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Vaginal Tear - Herpes or Yeast Infection?

I have been dealing with vaginal burning and redness for 2-3 months now. The only time I find minor relief is during the week of my period and about a week thereafter. Otherwise, the levels of discomfort vary but I never feel as though the pain is ever truly gone. I'm sure my stress doesn't make it any easier...

But on to my question - Last night, a tear opened in my vaginal area. It is located under my pubic hair at the top of my outer vaginal lips. The tear bled a small amount but I saw no other fluid. I have no other tears in or outside of my vagina. I'm wondering if this tear closely resembles a herpes lesion or if it sounds more like something that would be caused by a severe yeast infection? I would get the tear swabbed and cultured, but it tends to start healing fairly quickly...

Any info is greatly appreciated!
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I have a tear in my viginal area and it itch what should I do and what causes it
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I've gotten them for the last 20 years it seem it's an irritation sometimes the soap you're using, you're ph balance is off. that is what my obgyn told me so I use aveno no fragrance wash in that area and it seems to work. good luck and no it's not herpes. i too was diagnosed with herpes it turns out 20 years later it was misdiagnosed and it really is shingles.
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About 6 weeks ago, I had oral sex performed on me for the first time and I also had protected sex (intercourse) with this person (who is a new partner). Maybe 2-3 days later, I started experiencing irritation and discomfort in my vaginal area. A day or so after feeling the irritation, I noticed that my vagina was very swollen. I started rubbing down there because of the unbearable irritation and it seemed to get worse. I looked down there to check it out and saw that the skin inside and around the vulva area looked like it had been tearing and the skin looked very peely (not actually peeling off though). I also experienced more discharge than usual at times. Twice it came out watery and looked slightly milky. The discharge usually happened after wiping after using the bathroom. (Don't know if this is relevant: I also saw a little brown spot on the vulva area that I don't think I have ever seen there before. It doesn't hurt to touch or pinch it.)

No burning when urinating.
No bleeding.
No constant itching.
No noticeable blisters or ulcers.
No body aches or fever/ flu-like symptoms.

Main issues: Tearing (on the inner part and inside), unusual watery discharge (sometimes not watery but a little cheesy but white), and swelling on the outside (only lasted for about 5 days). These symptoms lasted for about 2 weeks. It's been about 4 weeks since and I have noticed that it looks like some tearing is happening again and that little brown spot is still there (a bump? I don't know).

I don't have health insurance or a job, so I can't see a gynecologist! No money. I called several medical hotlines and no one seems to even have a slight clue of what it might be.

