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Right Sided and Lower Abdomen Pain

I had a TAH On Oct. 19, 2004 because of reoccuring ovarian cyst. The day after I was sent home I was admitted back to the hospital b/c of a hematoma. After getting over that long recovery, I was fine.

A month ago I started having this reoccuring pain, just like it felt when I had a cyst on my ovaries in the past. This pain continues to stay on my right lower abdomen side, again where my ovary WAS! I have had alot of abdominal cramps that are intense and bowel movements are constipation one minute and diarrhea the next. Two weeks ago I made an appt. with my GYN and she did an U/S. Before we started, she started telling me how she wasn't going to find anything because all her parts have been taken out. So, of course, we did the U/S and NOTHING was found. She said it could be a few adhesions but nothing more. The pain I am having is in and out all the time and it really intense at times. I did quit hurting for about a week but has decided to come back these last few days.  My back has also started acting up.

In November of 2004 I had a gallbladder surgery, because of gallstones after having a colonoscopy done and only finding a small benign pallop.  I am also on Premarin 1.25 mg once a day.

My questions is, could this be adhesions and what are my other options and to what it could be?

Thank You.

35 Responses
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I had five surgies because of ovarian cyst, If I was you, I would have a vaginal ultrasound to see if they could see any.  My dr ended up doing an emergency laposcopic because I was in so much pain.  He actually had to move my intestines - when he did, he found a large cyst in my fallopian tube.  This was February of 2010, in October of 2010, I starting having severe pain again.  I ended up having a complete hysterectomy.  I'm glad I did.  My uterine wall had deteariated and my uterus was growing into my stomach muscles.  I also had pre cancerous cells all over my cervix and my ovaries were covered in pre cancer cells.  
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I had a complete hysterectomy 27 yrs. ago due to cysts and in the past three months began having the pain in the right side like I did all those years ago.  You don't forget that kind of pain!  I went to the doctor and she made an appointment for an ultrasound but does not think it will show anything.  The pain at times is so bad that it causes my abdomen to swell and pain in my lower back and legs.  Has anyone out there had something like this after so many years?  This is the first time this has happened since the hysterectomy.
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Yes, this has been happening to me for three years. I'm going to figure it out and share with everyone.  Do you have an update??
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I too have the very intense pain...  I have had it now for about 5 years.  Today it was so intense i was also on the floor crying I swear I wished I was dead at that moment.  Worse than any one of my 3 childrens labor (10.5 pound baby was the last one).  I am 48 years old.  This pain also effects my siatic (sp?) nerve and goes down my right leg.  I still have my monthly cycle and have all hardware inside.  Never had any surgury for any scar tissue to adhear from.  What the heck is wrong with us????  Cant anyone figure it out???  HELP   Brigitte
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Hi Everyone,  I don't feel so bad now.  I'm 64 and have had a total hysterectomy.  Also had my appendix out.  So, there is nothing there to cause my pain, but, as the doctor said, it could be adhesions.  I've had so many operations that he thinks the scare tissues have attached themselves to my intestines.  He also said that there is no use in operating because that just caused more scare tissue.  So, what am to do.  He did give me pills to relax the intestines.  It helps alittle but that tender achy pain is still on my lower right side.  I've had an endoescoy and a colonoscopy, everything ok there. It's very discouraging, I'm going to see my GP tomorrow and ask for an ultrasound.  I'd still like to know exactly what is causing this pain even if nothing can be done.  I was very glad to come upon this site, I'm not alone.

