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97615 tn?1212678589

miscalculating ovulation by bbt

morning girls, i usually post on maternal but its all full.  i just put all my bbt info onto a site called fertilityfriend.com and i had a dip in temp on dec 13 thinking this was o day but per their site it states my o day was actually dec 15th.  i was pretty sure that the dip was the o.  this puts me at 7dpo and i thought i was at 9dpo.  any help for future charting?  anyone ever use this site?
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I wonder why that site showed that. I do not rely on those sites. After 5 months of charting I trust my temps and my own body signals to tell me when I ovulate. If you had a dip in temp followed by 3 consecutive high temps that is when you ovulated.
What is your temp today? Still up I hope. Mine is staying steady at 98.4.
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97615 tn?1212678589
i am so glad your temps are still up.  mine dropped to 98.3, it was 98.4.  have you ever been to that fertilityfriend.com.  its a cool site.  i am just confused about the whole dip thing now.  so if i trust my body.....i am not gonna get the bfp.  i have no signs or symptoms and i had a teeny bit of pink cm again this morning.  so looks like a bust for me.  the good thing is that i have two tests for next month.  wishes for you and all other tww's.  i am a little bummed, but hey..i get another try in two weeks and we will have seen the specialist by then.
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Your temps should never remain steady but have slight fluctuations every day. As long as you stay above the coverline you are fine. Mine jump from 98.0 to 98.2 to 98.4 and that is normal.  I still think just becuz you had some slight pink discharge you are still in the running for a BFP. Do not get discouraged until either flow starts or your temps drop and stay low.
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I used to use fertility friend but recently stopped.  I KNOW that more than once it miscalculated my O date.  From everything I understand, your LP will not really change by more than a day or 2, and more likely it will not change at all.  According to FF, my LP is anywhere from 13-16 days long!  I just don't buy it.  I'm with Harleygrl, I trust my charts and own body.  Not that my body gives me many clues, but it's better than a computer!
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97615 tn?1212678589
thanks for the words of encouragement.  i dont even know my LP because i have only been charting since oct and its been messed up since.  i am praying for at least 10days and wishing even harder for 12.  i will stay off that site then.  but even still, i dont even feel the need to test ( a good thing).  i will just keep up w/ temps and focus more on xmas.  i get to see the baby for the first time on xmas eve. (me and the mommy had the same due date).  i hope i can hold it together.
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I am now having mini bouts of dizziness and BD'ing last night hurt and it never hurts.  Who knows it may just be some major PMS going on.
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jifnif: yea that you don't feel like testing.  It sounds like you have been through a mess with this TTC thing.  You'll be glad to have a completed chart.  I know what you mean about the baby.  I work in a childcare center and SO MANY moms are pregnant or just had a baby.  It's really starting to get to me.  Also, my friend is pregnant and due in June.  It dawned on me that when she's having her baby DH & I could be going through fertility DRs. :(

Harleygrl: I don't even know what to tell you about what you are going through.  I hope it means your BFP is coming.  A couple months back I had so much discharge after O, really sore boobs, and bloating like you wouldn't believe.  All of those things were unusual for me so I knew I was going to get my BFP and I got AF instead!  I hope it's not the same case for you.
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I would have bet $$$$ that I was pregnant last month. I had all the "signs" and sure enough AF arrived in full force. So no, I am not relying on my symptoms or too excited as I know AF will rear its ugly head again this month. I will then get to experience the joys of Clomid.
I just do not feel good but it could be from many things, mainly PMS or the prometrium.
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What all is clomid supposed to do?  I know it increases O, but is there anything else?  I heard that it dries you up so you have to use preseed or eggwhites when BDing.
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It causes your eggs to mature faster and moves up ovulation.It does for some women dry up EWCM.
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Some women have a pre O drop. I used FF when TTC Arie and it was always right on the money.
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97615 tn?1212678589
sorry to sound dumb..but what is ff?
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97615 tn?1212678589
o duh, thanks.  i could only think of french fries.  Ok, so the dip is the pre-ovulation and in that case FF was correct in stating my o day the day before the temp rise????
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Yep they have alot of information on there regarding charting that would be a great help to you in understnading it all. Read though it when you get a chance.
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The temp dip can be the day of O too.  Every woman is different.
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Dip before rise: You may see a slight temperature dip before your temperature rise. If you are lucky enough to get advanced warning of ovulation like this over several cycles, it is a good way to time intercourse very close to ovulation. You may, however have a dip that is not followed by a sustained rise and mistakenly assume ovulation is imminent when you see a dip. An individual dip on its own does not tell you anything about ovulation or your fertility.

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97615 tn?1212678589
i am so confused!!!
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The margin of error with those sites is only 1-2 days. So figure on the safe side that you are 8dpo instead of 9dpo.
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97615 tn?1212678589
thanks, how are you feeling?
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Pretty much the same, light headed, breast pain, mild twinges, discharge is sticky white. Same as every month with my PMS.
I have been waking up for the past 3 nights at 3:30AM all bright eyed and bushy tailed, unsure why tho and now I am dragging butt since I am so tired.

How about you?
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97615 tn?1212678589
same as you practically.  i have teeny pain in sides of bb's, some twingy cramping periodically, on and off again tired, starving then nausea...same as my normal pms.  i get up at 3:30 for work every day, maybe its me thinkin of you when i temp (waking you up).  i have a 2nd job after this one (day job is 10hrs a day) and then i am an esthetician and i have a facial to do tonite..i am dragging ass.  then dh will want dinner tonite, arghhh.  i just cant wait til tomorrow so i can temp again.
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Ya know at the pace you are going I am surprised you have time to BD at all... :)  Will you quit one job at least when preggers? I would not want you wearing yourself out with fatigue.

Heck, I can blame you now for waking me up..:)

I have noticed something weird, things smell bad to me. Like my favorite candles I CANNOT stand the smell and want to gag.
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97615 tn?1212678589
so awesome you got the smelly thing.  it looks very promising for you!!!  yes, i would cut down my hours if i got prego.  i wish i had one good sign of promise or not.  the in between stuff is just driving me nuts. patience is a virtue keeps ringing in my head and i could scream.  patience smatience!!!
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