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Periods after depo injection

I first started having depo injection in June 2002 with my last being in August 2005.  Since the end of January I have been having a very heavy period every 2 weeks.  My breasts have been very very tender to the point I can't sleep for about a week before my period.  Is this normal?  Should i go to my doctor?
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Hi i have just come off the shot after 20 years straight( long i know), and my last shot due was spose to be october this year 2011 i flagged it, then...dec 18th this year 2011 i have my first cycle which seems to be normal so far, as i can remember and with mild cramps, i am yet to finish this cycle first (3days to go), and hope to remain patient that nothing happens inbetween the time of next months due date from now other than conceiving that is, so i can determine wen i ovulate...thats the fustrating time when you want to try to conceive, anyway since coming off my last shot i started taking Mecafem Root Tablets from Peru that women may have heard of, i thort my hormones would be up the shoot from 20 prolonged yrs of being on depo.....i was sooo happy when i got my period almost like the feeling of knowing you are pregnant!, It does what it says that Macafem im sure of it and its all 100%naturall.
So just taking from your story, u CAN get a cycle after being on Depo so soon after and NOT have to wait 6mnths to a year, yet all women are different yes.

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hello kelli, i have those same problems but ive never gone off depo. ive been on it consistantly for about 3 years now and im just now having those symptoms. sometimes when im due for my shot i think im actually pregnant because my breasts get larger and tender and my lower tummy swells up and gets hard. it goes away after my shot but this last time it came back a week after the shot. im worried now since this has never happened. i am going to the doctor tomorrow for some answers. hope everything gets better for you. i know your pain
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I have been on the depo since 2006 and I just got off this year 2011 and its been over five mths and I haven't had a period yet and I had went to the doctor and they said I'm not pregnant so and I was in the hosiptal for a month and a half and I was on all types of meds bcus I had a kidneystone but I dnt have it nomore and I haven't been back to the doctor since october and I don't kno what's wrong with me how long can u go without having a period being on the depo shot? and how long can it stay in your body?
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I love depo,will be 30 nxt yr and have 3 kids. Depo calms my mood swings,yes ive put weight on but come on its hard to keep slim as ur getting older with kids.u cant blame the depo for sharing kids meals n treats,its called been a happy mum just dont get greedy.yes I was slim and 9stone but now am abit fat at 11stone but my kids are happy and im a good mum.depo is good if it stops ur periods cos u dont have to worry when ur on the go with kids.and lets face it,wen u decide u want another child if it takes that bit longer to catch on atleast u have time to change ur mind instead of rushing into it.x
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I went on depo after my son was born and was on it for two years. I went away to study after that so I came off since I wouldnt be having sex with anyone but my husband.My period took 2 months to come back- when it came it came back it came heavy but for the normal 5 days. I went home for vacation 6 months later and went back on the depo. Returning to my study country I came off again. This time it didnt come for only one month, the other month it came normal BUT THE NEXT MONTH IT CAME HEAVY FOR TWO WEEKS! It only came for two weeks cause I stopped it by using the pill to regulate it. The following month it came normal and the end of november it HAS NOT COME! It is december and still hasnt come and instead I have a whitish discharge while I continue to feel that its going to come. Iknow I'm not pregnant cause I have had sex in months so it has to be the injection or something else. Anyone ever had their period start for a while( whether normal  or not) then stop- with discharge, after taking depo?
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God reading all these horrible stories i thought i would post my not so bad story and experiences of the injection... I got my injection when i was 15 (just to stop periods beacuse they did my head in) and i stayed on it until i was 19 and then after being my partner for nearly 2 years we moved in together and decided (knowing that it may take time for my cycle to come back) to come off the injection to try for a baby and so i came off injection and straight on the mini pill to bring a period back. I came off the injection in April 2007 and was pregnant in june 2008 and gave birth to my healthy little boy in march 09. I then went straight back on the injection after i had him. Since we have decided to try for baby number 2 so in january 2010 I never went back for my injection (i also avoided the other pills and decided i would naturally let me body get back to normal) Now in December 2011 i have my period back so and all seems good. Bit of cramping but nothing extreme so fingers crossed baby number 2 will soon be on the way... It isnt all bad people only really discuss it if it has done something really bad to them. One thing i can say which is the only side effect i have noticed is that i had no sex drive but since off it it has gone through the roof (which helps when trying for a baby :-) )  
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