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Anyone have Negative Quantitative Blood test but Are or think your are PG??

HI, I'm trying to find out if anyone has had BFN hpt's and then a Negative Quantitative and wound up being pregnant? I'm 34yrs old, been ttc for about 3 yrs now & have always been very regular with my periods. Day 32 of my cycle, which I should have started no later than, was Sun. 8/21. I started having my normal period type cramps 8/20 but didn't start til 24th and then it was only light spotting on & off (mostly just on tp)for 2 days, then completely stopped on Friday. My husband & I ML that afternoon which started a bit more spotting and then a small amt. Sat. morning, then completely stopped. I've taken 5 HPT's all neg. I STILL have period like cramps- not bad but I also have the pulling/achy/stretching sensation VERY low in my abdomen like I have had ONLY when I was pg with my son 5 yrs ago. My nipples are usually NOT super sensitive - ARE. I went to my Dr. yesterday.They did blood/urine test -Neg. He checked me & didn't feel any cysts, said he didn't believe I was pg & could start me on pills that would make me have my period. I said no,something is up with my body. He had them do a QUANTITATIVE blood test. He called today with results-it was below 2-Neg. I just FEEL pg but these neg. test tell me I'm not. I know you can bring symptoms on by wanting it bad but the wierd thing is,this month,even though I remember ovulating(discharge)during our 3 wk vacation, I didn't worry about when we ML, just took it easy and enjoyed it. I'm really confused. I KNOW my body & somethings up. If anyone can shed some light or going thru the same thing, Please respond. THANKS! Darla
19 Responses
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Hello I know this was a long time ago, but i am just wondering what you ended up figuring out, i am going through the same thing right now hcg level less than 2. Please give feedback!? Thank you
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Hello I know this was a long time ago, but i am just wondering what you ended up figuring out, i am going through the same thing right now hcg level less than 2. Please give feedback!? Thank you
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Concerned Daddy,