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Well ab pain is nothing new to me. I am glad I am not the only one. Seems that way in my real life though.  It has gotten worse in the last 5 years(at age 50 now). similar to what many of you express. Like cramps during certain times of the cycle, mostly on right side, radiates upward now too. had two pelvic U/S and were negative; a gastroscopy and colonoscopy recently, negative too, except for possible IBS(how is that just possible on actual clinical inspection, seems like it either is or isn't!).  though, my primary care Dr(a geriatric specialist), said its the large intestine, which bends in the lower right ab, travels straight up, then goes across the body under the ribs and back down the left side into the colorectal area. She prescribed an anti spamic drug, which does help some. I can see her reasoning here, but am not totally sold on it. She said to cut down on fiber(we are told to always eat more!) and watch what I eat to see how I react. As we age this starts to be more of a problem with the large intestine. But still, it feels like dull menstral cramps that have traveled higher now. so they could be affecting in proximity, like the large intestine. I also have had problems with the right ovary in the past with cysts, and also have had surgically determined extensive pelvic adhesions, which were supposed to be removed during laparoscopy, but could return too.
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Hi my names megan I'm 22.. for about just over a month now it started off as needing a wee a lot like my bladder got full with pressure quickly so I saw a doc who tested for diabetes which was clear and a urine test which showed a few white blood cells so she gave me antibiotics which didn't do anything so I went back and this time she sent a urine sample off to check for any sign of infection and to grow culturals or something like that.. this also all came back clear! Now for the past 2 weeks I've been having a dull achy pain in my lower right side stomach like by my pelvis and it spreads round into my lower right side back and now theses past few days in my right upper thigh as well... I went back to doc who felt my stomach and back and also done a internal to feel near my ovaries which didn't hurt so she's given me 600mg of ibuprofen to take for 2 weeks and said come back in 2/3 months if its still there. The symptoms are still here and its been only a few days since I last saw doc. I am really worried and please could someone write back to me if they have or ever had these symptoms before. Thankyou. Sorry for massive message lol
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HI im 22 years old. I've been having lower back pain and lower right abdomen pains that come and go. I went to the ER today since this has been going on for 2 weeks now. All they said was that it was a UTI but did not take an ultra sound or CT, they only had me pee in a cup. They gave me medicine for the UTI and told me to wait 2 days and if I dont feel better to come back. I also have always had an irregular menstrual cycle and not had my period for almost 10 months now. I was thinking it could be a cyst?? My mother has had them before and what she describes is what I feel like too.

