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Scar Tissue after breast reduction, does this cause pain

I had a breast reduction surgery about four years ago.  I just recently began to feel one of my breast sentative and painful.  I have examined my self but don't feel any lumps, but I am worry that I my have breast cancer.  I was told that it might be scar tissue but I just don't know.  Can anyone tell me if this is what could be happening to me?
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9 years after breast reduction severe chronic pain under right arm pit.  9 years & counting!  Severe!  Family dr says adhesions.  Original sugeon claimed "you had that before surgery" & walked out of exam room. Arm movement makes worse.  God only knows why He doesn't stop pain.  I can't live like this.
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I have lived like you since Oct 2015 but enough is enough...I’m going to have scar tissue removed July 30th and implants.
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I had breast reduction about 4 years ago . I have ad one previous mama gram . But had one on Friday, and my left breast is very itchy- hurting. The technical person pressed down abit harder ( painful) on my left side then right.  Can anyone tell me why it's so uncomfortable? Maybe it damaged the scare tissue?
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Hello,  I have a similar problem with my left breast.  I have a lot of scar tissue on both breasts.  It's awful to live with.  I am thinking if going and getting them redone.  
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I had breast reduction  two months ago, and my right breast tissue is slipping uncomfortably underneath the scar creating two creases. The surgeon asked me which breast hung lower right before surgery. I told him the right. Now I have a breast crease scar on the right higher than it should be. Coincidence?

It's been 9 weeks, and I can still only sleep on my back due to hard, painful breasts.  

At this point in time, I would not recommend breast reduction surgery.
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Having come on to this site for similar and in some cases identical reasons, I am comforted to know that I am not the only one to experience this which makes me feel that this is relatively normal for a minority of women after surgery...painful and worrying but normal. These reassuring comments are the difference between me sleeping tonight or staying awake worrying about my appointment tomorrow. Thank you every one x
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I'm having the same issues, did you ever find help?
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ME! and I am @*$@ about that as well. They tend to not explain that when you have the surgery. Also, the skin at the t intersection is very thin, the scar tissue that is. So thin it looks like it can injure easily. I am older than most women who get this, so I am having remorse.
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I'm so glad to have found this site. I had a reduction in 2003.  To my surprise no drains were needed. Initially the recovery was quick and with very little pain, this all changed quickly. When the bandages were removed my right breast looked so different from the left breast.  I inquired to learn why there was such a significant difference. The surgeon explained that he performed the  procedure on my left breast; however his student did the procedure on the right breast.  My right breast looked like it was stitched on a sewing machine with a broken needle. sometimes when I'm lifting or getting out of bed I will have very sharp pains.  It's difficult to lift my right arm straight into the arm because I can feel the strain in the area where the stitches were (something is pulling too tight).  My breast feel hard in places on some days and other days no issues. In 2009 I had screening done which revealed only scar tissue. If I could go back in time I would just deal with the size DD breast.  Twelve year later and I still have pain and I'm constantly telling myself it will turn to cancer.
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I have the same problem as you. did you ever get any relief? #help
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I have the same exact  problem as you. did you ever get any relief? #help
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I had breast reduction surgery in 1998 and have had pain in both ta tas. It becomes unbearable at times when I get cold and the nips, for lack of a better word, hard.  Does anyone else have this issue and if so how do you cope?
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I had breast surgery and ended up with scaring that left me very conscious of what I wear. After 6 months of using the Dr Max Powers Scar Serum faithfully everyday, I now hardly even notice them. Wonderful silky feeling with no greasy feeling.
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I had a breast reduction in 98.  I was a DD or possibly DDD before surgery and although I wanted to be a C cup was more of a D.  Although I was thrilled initially with the smaller size overall I was not satisfied with the outcome.  

At the time I had the surgery I was so desperate to be smaller and not have the weight of my heavy breasts that I decided on the first doctor that I had a consultation with.  He seemed nice enough and was very excited about his work but soon it became obvious that he had a habit of running in and out of the exam room and not really taking the time to allow you to relax and and ease into the consultation and think of all the questions that you had.

I felt rushed and just did not feel comfortable but went ahead anyway and planned the surgery.  The day of the surgery I was excited to finally be rid of this weight.  He comes in and starts of calling me by the wrong name.  Common sense would tell you that this might be the time to cancel the operation and get out of there as fast as one could but again I corrected him and hoped for the best.

Once I was in the op room being prepped the doctor came in and introduced someone that was going to be present in the OR with us.  I cant remember her title but she seemed young and I assumed that she would be observing during the procedure.

The surgery went without a hitch but upon waking as I was looking down my body at my new boobs I was disappointed that my left breast was still larger than my right.  ( I had stressed to the Dr that I wanted even breasts because I was always so unhappy with the larger and heavier left side).  When I mentioned this to the doctor he said that it would improve as the breasts adjusted to their new size and if not he could do a revision in office.