Anyone experienced this???
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Im not sure what state you live in but in california.. All medical problems that deal w vagina are free.. Try your local clinic... You don't need insurance for that.. They typically have their own insurances!
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Ive got the same issue also. I suffer with herpes virus in my eye and now its developed around my vagina. I must go back to the doctors again as its extremely painful this time. Is there any over the counter meds that I can buy to help ease the symptoms? ??
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Just wanted to add the story of my experience in case it helps anyone.  I've had the vaginal cuts problem for about 11 years now....ever since my C-section (more on that later).  I went to one obgyn and she said it was not herpes and they had been seeing "more" of this but did not know what it was.  She gave me a very strong steroid cream which I only used a few times.  It was on and off and about 2 or 3 years ago it came back fierce.  I treated it with monistat and steroid cream and douches etc.  Everything seemed to make it worse.  I went to a different obgyn and she prescribed an estrogen cream (I'm early 50s) and a steroid cream.  However, at the same time, I had been having other strange symptoms (there are other really LONG threads just like this for similar itchy cracks in the nipples, which I also get).  I was watching my diet, because I had a suspicion it was diet related.  Rather than using the drugs prescribed, I cut out all dairy from my diet, and slowly got better.  I have discovered that if I avoid dairy, I can pretty much avoid the vaginal and nipple cracks.  So, for me it is at least partially an allergy thing.  I also think, however, that I picked up some kind of new bacteria in my vagina when I had my C-section.  I had an infection right after that which I could not treat (because the drug was not for breast-feeding mothers) and it has never been the same since.  I think that sometimes this bacteria comes back strong - so I was not surprised to see that one woman had been diagnosed with a strep B infection.  I also work out a lot and have noticed that I need to wash RIGHT away after sweating a lot or it tends to come back.  Finally, as for the diet, I have suspicions that the GMO corn fed to most dairy cattle is sending bti toxins through to us.  GMO corn has the genes for bti built in, which is a chemical that splits open the gut of insects.  I have nothing but a hunch, but my dairy reaction is not lactose intolerance.  So this is a complex problem with probably different causes for different people.  Good luck to all, and if you have EVER suspected you might be reacting to foods, try a dairy-free diet for a while.
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I'm 17 years old, and pregnant. I had a yeast infection before and I took prescription meds but a week ago I started feeling symptoms similar to when I had a yeast infection. If it is, how can I get rid of it, and will it affect my baby and pregnancy?
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I been getting these sore like cut on my vaginal area, it hurt when ever liquid touch it and also I been itching an awful lot.. I am scard to find out what it is. I been reasearching an awful lot about std's. I need help!
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I have the same symptoms. Did you find out anything?
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I have had this exact same problem and have fought with so many doctors it isn't even worth discussing most of my discussions with them.  I've had so many herpes tests it is ridiculous.  I do NOT have herpes.  I believe it to be chronic candida and no one has ever really helped me.  I did have one great dr. who kept me on and off diflucan and saw me through several diet regimens. I don't know the answer but if anyone out there does - help.
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Hello ladies i to thought I was like the only who has been having this same problem i to get this like paper cut right at the top of my vagina lips and there are times it doesn't bother me and at other times it stings and itches and from my knowledge and drs diagnosed it is in fact Yeats infection some yeast infections can get really bad and unfortunatly in my case i get yeast infections quite often due to me being a type 2 diabetic and me having low immune system . It seems that when my sugar levels are out if control and are very high whicih is mostly all the time that is when it starts to bother me with stinging and burning sensation as well as itching in also notce that when this does happen and I check down there I always seem to have alot of moistness down there really wet which that's what the yeast comes from is the moisture from I'm told by my dr. Usually when applly vagisil it seems to sooth it and it  goes away but my concern is sometime so noticed especially after I hve shaved doesn there I get this white like crust on the edge of my outer lips there is not foul smell but I do notice i seem to have alot of clear white discharge everyday sometimes heavy other times not so heavy dies anyone else have this problem with the discharge?
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I am 26 and have only slept with 3 men in my life. They were all long term boyfriends whom I had dated for years. I get a regular STD test with each yearly check-up exam, and have never tested positive. During my appointment this past October, my doctor noted a yeast infection, and prescribed a 1 time pill to clear things up. Never noticed symptoms of this diagnosis, so couldn't notice if had "cleared up", just assumed.

Fast forward to November, when I start to experience itching, burning when peeing, and an increase in discharge that changed off and on from clear to white. While I knew I probably had another yeast infection, I didn't do anything other than take a few over the counter pills here and there, and the problem would go away. SO I FIGURED NO BIG DEAL, no need to go back to the doctor.
The last week of Nov. I came down with gastroenteritis, a virus that literally eats a hole out your stomach lining. Never been sicker in my life!!!!
After a whole week of not physically being able to move out of my bed, I recovered. This is when the yeast infection symptoms came back. I know that when your body is in such a weakened state (hence the very serious illness I had just experienced) your immune system is more apt to be attacked. But it was more than just the vaginal symptoms. I now believe, after reading these threads, that the type of candida I am suffering from is not the overly assumed and overly diagnosed bacterial yeast infection a.k.a. bacterial vaginosis.
I believe this because my symptoms were a red rash on the face, around the mouth (I thought it was severe chapped lips until I researched), the skin under my eyes, my forehead, and neck. The rash was extremely itchy and DRIED out into flakes if I scratched (sometimes even burned).
I have also suffered off and on from an red itchy and irritable rash on my armpits that would come severely and then go away when treated with a topical ointment-- my doctor gave me (nystatin and Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment/Cream). I believed this rash to be an allergic reaction to my deodorant. But after around 2 years worth of switching to every brand both chemical and natural nothing decreased the rash when it would break out. I found online that this is also another popular place for yeast to take over.