I dont know what to do from here....
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for the past 19 yrs i have been having right side lower ab/pelvic pain which then started radiating to my siatic, leg, foot, shoulder, arm all right sided. numerous complaints to numerous drs, thyroid test, tubal, laparscopy, endometrial ablation (my dr told me he would give me that not a hystorectomy for having my period 2x's a mo.) all came out normal. i have 2 children both preterm and both w/complications. after the ablation i still had the same problems and still had my period (i had my ablation done in 2007) dr told me to go on the pill and i refused cuz i was over 35, smoked and had operations which prevented me from getting pregnant so i said no because they didnt work b4 on the pain and made me have my period everyday. went back to him again and he said there was nothing he could do and walked out, i changed drs. got sent to a neurologist who said i had neuropathy after 2 test ea 6wks apart. said they didnt know how i got it and that there was nothing they could do for me but wanted me to go back in 6 wks for another test. i didnt go back, with answers like that why would i? well i didnt believe it anyway if i had it, it was secondary and all my pains were associated with my periods. so i stopped going to all drs for 3 yrs didnt even go back for my paps, i was just simply pissed and tired so i dealt. i was taking six of any otc pain killer at a time and it still didnt work. i started to drink a bit more to help with the pain, but lets face it thats not the best solution so i decided last oct to go on juicing and taking coconut oil and various other natural methods but still smoking. it helped tonz and i was feeling great til jan.of this yr. i had an episode 1 day that threw me to the floor, nauesa, fever and i just sat there on my knees for about an hr and then it was gone. then i had another episode the next month just for an hr but i noticed the natural stuff i was doing i couldnt do anymore it made me real nauseaous. let me just add that my pain is so bad that i did have to quit my job yrs back and it has just progressed. so in march it was time for my period, so i thought. it never came and i had the worst attack of pain, nauesa, fever, chills etc. my mom made me go to emegency. cts ultrasounds all normal appendix, liver etc just showed fibroids and a cyst on my right side. had to go back in the morning to do a follow up ct. that dr said all female problems but still suspected appendix and was sent home with antibiotics cuz they found some fluid and referred to a gyno. on the spot said lets do hysto everything except left ovary. i was thirlled i was gonna get what i wanted but this was our 1st visit. 2 wks later i had the same episode but started to bleed rectally back to the er. cts u/s admitted and had colonoscopy that showed hemorroids and mild colitis? go back to gyno he says oh you have pid,( more antibiotics) endometerosis, cysts on both ovaries, fiborids we are gonna do a total hysto. um def. not sounding right cuz he never examined me and wasnt even suggesting that i do a laparscopy to see whats what and everybody was giving me conflicting reports nobody could agree so i reluctantly go for a 2nd opinion in may still having these attacks 1-2x;s a mo and still no period and not pregnant and these pains were lasting 14-20days. give her all the infor from er and past. she assumes its gastro stuff but she does a laparscopy and does not have high opinions of the previous drs. she was thinking the ablation that i should have never had, had gone wrong or something. she does a gasless laparscopy thinking if i did have endo and adhesions that it was attached to the bowel, she called it right. final diagnosis. i had some endo, mass adhesions, no pid, and my appendix is attached to the top of my uterus, ovary, tube, bladder and bowel! couldnt get to the fluid or around some other part cuz it was too closed off.  she doesnt know how anyone could have missed this and felt my  pain as she was operating. she is sending me to do robotic surgery. if she were to do it the risk of puncturing my bowel and causing peritonitis is great. i still had  severe pain last month the same time i was suppose to be on my period but it only lasted 7 days. she says the ablation apparently took affect (after 3) yrs. so obviously we know whats causing the pain. i have to add that i do have pain all month as of this yr but the severity is the wk b4 and during my "period" and i have had the painful intertcourse and bleeding after it and too much activity of any kind bloats me and hard to walk and r.side upper abs are distended. but since i am no longer suppose to be having my period im guessing the severity of it at that time of the month is like phatom pain? i do still feel like i am gonna leak but nothing happens.i hoping to get back to "normal" soon after the surgery. my mom had a hysto and said for like a yr after she still had all the same symptoms and then they just went away but even still on occasion she feels like she is leaking and isnt but no pains. i just have to hope that my appendix doesnt burst b4 surgery its super enlarged. i just dont get how they could have seen a normal appendix when it wasnt in the right place to begin with. sorry i have to add that i have constipation/diarreaha and when i have bowel movements it feels like my insides are coming out. i dont mean to make this so long or bore anyone but there are alot of symptoms and i know many others have the same thing who keep getting  misdiagnosed or told they r crazy like me and i dont wish for anyone to drive themselves crazy like i have trying to self diagnosis. at least now after all my research i can better help my daughter if she ever goes through this. i hope this helps someone
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What happened next? Did you ever become pain free?
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I have been having the same pain in my lower right side for a month or 2 now. The pain comes and goes but is very painful during my period. My doctor has given me an U/S and CT and hasnt found anything wrong. He gave me birth controll pills but im sceptical on how they will work. i am so glad that i found this and that im not alone.
