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Vaginal Tear - Herpes or Yeast Infection?

I have been dealing with vaginal burning and redness for 2-3 months now. The only time I find minor relief is during the week of my period and about a week thereafter. Otherwise, the levels of discomfort vary but I never feel as though the pain is ever truly gone. I'm sure my stress doesn't make it any easier...

But on to my question - Last night, a tear opened in my vaginal area. It is located under my pubic hair at the top of my outer vaginal lips. The tear bled a small amount but I saw no other fluid. I have no other tears in or outside of my vagina. I'm wondering if this tear closely resembles a herpes lesion or if it sounds more like something that would be caused by a severe yeast infection? I would get the tear swabbed and cultured, but it tends to start healing fairly quickly...

Any info is greatly appreciated!
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I am posting this same e-mail on all of my "watched posts," Because my problem is solved and I want to "pay it forward" one last time before I remove my name from this forum.

There seems to be more than one thing happening. I am writing to those women who: have a reoccurring rip-type fissures on the inside of the labia, between the labia and clitoris, along the natural fold. (Mine was always in the same spot. -Note my earlier posts.) You probably have sensitive skin, you are probably high-stress, you may be more "moist" than you think is "typical." You are in relatively good health-maybe you workout. You have at times thought it was everything from soap to rough sex to a "big" boyfriend. You have ruled out everything, one at a time including Herpies and other VD's with a test from Dr. It may be worse with hormonal changes, (monthly) or cyclically reoccurring or just always there to some degree. I had this same condition. "Chronic Whatever-itis" What ever they call it, it means your skin is inflamed. They are naming the symptoms, not the cause/problem.

I went to a Dr. He prescribed a topical steroid and a antibiotic. I also had a infection, which is common when things are out of balance down there. (yeast infections also can be commonly be present). I took the meds, it got better for a week, then came right back and I didn't return to Dr. for another year-just lived with it. This was the second Dr. I went to over the years for it. I had it 2001-2003, then all of 2008-2010. (You can wait and wait and live frustrated, (like I did), or go back as soon as the symptoms return and get your life back! Be assertive! I asked a lot of questions, gave him a ton of data on all that had "ruled out", that I was a serial monogamist that always used protection with my faithful boyfriends... (Frankly, I think he was bored with all of the talk, b/c they are trained to treat the symptoms with the mildest they think will work.) When I returned, He apologized that he didn't treat it more aggressively, the first time. By then I was crying and defeated thinking I would just have it forever. As he explained paired with my research and my first-hand account, this is what happened: At some time there was a trauma to the area, a scratch, rough touch, or yeast infection that went haywire. The body’s defenses are jumping on that area because it had an issue with that area already. My vaginal balance was way off. When the ph changes, and allows more bacteria/yeast to grow, (naturally through the month), that change/moisture irritated the area, increased discharge or sweat from working out or sitting too long, (little oven) irritated the area, my changing soaps and detergents 1,000 different times trying to solve the issue paired with extra wiping, washing and attention to the area irritated it and, it just never got to totally heal. All of the junk I put on it may have made it worse and the worrying didn't help a bit. He prescribed a "Z-pack" Which is Zithromax 250MG/Generic=Azithromycin=4 pills. He prescribed Flagyl 500MG=Metronidazole=14 pills. He prescribed Clobetasol .05% cream=a topical steroid, which I was going to use if I needed it after the antibiotics, but I didn't (maybe I used it for 2-3 days) - I was worried about the steroid, b/c of the fact that it thins the skin and it seemed counter - production intuitively to me). Anyhow the Antibiotics worked great! My body was able to heal itself after the Antibiotic Napalm Bomb. I have discolored skin from the years of trying to healing, but that too is lightening up and I have ZERO pain. It made me think of the "hard reset" on my computer. You know it's not great to do, but sometimes it must be done when nothing else is working. Also, separately and unsolicited -after seeing what I was prescribed, the Pharmacist volunteered that he had only seen this prescribed this way a couple of other time, but that it was quite effective for aggressively solving issues. By the way, he also said, "Do NOT drink alcohol with the one! Like no ‘wine sauce’ at dinner, no 'just a sip of wine.' No mouthwash- It contains alcohol- unless you want to be violently sick.

I wish you all luck in getting your issue taken care of.

Thank to everyone for all of your posts!
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So many comments on here and here I was thinking I was the only one suffering. I have had the same symptoms on and off for at least a year and it drives me INSANE.
Whenever I notice the cuts they are always on the creases and the biggest one always reoccurs on the left side of my vagina.
I also suffer from what I think is abnormal discharge which varies from large amounts of clear mucous to thick yellow, so whether I am suffering from a yeast infection I can't be sure.