i feel your pain brother.  My wife is 20 weeks in what we believe has to be pregnancy and she has had 15 hpts and 2 quantative blood tests that all came back with negative results.  My wife does suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and has in the past experienced irregularity of menstrual cycles.  the funny thing is that her last cycle start was on May 22.  She had a normal 7 day cycle and we intercoursed on the 11th day after the start of the cycle.  Prior to the 22nd of May, she had normal cycles (although not always consistent, some cycles were as long as 41 days and some as short as 19 days, but she had normal 7 day bleeding in between).  The day we intercoursed she had taken an ovulation test which showed her LH surge to be extremely high.  She has not had a cycle since and not only has she complained of the pains in her breasts and the difficulty of urination, her clothes have stopped fitting and her stomach has gotten bigger as well as her breasts.  We having no insurance have very little options on what to do.  But as you have experienced, the doctors we have seen keep telling us we need to move on to the next step of treatment by putting her on birth control and checking for cysts.  They told us not to even bother with the ultrasound because there is no way she can be pregnant at 20 weeks and not show some hCG.  I'm not satisfied with this finding and we are working on options to get the ultrasound done.  This being our first possible child I don't want to start treating her for ovarian cysts until we are ABSOLUTELY 100% sure that there is no chance of pregnancy at this time.  We are both prepared in our hearts and minds to accept the ultrasound results either way.  We know that God will bless us with a beautiful baby when the time is right.  If the ultrasound shows positive, great.  I'll have a picture of the nice healthy baby inside my wife's uterus, staple it to her 20 wk negative blood results, and send them to that quack doctor of yours with a note that says "IN YOUR FACE!!  THIS ONE'S FOR CONCERNED DADDY!" LOL  If the ultrasound comes back negative for a baby, we will begin cyst treatment or whatever course we need to follow.  We plan to conceive again in 2 years when my wife graduates college.  In fact, we have set a goal to see if we can conceive a child to be born on or around my 30th birthday, and we've called it Operation Birthday Baby 2008, LOL.  Take care Concerned Daddy.  I hope and pray the best for you.  Let us all know what happens.  I'll keep you posted as well.
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i did 3 preg tests which all said BFN's, i re-did the test a week later, as i just had a feeling (along with the p symptons) it came back as positive! so who knows! ive decided that most p tests are infact rubbish! good luck to all of you x
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Sorry to hear about your dr visit.  There's alot of sorry dr's in this world...unfortunately.  Please keep trying...she needs to have an ultrasound...to rule out or confirm pregnancy.  There's definitely something going on with her.
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WOW!! What a fiasco! I don't blame you for ranting, I'd be mad too. I hope the two of you told him where to stick it! And don't let him get to you. You know something is up and you know the odd history of your wife and her immediate family. What would have been so hard about looking? Please keep trying to find a doctor that isn't so ignorant. And when she is nine months along and sporting a big belly, go into see this idiot and rub his face in it! Maybe even scare him a little with a threat of malpractice. Makes me mad just thinking of his snide attitude!
Keep us posted!
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Well this Dr. visit was a diasater.  This idiot (I use this term correctly) was an a..hole and said that it is medically impossible for you to be pregnant with a neg blood test.  
quote: "that must have been a f...ing s..tty a.. lab if that got
       your test wrong last time."
what he didn't have an answer for was the fact that the same lab he uses is the exact one we used a little over 4 years ago with our first child.  He also didn't have and answer for her mother's odd pregnancy issues.  Even if you discount my wife to a bad lab....her mother had 11 pregnancys 2 to full term and using 4-5 different labs......EVERY one of the pregnancys had a neg blood test.  
quote: "you need to get it through your head you are NOT pregnant
       I just don't know how to get it through to you."
he also dismissed ALL of her pregnancy symptoms which i mentioned in a earlier post....he dismissed them to being an issue with her hormones being off in her body and causing preg symptoms....he would not even consider the possibility that she could be and therefore never looked at her at all.  All he seemed interested in was getting her to take progesterone and then Clomid to be an infertility patient of his... (WHY)
I mean we are not activly trying to get pregnant.....we are of the thought process that if it happens it happens and we will adore it just like our first child. So we didn't go in there like a couple of idiots not listening to reason, and he still treated us like we were 3 year olds.
Sorry about the rant but I needed to say it to someone.
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most definitely...ask for an ultrasound.   it's also better to have a full bladder when it's done, so the dr can see better. she would be far enough along.   God Bless You Both
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Ask for an ultrasound. Baby can't hide from that! Good luck! And let us know please!
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First of all...how late is she.  My daughter had a positive blood test when she was 4 weeks or so pregnant, maybe 5.  Hpt showed very faint line at first, then a few days later...she took another one and it was definite...took her to the Dr for a blood test....positive.  Dr. did an ultrasound a couple of weeks before then and checked for cysts...couldn't tell she was pregnant, but she just knew.  It sure sounds as if your wife is pregnant, but wait a few days, and try another hpt.  Just make sure she uses first morning urine.  God Bless You Both
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well she has had strange periods for at least 2 if not 3 months.
Odd flow and duration (almost nonexisitant) but we would guess she is about 10-12 weeks.  with our last child she did not learn she was pg until about now.  We go to the new Dr. In the morning....(Tues) so hopefully we will find something out.  BTW the neg HPTs from the last preg. were from about 1 week from 4-8 weeks pg and the neg blood tests were from 5 and 7 weeks with a pos at 10 weeks.
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My wife with our first child (now 4) felt like she had (in her words) the perputual flu.  People told her you are pregnant, but since she still got her period she did not believe them.  After a
couple of weeks she got a HPT neg. then she ended up over a 4 week period 3 more HPT and 2 blood tests neg. before a 3rd blood test at 10 weeks finally said yes.  Now we are going through all this again.  She has the weight gain in her lower belly breasts are larger and tender swollen fingers back pain frequent urination moodiness lower belly twinges etc and again neg hpt and neg blood.  The only problem is we moved from her old DR and the new one is "positive" that a neg blood test has to be true.