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i have been the same pain lower right and central i had an abnormal bleed and was in hospital for days with such bad clottin they thought i was having a miscarriage then thought ruptured ovarian cyst but never got diagnosis! zoladex was only pain relief completly wiped out all pain as it stops your cycle completly but side affects include hot flushes and a lot of weight gain this is only suppose to be a temp medication. got told once pregnant shouldnt get pain but 27 weeks and really hurting all symtons bk again!!!!!! got a consultation with doc next week but couldnt get a diagnosis before so.....??? they tried saying could b ibs but zoledex only works in the gyne area x good luck ladies your not alone x
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Im 29 yrs old Ive had a tubal at 21. I have had cyst on ovaries on and off since that age of 13. Ive have unbeleivable pain on right side on and off for years. Ive had cervical cancer at 18 which the done a leep at 17 had a d and c done for unconrolable bleeding which made it worst. and one at 20.  Was told by a quaack dr. when iwas 14 i would never have kids because of all the cyst that grows and burst But of course got pregnant at 17 and 20 2 healthly boys thank goodess. But know again ive can't have sex with mt husband without me hurting so bad and of cousre he doesn't' understand!!! Ive been to some many dr. and i think they think im crazy.  But now i have a new one did a ultrasound last week again!!!!! have a cyst on right ovary that is 5.9 cm but it brsted and another is growing back and 3 on left ovary that are 3.4 2.9 1.4cm Which my left side never hurts its my right side that hurts!!!!!!! I have periods every two weeks on and off i need advice i go back to dar tomorrow
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I'm 52.  I had a tubaligation  when I was 35.  I had to have D&C twice for severe bleeding.  The third time I had to have blood transfusions and had a Uterine Ablation.  For about the last year, I've started bleeding again.  I will go for a month or so slightly bleeding everyday.  Then all of a sudden I get almost a full period.  Now, for the past few days I've had severe pain in my lower right side.  I had this pain before but not with this intensity.  I have tried several OTC pain relief meds but nothing even touches the pain.  It hurts no matter whether I sit, stand or lie down.  I very worried but I don't have insurance and can't afford to go to the doctor.  Anyone know what may be going on?  I thinking an ovarian cyst but I don't understand the bleeding.
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Go to ER. Apply for charity to pay the bills. Get into pain management.  Let us know how all turned out.
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I had a partial hys. in august due to painful rt side pain and bursting cyst's behind my cervix. I am 48 and thought yeah no more pain. When I went back for 6 week check up I told my female gyn. that I could still feel slight tug on my rt side and she said no way nothing is there. So I blew it off as I had had that pain so long maybe it was just phantom pain. Now it is 6 mos. later and I have been doubled over for 3 days with lower rt ab pain. It feels like a sharp knife scraping me. I got on line and put in symptoms and it came up with ACUTE PANCREATITIS as a possible diagnosis. I had ruled out female problem since I had hysterectomy, right? So what I am saying does everyone on this forum have ACUTE PANCREATITIS? I don't think so! But why haven't any of our doc's suggested this and tested us. The only reason I don't think it iis pancreatitis is because I don't have fever or vomiting. Oh which reminds me doc's took my appendix out when I was 23 due to went to emergency room with severe rt pain. No fever or vomiting then either. When I was post op doc informed me my appendix was helthy and pink but they took it anyway. Then was told pain could just be in my head! WHAT THE HE.....! So I told the doc for it to be in my head my side sure does hurt!!!
Thinking about making appt. with doc that removed my uterus. I don't know if it will do any good. She left my ovaries because she said they looked healthy and had a couple good years left. Now I think maybe they should have taken them too!
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A little over a moth ago my mother had a hysterectomy to remove cancer we where told by the doctors all the cancer was gone and after several tests they say there is no cancer but kemo and radiation will need to get done so far only one kemo has been done and ever since her leaving tthe hospital she had had lower right stomach pain. When she eats she is in severe pain due to this she eats almost nothing every day even drinking is hard she has lost alot of weight. The doctors have prescribed her to so many medications nothing help and nobody that my parents have spokin to even the doctor know what this could be. If anyone out there has any idea please let me know.
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My mum have this intense pain in her lower right abdomen every month after her period lately it lasted for a few days those few days she told me was a torture she had fever too. She is having her check up tomorrow but I am still very worried.  Lol803 do u get fever when it happens.
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My wife has been having what a lot of you describe. Severe pain in her lower right abdomen and has been seeing multiple doctors for 4 years now with no results. She has had laparoscopys and blater treatments and many other things that have yielded the same results. We have even had a couple different doctors tell her it is in her head, which is nonsense since I know she is in real pain since our intimacy went away 4 years ago. This is really getting her down and is a strain on our relationship because she doesn't feel like she has a husband anymore rather she feels she is just living with a friend. What I know from what she has described is that she has this pain most of the time and its not too bad until we try to be intimate and it becomes too severe. If anyone has any information about what might have worked or at least a starting point we can give to our doctor (a fresh idea that he hasn't thought of because we have been seeing him so long) we would really appreciate it.