Also my nipples we still large as he did not minimize them to suit the new breast size so being that my left nipple was larger before it was larger on a smaller breast.  I also mentioned to him that I wanted to be much smaller that I was.  He stated that because of the lollipop cut that I did he was not able to take more.  He stated that he took about 200grams.  To this day I do not know if that is per breast or both. It certainly does not feel like per breast.

Eventually it dawned on me that the young lady that was in the OP room with us was "allowed" to practice on me.  The difference in the workmanship on the 2 was completely different.  When I mentioned this to the doctor at the follow up he didn't say anything.  I spent the night in the overnight suite and the Dr. was great in that he was there with me all night himself assisting me to the bathroom when I had to vomit giving me pain killers ect.

I have to admit that I was so green and ignorant about any surgical procedures or protocols  when one is having any work done that I kind of let too many things slide.  In all fairness I believe that the Dr. was a skilled surgeon but because I did not know how to get my needs met by him and communicate exactly what my expectations were it made for a less that satisfactory experience.

Looking at my breasts as time went on I had to admit that the breast on the right that the Dr. himself had done was would have been perfect if not for the fact that the breast was larger than I wanted it to be and that the areola was a bit larger than it should have been.  The breast on the left however is the one that I had problems with.  As others have mentions I had INTENSE itching and pain to the touch in that breast for years.  It the itching would drive me out of my mind sometimes it was so bad.  To this day I have pain if the nipple/areola is squeezed and there is not much sensation in the breast at all.  I believe that  is from an unskilled person working on me and damaging (permanently I'm pretty sure) nerves.  Not to mention that now it hangs a good inch lower than my right nipple and has the look of a bullet shape as the nipple is always puffy and distended looking because too much tissue sits in the nipple areola and I think this may be one of  the reasons that I have no feeling but pain or discomfort in this breast when touched....

Let me interject right here that I was ok with the smaller breasts for a little while because even though they were not small enough to satisfy what I wanted for myself they were still lighter and somewhat smaller (not as long) until I got pregnant in 2002.  Now they are just as heavy and seem to be just as long as they were the first time and since then I have been very unhappy with my breasts and I want so badly to try it again and I am sure one day I will.

This brings me to something that I think may help others who have been suffering with scar tissue and the nerves bundled up within scar tissue( this is something that I think I had because I had an area under my left areola that drove me craze with deep intense itching and hearing people here describe it has convinced me that this was my problem).  It was to the point that I thought that something was left inside that breast because the itching was locating deep within my breast in one spot and when I tried to massage it for relief it made it worse.  It itched so bad that I had to just pat it and clench my teeth until that horrid itch subsided.

So this year I found out about and enzyme called Serrapeptase.  It is the enzyme that a caterpillar secretes that eats through the chrysalis so the newly formed butterfly can break free.  I took it because I have high blood pressure and it is excellent for clearing out the veins and arteries of plaque, eating away at scar and dead tissue in the body and a host of other things.

I took a bottle of 90 caps until gone and only recently realized that I no longer have that deep itch in that area or that feeling that something is left inside my breast.  To massage that area does not bring on the painful unbearable itch that it used to and Im pretty sure that the serrapeptase has helped with this as I have had this problem since the surgery in 98 until now.

My plan is to get more of it and use it for a longer period of time and get rid of any other remaining scar tissue within my body.  Maybe this is something that others may consider that will help with the suffering.  I only wish I had known about this many years ago I would have taken it immediately after surgery.

Even with all of that I would still do it again.  In fact when I am able financially to do it again I will in a heartbeat only this time I will be a much more informed and educated patient and I will make sure to get exactly what I want.  What I want is not unreasonable just symmetry, b/c cup size and minimal scarring and post op problems.