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Thanks so much Blon!!  That really makes me feel better.  I have kept telling myself there is NO way, but the way I feel, with feelings getting stronger every day I just feel like I KNOW I'm pg.  Crazy, I know!  It's hard to ignore it when your body itself won't let you.  I'm going to give it a little while still and maybe take another HPT next week if all these feelings are still here.  My stomach has now started being sore like I've done a lot of situps on top of the achy/stretchy feelings.  This also is a feeling I've only had when I was pg with my son. Was yours and your daughters test the Quantitative blood test that measures your HCG levels or just a qualitive one?  My quantitative number was 2.  I don't know what it has to be to register a pg.  It was taken 10 days after I should have seen AF.  I don't know, I guess time will tell, but it's comforting to know someone else has been thru it to.  Thanks again!!
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Years ago, my DH and I tried to get pregnant.  My periods were always regular.  Never missed a one.  When it was time for my period, I got none.  I waited.  Took hpt, negative.  Went to the doctor.  Took blood test, negative.  He gave me a shot of progesterone to jump start my period.  It came.  The next cycle I got pregnant.  The doc never did say to delay trying to get pregnant. Then I miscarried into my 12th week.  I think that I wanted to get pregnant so bad, my mind played a dirty trick on my body delaying my period.  So, the mind is a powerful thing.  On the other hand, for you, I would wait and give it more time and take another blood test.  That should be definitive by then.  If still negative, have your doc jumpstart your period for you.  Wait a while, a couple of cycles, relax, and try again.
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Thanks for the responses!  Yes, I'm just going to relax and not think about it for now.  If I don't get my next period or it is as weird as this one, then I will pursue it further - maybe taking the pills to bring it on fully.  My OB said he didn't feel any cysts so that is good.  I've had them before and even had one rupture and LORD THAT HURTS!!  He said it COULD possibly be endometriosis which I have had very slightly in the past, but he just got what little there was out in Feb. so..... I'm just gonna leave it in God's hands and not worry about it unless I start hurting really bad.  For now it's still just period type cramps on and off with the pully/achy feelings low.  I'm trying to ignore them.  It could be just because I didn't start and get rid of everything.  Thanks again!!
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I will tell you this.  When I was pregnant with my last 2, I knew I was, but all the tests were neg, even the blood test...for awhile.  You may not be far enough along yet.  My daughter is pregnant with her 2nd one and it was the same for her.  She knew and I knew, but the tests were neg, until she was...maybe 6 weeks, but it could have been sooner.  The point is that  you might just need to wait a week or so, then take another test.  On my daughter's last pregnancy....since all the tests were neg...she worried she may have another cyst. The Doc did ultrasound..no cyst, but couldn't tell she was pregnant then either....It's not good to worry about it, but just wait a little while longer.  Good Luck!
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bHCG (quantitative)tests are very accurate. If you are still unsure, have your doc repeat the bHCG again in a few days. Normal bHCG values will double every 2 days. If the blood tests are still negative, I would wait it out for your period. Sometimes we can all skip a cycle, or have a very scant cycle and be totally normal.
If you are worried, have the U/S, but I would not expect to see a baby. I have never seen a baby on a person with a negative blood test. Ever. Possible reasons for a missed or scant cycle...ovarian cyst or growth, problem with the uterus, or you are normal, and it may be your hormones are out of whack from stress, travel etc.
Good luck!
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Thanks for the response.  I know exactly what you are saying.  That's what I keep telling myself.  After years and years of trying to concieve with our first one(son - 6/26/01)with them saying absolutely nothing is wrong with neither my husband nor myself, then us not using ANY protection since our "Harley" was 4 months old, it's just so much more frustrating to finally have a missed period - slight symptoms - and Neg. tests. I've had plenty of practice in ignoring supposed symptoms up until AF showed,which she always has right on time.  I had another laporoscopy the first of Feb. and they made sure my tubes was open as well so I figured IF I was going to get pg on my own, it would have been the first couple of months after that.  When I didn't, I said,"oh well", & we made an appt. with another fertility specialist closer home(the last one was in New Orleans)and was going there this past Monday 8/29 but it was canceled because of Hurricane Katrina.  I'm not having lots of symptoms like a lot of people say, it's just the way my stomach is still cramping off/on and the pulling/stretching sensation I mentioned earlier and the fact I always have a really heavy (with clots), long, crampy(first few days) period.  So this was NOT a period in my book.  I still look everytime I go to the bathroom expecting to have started.  I know it's crazy!!  My Dr. told me to look over to the corner of his office.  He had a statue of a monkey dressed as a Dr. My Dr. told me, "I keep that there to remind me that women make monkey's of their Dr.'s all the time."  I guess that was another way of his telling me he didn't know what was going on either.  He is a great Dr. and if I called back today and said I wanted an US he would schedule it for me.  I just am not the kind to make a big deal out of things though, so will wait a while and see.  Our bodies can play tricks on us I know!! Sometimes I think it's God's way of keeping us grounded and reminding us just who's in charge!  Sorry this is so long, I don't usually ever write in to things like this - just read them.  I guess I needed to vent a little.  I hate burdening my DH and don't want anyone else to think I'm crazy!!  THANKS AGAIN!
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Everyone "knows someone" who had negative blood/urine tests far into the pregnancy, but the truth is in the vast majority of cases, properly performed pregnancy tests will pick up HCG in your system, once it reaches a level that the test is designed to pick up.  Usually, if you have enough HCG in your system to cause pregnancy symptoms, you have enough to be detected, certainly by a quantitative blood test which as you know, tests down to less than 5.

I've heard so many people say they either had it happen to them or know someone who never tested positive that you would have to believe that all pregnancy tests are worthless.  (Same with epidurals during labor--I've probably heard hundreds and hundreds of times about someone who knows someone who got paralyzed--I've yet to find that person!)  

I don't know why you are having your symptoms. You know your body better than anyone.  It's not always a bad idea to take meds to bring on your period, your doc may be talking about oral Provera.  In the old old old days, they sometimes used it as a pregnancy test--if you took it and didn't get your period, it was an indication of pregnancy.  Now of course, we have sensitive tests for pregnancy and don't need to do that.  The sooner you get your next period, the sooner you can try again.

Time will tell, I suppose.  You can always repeat the quant next week if you don't get your period--if you conceived later than you thought you will definately have a level by then.  

I wish you luck in your TTC journey.
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