Thanks so much and best wishes to everyone here.

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Every month during my period I have severe pain on my lower right back and my right abdomen. It never misses. Im always taking some kind of pain meds for this ,it starts the first day and sometimes runs until the third day. I have had different kinds of test but everything comes up negative. Could it be a bad ovary, kidney ? Sometime I clot, sometimes heavy periods or light, I still have this same problem. Sometime the bottom of my stomach cramps too. All I know is that I am in excrutiating pain for those days. What is your suggestion?
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wow..  I thought I was a loner.  Im so sorrowful to know that all of you are experiencing the same pain as I.. cuz as all of us know, its unbearable.  However I am so relieved that I'm not alone.  And thankful that I found this sight.  I just pray that some of you ladys who've posted these a couple years ago might have some answers for us who haven't a clue and are suffering..
     Here's my story :
  I'm barely 18 years old.. and Ive already been diagnosed with arthritus, and severe anemia ( I cant get up some days, from fatigue)
And now... the lower central abdominal pain (I can tell its from my uterus) and then on the right side. and sometimes my left. and the low back pain. I missed 2 months of my period, and finally when it came last week, it was the most painful experience.   I've not been able to go to work.. I've been to the ER 3 times, the doc's office twice and the GYN.  All in the course of 3 weeks. The first time at the ER they did an ultra sound, and CT Scan and found nothing. Also, a pelvic exam and saw alot of discharge. They said, "oh, its an infection, most likely a STD".  but I knew it wasnt possible.  They put me on Doxy Cycline (anti biotic)  but that didn't help. and gave me pain meds (which would wear off in 2 hours!!)   The 2nd time they told me it looked like a cyst had burst and that I should go see GYN. *ya think??*   so she then told me it was the cyst, and that I still have a few more. on both ovaries..  and when she did a PAP Smear, the moment she felt my cervix, I was in the most inscrutiating pain.. so she thinks its an infection, put me back on more antibiotics and BC. that was last week. I have an appointment next Friday to go back. Ths pain is getting worse, and more consistant no matter what I do... If the pain is still severe, she wants to do surgery..   Which, as long as it takes care of it im all for it.   However, I have two worries...   1) what if it doesn't help, and then make things worse        2)  im still a baby,  but when I grow older I want to start a family of my own.. and will all of this inable me to have children...?

Im so discouraged right now
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I am 50 years old and never had a hestorectomy or anything except my tubes tied.  I have the same type pains that you all have.  I have researched and can not pin point my symptoms in all the literature available on the world wide web.  I hurt so bad in my lower abdomen, straight down the middle and on my lower right side.  It is a sharp pain that will stop me in my tracks.  I almost double over until it stops.  I thought it might be hemmorides or something but they say on the internet that the pain would not be where I am saying it is.  Intense pain, stabbing pain is not a part of hemmorides.  I had this pain when I was going to the gyn for menapause.  I asked him why my side would have sharp pains in it and he said that it was probley from streching or something.  But I do know how all you ladies feel.  It is not in our heads.  I hope it is not serious or it will not become serious for us since we still have pain  and the marvels of medical technology say there is no reason for our intense pain.  Come on Doctors.  Or maybe a female Doctor is out there that knows exactly how we feel.  Sure love to here from him or her if they exist.
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I've had pain in my lower side for a few years now, mostly at night......very dull and not very painful just enough to make me curious.  Now it's getting worse....sometimes in the day and the other day it was so painful I had to go to bed for the evening.  I have no other symptoms.  I think it's my appendix.......or a kidney stone.  But i read something that someone wrote on another site about how eating nuts flares up and episode for them.  I do find mine to coorelate the same but I think that person was having gall bladder problems and mine is so low in my right side, like where my ovary would be.  When I mentioned it to my gynocologist about 9 months ago he did an ultra sound and said everything was fine.  I go to a clinic when I get sick.....but have no regular doctor.  My problem is I don't trust doctors......so I keep putting it off.  I fear malpractice, or an unneccessary procedure.  However, I sure would like to know what is wrong.

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WOW! I have this going on right now.  I am 42, 4 years after a total hysterectomy.  I still have my ovaries though.  I had endometriosos, andometriosis, dsymenorhea, etc. I had incredibly painful cramps and it took me until I was 37 to find an OB/GYN that didnt treat me like I was crazy.  Now, 4 years after the surgery, I'm having right lower abdominal pain radiating to my lower back and down into my right thigh.  I almost feel like I'm about to start my period, except that I dont have those anymore.  I'm scheduled for an abdominal, pelvic and renal ultrasound on Wednesday, but hurting now.  What is this?  Any ideas ladies?

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wow people, it looks as though we all share one thing in common:  pain without answers!!  heres my story:  my apologies for it being so long!

i am 25 years old with a long history of painful periods to the point of vomitting and being bed ridden.  Ovarian cysts are not uncommon in my life.  I've never had them operated on, but i have had 3 biopsies due to "pre cancerous cells" found through routine exams.  

Over the past year, I started noticing really bad cramping AFTER my period.  when i looked it up online, the only thing that came back was endometriosis (which my mother had until she became pregnant).  After a ton of research (i can't go to the doctor because I don't have insurance right now) I determined that I have every single symptom of endo.  that sucks...

