in July?
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I am 28 and have been experiencing the exact same thing. Started with a tingling or tender throbbing every now and again in the armpit; didn't think much of it, no lumps or anything. It kept coming back every few days and was in the back of my mind, so I went to the doctor after about 3-4 weeks. The doctor did an examination and it felt tender when she pushed right into my breast tissue (just one side), and she thought the area was swollen. She told me to book to see a specialist… PANIC! I had to wait a week for my appointment, and spent the entire week thinking I was dying.
The pain then seemed to be constant and everywhere... all down my arm right through to my fingers, around my rib cage, under my armpit, shoulders and neck. It wasn’t so much pain, more an ache or an annoyance, a burning sensation and a tingling… maybe like a trapped nerve somewhere. The fact that every website I read said breast cancer was rarely painful was irrelevant… I was convinced I must have somehow missed primary breast cancer and it had now spread to secondary bone cancer hence the pain.
I spent the whole week addicted to Google researching as much as possible. Not recommended! However, as the pain moved about a bit, I did start to reason with myself that this could be some sort of pulled muscle, potentially ‘Poshitis’ – a new term for pulled muscles from carrying a heavy handbag like Victoria Beckham in the crook of your elbow. As well as a heavy laptop handbag 5 days a week, I’d also lifted a heavy suitcase and injured my shoulder. When doing self-examinations, I still couldn’t feel any obvious swollen tissue like the doctor had, which also slightly reassured me.
Anyway, my appointment with the breast specialist was today and I am pleased to say that my inclination of muscle strain was correct. I spoke through all of my symptoms and already the specialist was agreeing it sounded a lot like a pulled muscle. He also reiterated that breast cancer is rarely painful. He then examined me and said everything felt perfectly normal, and also did an ultra sound to be safe which showed absolutely no lumps, swelling or cause for concern. Over the last two days I’d also been consciously not doing anything with my left arm and the pain has definitely improved, so looks like  the muscle is on the mend and I need to buy a rucksack!! Hopefully this has reassured some of you, but BOOK AN APPOINTMENT with a specialist to be sure and for peace of mind – the last week of my life was awful, it’s not worth the worry of just waiting to hope for improvement.
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Reading  this is comforting. I'm 28 and have had pain in my left breast for almost 4 months. Now its seems to have moved to under my arm. I was really scared because of cancer and I dont have insurance at the moment. I went to have a ultrasound and that was clear and I've seen two different doctors. One said stress and the other said he thinks its due to hormones. If its due to hormones than my estrogen is high. If your estrogen is high that can be dangerous for woman. I've done a lot of reading about how to balance your hormones. But I have noticed that the pain comes more when i'm anxious. I really want to go back to the doctor but I have to wait another 8weeks before I can get covered. One doctor said if the pain continues he wants to do a mamagram but I can't do anything yet. I too have really bad anxiety. I worry about everything and now that I'm having these issues i'm getting worse. Ladies I am praying for all of you. We WILL figure this out.
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That's exactly when  it's the worst for me! I can feel it usually when I'm not but as soon as I do it's way worse. The. Cause I smoked my hypochondria takes over big time. I haven't had it checked as this has been a year riddled with family loss and I have a strong history of deep anxiety. It's somewhat comforting to know this may not be something terrible for once. Your honesty helped my through this night lol
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Wow Im glad I'm not alone. Fir four years I've felt like I'm having a heart attack every day, but anxiety it is. I prey for us all to heal mentally and physicaly xxoo
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Yes I do.  Going to two drs and get test done.  I feel the same way.  Well let you know what happens.
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I am not even sure you will get my REPLY . Reason the post I read was 11/2010, after searching and I have read a lot of ways a muscle can get pulled, about men doing pull-ups and pulling a pec. By the Grace of God I found what you had to say was THE EXACT SAME THING I AM FEELING BUT ON MY "R"side. I am SINCERELY INTRESTED in finding out what the outcome  happened to be.If u would'nt mind sharing that with me I would be extemly GRATEFULL. I am 41 yrs.old and I reside in TX.I am a Native to South Texas. I did see my OBGYN the 1st.Time it happened & I was in tears the pain was that awful, (1st time was on or around 07/04/14, seen 07/09/14 ) I was somewhat dumbfounded by his diagnosis' he looked and said ,"No there is nothing there, no swelling no redness," and I told him there was an area that I felt a lump and when I would feel around it it was not a good feeling. Mother being a RN I had her feel what was giving pain as well as the feeling of having a pulled muscle R breast runs toward my armpit and directly under my breast like it were my ribs. I used ice packs around the clock, 1 motrin 800mg. and after seeing my OBGYN a few days later it subsided. RELIEF! Saturday 07/25/14 when I tried getting up out of bed the pain was back  w/a VENGENCE.  Needless to say I am scheduled for a Mammogram Tues. of next week and I will definitely put it in Gods Hands. As many family members that have CANCER it does worry me. I would be a huge fibber if It did not. My dad died a few yrs ago, lung cancer and prostate my grandmother she was a 20 yr. cancer survivor(my mothers mother) my mothers sister was diagnosed with brain cancer and has taken a turn for the worst now it is bone cancer. My cousin my mothers brothers son same age as I died recently of  bone cancer. NEVER SMOKED, NEVER DRANK, and was severly FREAKED when he was diagnosed w/bone cancer. My mother has been blessed and I am Grateful for that as well. So I am somewhat thinking "What does my Lord and Saviour have planned for my Future as far as Health." I fully place this in his hands and will take it one day at a time. Am I freaking out over what could be a PULLED MUSCLE ? Only time will tell. I would appreciate some feedback if u have time, Thank You and GOD BLESS. Anitra361      
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