Sorry for the long post but this is the first time in 15 yrs since my surgery that I told anyone my full experience and I feel so relieved just to vent how unhappy my first experience at a breast reduction was.  It also makes me realize that I can still get the results I so badly wanted the first time with planning and really doing my homework this time.
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I found this site... its great http://www.cosmeticsurgeryforums.com/scar_treatments.htm#Difference_Between_Hypertrophic_and_Keloid_Scarring
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I just had a breast lift 4 months ago initially the nipples were fine (slightly numb)... then 2 weeks post=op hypersensitive.... 4 months on my nipples remain hypersensitive and sometimes swollen sore to touch .. and look like they retain fluidy bits beneath the areola... in uneven areas.. I get the occasional lightening-like shots in the breasts.. but more the nipple area... I'm worried about the fluidly puffy bits under the areola... I had it done o'seas... my GP says give it a year :/ but it gets in the way of intimacy...
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I had a reduction by a well known plastic surgeon... first she tried to do it with lipo....that didn't take enough out... went back and had it done the other way, cut and paste.. which was far less painful! bottom line, it has been nearly 9 yrs now and the pain underneath each breast from the lipo never went away...there are hard painful lumps there.. I went back to her 3 times and she said I just needed to rub them out.. I rubbed for several years! have given up... she told me could not do another surgery to remove the scar tissue as it would cause other scar tissue! DO NOT DO LIPO!
Bra's are excruicating...! any one know one that feels halfway comfortable... I am 69 and cannot run due to back but I do need to wear a bra just to go around in or when I freelance as a makeup artist, any help appreciated.. tired of pain pills and neurotin and drugs.. had way too much of all this.. has anyone gotten these lumps removed by 2nd surgery?
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Same thing is happening to me. Its been 20 years since my breast reduction surgery. I turned 50 this year and just this month noticed a red sore spot under my right breast causing me a lot of pain. I saw my OB/Gun who said it didn't appear to be anything more than a cyst so no treatment was ordered except for a loooong overdue mammogram. To my surprise my mammogram had shown mircocalcifications along the scar tissue under my right breast.  I return for a spot mammogram tomorrow (3 days later than first mammogram) I am so nervous now and in I in excurating pain under both breast (right along the scar tissue area) and across my back.  Anyone have any advice?
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This is exactly what is happening to me now ! What did you find out?
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I have had my breast reduction almost one year ago and I have always felt more pain in my left breast. I thought that it was because I was healing but now almost a year later it seems to be worse. It is consistently sensitive and sore and gets sharp pains often. I am not sure what it is but I am glad that I'm not the only one. I am going to make an appointment with my surgeon and will comment again with the results.
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My wife is in pain from not wearing proper bras for 20 plus yrs. and wants liposuction and breast augmentation due to breast migration.lm   worried that what im reading now will happen...has anybody had this done and had a good outcome
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I had a breast reduction in 1985.I had no problems for 20 years.Then the bottom fell out. I began having abcesses that were excrutiating. I am seeing a sugeon who treats the abcesses with Flagyl and Levaquin. the problem is reoccuring. It came down to my having surgery to remove scar tissue. My breast was cut in half. He left it open bc it was healing outside in and leaving a pocket that would bcome infected. I went thru 6 months nof home health having to pack the breast. It healed and I have been pain and infection free since.I am suffering now with the left breast. I missed my mammogram last year and my doctor chewed me out. He keeps telling me that the scar tissue can turn into cancer. I am having a mammogram on Wednsday and am dreading it bc I am having those sharp shooting pains deep inside of my breast.I am hoping to have this breast reduced like the right one.Ladies it helps to have the scar tissue surgically removed. Ask your doctor about the possibility of leaving the breast open and having it packed to promote its healing from the inside out
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I know how you ladies are feeling I had a breast reduction in 1988. In the past two years I have had extreme left breast pain near the areas where the underwire lays. I have had multiple mammograms and kltrasounds and they keep telling me it is " thickening". Still scared but waiting for more results from smaller compression mammogram. The other suggestion was perimenopause causing tissue changes...
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Dear dee,
I have a feeling my reply is late. You sound just like me 8 years ago. I had painful, burning feeling breasts. OBGYN laughed at me, as no cysts, mammo fine, asked if I wanted male hormones....a moron....this went on for a year. Suddenly, my nipple, which was partially inverted (Yeah, Doc was REAL bad) and became blood red. No imaging tests showed this cancer. NONE. (I demanded to see a breast surgeon after doc suggesteted pagents or inflammatory) Surgical biopsie showed cancer in nipple, tissue and skin...6 mos. extensive chemo THEN mastectomy/tram flap. Chemo needed "Proadjuvunt" (before surgery) as no time to heal from surgery, cancer could have traveled anywhere. Please, if not already, heed this advice and get to a good onclologist immediately. I'm on here currentyl as 8 years after my mastectomy and lift/reduction of other breast I'm feeling the pain again....this time in the lifted breast nipple. I tried to ignore it but it's getting worse and worse....this familiar pain...I see dr. Friday....I'm very nervous...don't want this now beautiful breast all cut up and scarred like the rest of me to find the "C" if it's there...I wasted to much time worrying it would come back...now I'm ready to live life again and this happens...lesson...live everyday in gratitude for all you have...don't wait to accomplish something, do it now...don't let others take your good energy...I Pray to God it's not too late for me...God Bless.
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Have you tried Neurontin?It seems to help me.Gabapentin is the generic name.I ahve "wings"and alot of scar tissue.
I had a reduction about 5 years ago.I sometimes feel as if small fish hooks are being pulled through my nipples or perhaps pain shoots through the areolar region quickly and intermittently throughout the day for about 4 days around  the time I used to have menstruations.( I am after menopause).I WAS warned there would be shooting pains and that most women will have some.Some worse than others.Gabapentin works very well for some of us.
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