New Years Eve my boyfriend and I had sex. I was just starting to notice a strong odored discharge coming back again! It wasn't as strong as previous, so wasn't too concerned. A few hours later, my vagina was extremely sore, and peeing started to burn. I determined I was experiencing pain from perhaps a UTI or just soreness from rough sex and my being too dry at the time (also had my birth control adjusted to a new estrogen level in Oct which has been leading me to be more dry rather than less which was what I was trying to fix).
3 days later, I am experiencing the same symptoms which seemed to be worsening, to the point where my vagina was so itchy I scratched it during my sleep. The next day, during work I notice I am having pain walking, moving, bending, etc. When I came home I checked in the mirror. I immediately became extremely scared at the sight of white sores inside the very bottom of my lips and on the outer lower left lip crease (only).
I was having a large amount of discharge that had a very nasty odor, color was slightly yellow/green tinted. Eventually the odor dissipated.
I could not tell if the sores were warts. They also sort of look like a cut/gash. I am in terrible pain now for the 2nd day that those cut looking pain causers have been there. I don't believe it is herpes. When I saw this thread I was SO RELIEVED to learn that a very bad yeast infection that has gone untreated for a long time can cause discharge and cuts. But I am trying to deal with the possibility it could be an STD. I know that is a very real possibility as I am sexually active. But I am scared, will be DEVASTATED if it is STD, and a little in denial to believe that is what it is.

I have an appoint. with my GYNO on Monday.

Today, Friday, I had to go to my walk in clinic when the horrid rash I've had on my face since I was ill suddenly exploded and my entire face and neck was red and itchy and burning. I'm talking full blown allergic reaction type deal!!
The doctor who saw me was nice, however did not want to entertain the idea it could be a yeast outbreak type thing, much like you have all said he would react.
I even told him that after reading a forum I was warned he would react that way. He had a derm dr. come in for 2nd opinion and all she did was LOOK at me for 5 seconds from the door, and agree I was having an allergic reaction but it was nothing to do with yeast. She did not come close to my face, she didn't touch the rash, didn't look under a lamp with better lighting. Needless to say, she didn't do any sort of the word "examine"!!

She recommended a topical steroid!! I even know that you can't use many steroids on the face because they thin your skin and your face skin is way too delicate for those hard core medicines.

Since I knew I would be seeing my GYNO in 3 days I didn't push the issue.
They decided on a steroid shot which I accepted because at this point my face was in a terrible condition and I needed some type of relief ASAP.

I asked the other doctor if he would take the steroid shot if he were me, and he said yes. He said he normally didn't like steroids because they can be dangerous, but for the severity of my case he would definitely take the shot.

I noticed results right away, and after around 3 hours my rash had gone from a 9 to a 1 1/2.