When I finally spoke with my doctor about 9 months ago, he said that the post mentrual cramps are probably caused by ovulation.  he gave me free samples of BC pills.  I never took them bc I was on them for 5 years and have been off them for 3 years.  Plus, i knew that my husband and I would like to start trying within the year (we are newly-weds!!  married this last march '07----wish us luck on that--he's 40 yrs old and just had a reversal done.  his original vasectomy was done 12 years ago!!! )  

Over the last few months, I had two periods in a month.  They came every 2 weeks instead of 3.  When i called the doctor and spoke to a nurse, she said that probably means i'm not ovulating and that there's a pill they can give me for that-- Especially needed once we start trying to conceive.  I'm not big on medicating for everything, so i bought a book called "getting pregnant the natural way" .  I learned a ton about the female reproductive system, our cycles and how they're effected by certain things.  i learned that some of my cycle problems might be caused by lack of essential vitamins, foods, and due to high stress, etc.  So, in an attempt to get my cycle regular, I started taking prenatal vitamins, eating better and destressing.  My very next period was 3 weeks later instead of 2.  fabulous.

however...Now I've developed an intense pain in my lower right abdomen, accompanied by pain in my lower back, diahrea, and frequent urination (which is painful [not externally]due to the possible endo...i guess).  those are the only things i notice aside from the EXTREME pain when my husband and I tried to have sex.  It flared up before bed Monday morning (july 23).  we tried to have sex Tues morning, changed positions 4 times, then had to quit due to the intense pain.  (not sure if its important, but my basal temp was low Tues)  Wednesday morning we had sex and the pain was bearable.  Wednesday night we had great sex!!  there was some discomfort at certain angles, but not painful.  Then i woke up this morning (thursday) experiencing EXTREME pain.  so bad I felt nauseous, could hardly walk or talk and was doubled over.

aside from all my "female problems"  I've always had "spastic colon" or some form of intestinal issues.  one time i even had to be rushed to the hospital bc i was vomitting blood and had bloody diahrea, accompanied by a fever of 103.8  they said that i had a bacteria infection due to a back up in my intestines (despite the fact that i hadn't been constipated).  they told me that my body doesn't break down certain foods like it should and that i would have to completely change my ENTIRE diet.  Now, folks...understand that they were speaking to a 20 year old college student.  i ate like **** and loved the way i ate.  i like delicious foods full of fat!!  I've always been skinny so there's never been a need to eat differently.  i only recently began eating better because i know i'll be healthier long term.  they also told me to drink metamucil EVERY day for the rest of my life.  i don't do that either unless my colon starts acting up.

my point to all of this is the fact that my pain could be stemming from so many different issues!!!  if i go to the doctor now and they say something about endo, then it would be a "pre-exsisting" condition in the minds of the insurance 'gods'.  if i ever needed to have surgery to increase the odds of getting pregnant with endo...insurance probably wouldn't cover it!!!

the main reason i don't feel as though the current pain is coming form a colon issue is because i haven't eaten anything bad lately, and i'm probably ovulating right now.  So these could be the same POST mentrual cramps i've had for the past year-year 1/2, just a more severe case of them.

I am so lost!!!

if anyone has any comments, suggestion, etc on any of my various health issues---please please post them!!!  you can even emil me at ***@**** if you'd like.


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Okay so I was doin some research and I came across this site. Yesterday I went to my family doctor for lower abdomen and lower back pain on my right side. And again they tell me that it is just a bladder infection. But they gave me medicie and well that didn't help and it has happened the past 2 months and every time its the week before i have my period. I don't know what is wrong with me. But it really is hurting me.
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I am glad I went to this site today. I had a partial hysterectomy over a year ago. Since then I have had numerous problems with the left lower side of the abdomen and my lower back. Sometimes I can bend a certain way and it literally feels like something is ripping. I have had problems with my kidneys in the past and my doctors say it is not my kidneys. I have had sonograms and I was told it was gallstones. REALLY!!!!!!!!! Do gallstones feel like that? The surgeon wants to remove my gallbladder, I ma not ready yet. I have read once the gallbladder is gone you can count on diabetes. Anybody else heard this? Any one else have these symptoms? I am about to scream. I still hurt from an episode today. I was also told I have lots of scar tissue. What should I be doing next? HELP

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