Please look into more information for a product called Aquaflora "Candida High Potentcy 9" which I found at Earthfare and is a homeopathic medication. I am starting it tonight, and read the box inside out. I am very pleased with everything this product stands for and agree with all that I read. It can also be used along with any yeast of fungal product.
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Ive been reading all these posts from years ago up to now. I was taking a shower and went to lift my leg to shave and it was weird that i noticed it. I have no bumps or lumps, nothing white, just this little hard round hole/tear in near the lip. I dont have any of the symptoms anyone else has tho... so im a bit worried. Ive been with the same guy for almost 5 years and never had this issue before. Im hoping its the yeast thing. but its not discharging or itching... its just ... well there. Im gonna call my gyn on monday to get in as soon as i can to see but til then ive been looking stuff up and everything says HERPES til i got to this page. What an awful thing the internet can be sometimes. Almost been tryin to look up any photos(as gross as it may or maynot be) of what all these different things people are posting about and cant find any of them that look like what i have... just a hole/tear. its a bit much that i have to wait even 3 days to go into the docs... i dunno what to do.
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You may be right about it being candida. I happened to go to my gyn during the time of my split, and the doc took a sample for testing, which he later said was candida. I was surprised to learn that yeast could behave so badly. I thought it might be herpes.
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2197825 tn?1338520716
Yeast infection! :)
Monistat 7 day treatment and my yeast infection, my itchy, sore, small cuts on labia, white chunky discharge and discomfort on my vagine WENT AWAY!!. WOO HOO I'm so happy.!!! I got the yeast infection during pregnancy and during my first year postpartum. My case is hormonal and it might come back, but I don't have insurance and Monistat 7 day worked after the 2nd day so I don't mind depending on it.

Good luck everyone... love f
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i am with a guy for 3yrs nw...n we are having sex since d last 1 month.it was my 1st tym,bt not 4 him..neways i tore my skin right below d opening of my vagina..1st of all i thot it was bcz of me being virgin..or maybe bcz of him being so huge n his rough sex.the tear bleed a bit,it itched during urination..i had fever 4 3days n d pain remained 4 a week...i thot it healed bt it nvr did..every time i hav sex..the skin splits.i stopped wearing panties at bedtime,kept it clean.. bt it still tears.
n everytime i hav sex i have fever dat night.can anyone kindly tell me a solution to this prblm?is it bcz of rough sex?or do i hav herpes?
embarrassed n confused.
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i am 20 years. i have had vagina tears and  my labia skin is peeling. i also have itching. i am scared.
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I also have that but I'm 18 is it normal for my age to have that problem am I able to use any cream to heal it? Like vagisal cream? I thought it would of been like herpes but as you said it's not I take your word but what should I do see a dr?
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1807942 tn?1316304917
btw I got this one week and a half after gettin the third dose of the Gardasil shot (HPV vaccine) I even thought it could be a side effect to that.
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1807942 tn?1316304917
last thursday my life changed...I woke up with a papercut like thing so I went to the doc and she said she would do a herpes biopsy whicih FREAKED ME OUT!
the next day the papercut thing was gone...still the next day I noticed some burning sensation and redness on my vagina...so I got scared.
My last sexual intercourse was on July 31 and thses symptoms showed up on September 8, so I thought the normal incubation period was over...
so I started paying attention to my urine since I did not have any open cut.

I made a test for my urine and came back to be on the maximum acidic number,and also it was comming out extremely hot so I decided to open my vagina every time I peed so the urine did not touch my skin. (Every time I peed the burning started)...and also washed myself everytime after peeing...
when I started doing that the birning started to decrease as the skin healed from the irritation..and if I could not wash myself the burning came back.

so My OBGYN sent me some urine test (none of the test have come back)... and sent me an antibiotic give when there's an infection. adn she said I had no open cuts or anything but we should wait for the results since she could not tell if it was herpes or not.

well, I got a mild fever and pain on the lower abs, which started to go up to my kidneys! and I got scared!....
well I started to drink more water and to take alcaline foods and fruits and I think the urine have gotten softer.

still if I take longer to take the antibiotic the mild fever comes back and I've had it for 48 hrs up and down.

I also notices that my discharge was acidic too and where that open cut appeared was exactly where a lot of discharge accumulates, thought maybe the acidic discharge made the irritated skin open.
Right now all the area that never touches the urine or the discharge is back to normal color and does not burn unless discharge or urine touches it. the only area that is still red and irritated is exactly around the urethra.

I am sooooooooooooooooo scared it could be Herpes!!!!

anyone here that have had this think this migh be herpes? how does a regular herpes fever lasts?
I have to wait like 5 more days for the resuslts to come back and I am going crazy!!!!!...and the blood test has the last word!!....  oh and btw today I found a new papercut. last one healed from one day to the other. and this new one is on the exact same place but on the opposite side...and it's on a place qhere there is a natural vaginal line or wrnkle (do not know how to describe it)
I am so scared!
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I'm in my 20's, and I've been to multiple gynecologist and feel as if vulvodynia (vestibulitis) is a rule out diagnosis. In other words, we can't figure out what it is and we've ran tons of tests...cultures and blood work so here's what we'll call it. I have absolutely no health issues, I'm clean, healthy, and std free, except for vestibular swelling and pain at random. I've found I have less pain/swelling bouts if I take calcium citrate, which changes my urine ph to make it less offending to the skin down there. However the itching and swelling that comes at times is still a mystery. I did try the gels that are supposed to re-flora your vaginal area to reset the pH back to normal, however I did not find any true help with them, just mess.   I'm now doing an experiment on low processed sugars food intake and hardly any dairy at all, I don't know how this will go, but what have I got to lose.
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I have been getting reoccuring slit like cuts in the same two areas repeatedly! It is near the actual vaginal hole on either side they may go away for a day but after sex they come right back. Upon looking in a mirror it looks like slits or cuts they seem deep bc the inside is dark! I have nvr had any sores or blisters occur in other areas and I've nver had this problem until my parter whom I've been with for 3 years who happends to be well endowed. I have had paps and blood tests for std's and have came up with nothing however I've never mentioned this problem to my doctor bc I have heard it could be a severe yeast infection. Please help!
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PLEASE GO TO THE DOCTOR if it is at all persistent or re-occuring....

Demand your Dr. to try what my Dr. finally tried. (and later apologized for no being more aggressive the first times...)

My Dr. prescribed a "Z-pack" Which is Zithromax 250MG/Generic=Azithromycin=4 pills. He prescribed Flagyl 500MG=Metronidazole=14 pills. He prescribed Clobetasol .05% cream=a topical steroid, which I was going to use if I needed it after the antibiotics, but I didn't (maybe I used it for 2-3 days) - I was worried about the steroid, b/c of the fact that it thins the skin and it seemed counter - production intuitively to me). Anyhow the Antibiotics worked great! My body was able to heal itself after the Antibiotic Napalm Bomb. Now I can eat healthier and what ever else I want to try with the problem solved!

I am still totally fine and most people who really have a solution don't return to a site like this to leave specific drugs and detail to the persistent problem they are finally rid of... I worry about people fearing something terrible and not going to dr. or trying everything under-the sun over the counter and irritating the problem... I am 100% better and "normal" as I ever was...

AND IF I had read that message (to go to dr.) earlier, instead of all of the posts that listed some or no success I could've possibly been free of this years ago. AND if it comes back I will go immediately back and demand the exact prescription I listed on my previous posting....

January 19, 2011

I wish you all luck in getting your issue taken care of.

Thank to everyone for all of your posts!
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I am very happy that I found this forum.  I too have been having this problem.  I have related it to estrogen levels because I had a complete historectomy back in the year 2000.  I was put on Premarin for 8 years and never had a problem.  My Doctor thought it was time I got off Premarin and took something herbal.  I started using an over the counter product and the tears started.  The only thing that relieved the itching and pain was yeast infection cream.  I have to use the cream for a couple of days and the tears get better.  I am seeing a GYN right now and was pertrubed because she mentioned it could be herpes. This upset me very much, but after reading all of your posts I now feel better.  She did a swab of one of the cuts and is going to test it.  I also am doing blood tests.  I will let you know what we come up with.  Thank you everyone for sharing.
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Was on pills for years and years and years. It did start around the time I decided to feel what my body felt like without the pill. Also time of much stress!
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Like everyone else said, thanks for sharing.  I'm in the same boat (why else would I google 'vaginal tears' for fun?!!).  


I never had a problem until I started THE PILL.  I really think it's a chronic yeast/PH problem caused by synthetic hormones.  

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