I have tested positive for chlamydia before, which luckily I got treated as soon as I found out I had it. I recently went back to a different gp for check up tests which all came back normal.

I also suffer from a sore which comes back in exactly the same spot every time that eventually scabs over and goes away.
I have been tested for Herpes twice, different gps and both tests came back negative but its the sore and scabbing that gets me worried.
I get very anxious and annoyed whenever this THING comes back, sometimes I don't even want to have sex with my boyfriend because I am so paranoid that it will set off an itchy attack or that I do have a STD or infection and I will give it to him (even though we use condoms). Basically it leaves me an emotional train wreck, and even walking can be uncomfortable.

Every single gp I go to has not been very helpful at all, and sooner rather than later the itchiness, swelling, redness and sores return.
I shave my pubic hair and have considered switching to waxing to see if it improves the situation.

I may visit the gp one last time with the extra information and questions mentioned here to get this thing sorted once and for all.

Keep well ladies and try not to scratch!!!
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I believe dgrabowski's doctor found the answer.  I find that I too have these vaginal tears under stress.  The labia is red, irritated, often with white discharge present....and the cracks or tears are like paper cuts and hurt alot and sting when you urinate.  When it happens, it seems to happen when I'm stressed, or at a certain time of my cycle.  And it seems to get better when I start my period.  I believe it's hormone related.  I think it's because the hormones and stress somehow causes an imbalance of the pH of the vagina discharge.  And the burning and irritation is constant, because of the pH of the discharge is not normal and there is more discharge when it happens.  Your vagina is more acidic than basic.  Think about your sensitive tissues around your labia being soaked in basic fluids all day....they should be irritated.  The irritation stops when my period starts, and I believe it's because the pH of blood is not irritating to the tissues.  At times like these I'm glad to start my period.   And it can be yeast too, because when the pH of the vagina gets more basic, yeast can grow...you may notice white creamy or thick discharge....should get it checked....you can get a yeast infection on your clitoris too, and it can get all swollen and have some white discharge around it....ouch!

This is what works for me...and it could be helpful for you too...but I'm not a doctor and not treating anyone here...just sharing...

I know that vaginal douching is not considered a good thing...but let me tell you ladies....it's the ONLY thing that works for me when I'm hurting down there...I did this a few times....I cleaned myself out with cool water and it gets all the irritating discharge out and lets me rest for the night....you don't need a douching kit...just use your fingers to get the discharge out..carefully....I do this because, no matter how many times you wash the labia, it doesn't matter because more discharge will be coming out and irritating your skin again....please no soap...just cool water...and when you urinate...it will sting....make sure before you urinate that you have a towel or napkin drenching with cool water waiting to be pressed to the area and a pitcher of cool water....because it hurts to pee on those tears...and I know, I sympathize.....and it hurts to wipe with dry tissue...so what I do is..when I pee, I take the cup or pitcher of cool water and pour it on my labia while I pee.  It really helps to keep the sting away...pregnant women use a similar method called a sitz bath after they have their baby.  And then when I'm done,  I dab several cool fully soaked tissues on the area ...let the water drip into the toilet, or just rinse.  Always, always do it in the same way you wipe....front to back..so you don't get your cuts infected.  Make sure when you're pouring that the water is moving from the front to the back...and not vice versa.  Do not leave the area wet.  As soon as your done dabbing/rinsing...dab with dry tissues.  Keep the area clean and dry...airdry is best.....make sure you clean out the residue white discharge that may be lingering around in between your labia because that can contribute to the irritation too.  Put some Vaseline on your cuts....just a thin layer.  (I was just reading on a different website that Crisco shortening works very well for this, never tried it though).  And don't have sex, until your healed!  Believe me, I didn't know and all it did was make the tears worse....!  Next important thing is wear loose fitting underwear that is made from cotton.  That will keep away too much moisture and irritation.  (hint: dresses and skirts will make it less painful)...And when you sleep...try not to wear any underwear at all...it helps immensely and frees you from feeling yucky and sore.  Clean, dry, and put Vaseline on before you sleep.  And  treat the problem.  If it is yeast or other infection, treat it or it won't go away.......exercise, eat healthy, and keep stress down...see your doctor.
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Hi Ladies,
This forum was really helpful to me during the past several months when I was beside myself with vaginal tears and bleeding after sex.  I just want to give some hope out there to those of you who aren't sure if you'll ever have the answer--  After several visits to the gyno I have a diagnosis:

- My vaginal (and perianum) tears are a symptom of chronic yeast infections.  Before we figured this out, my doctor prescribed a steroid cream (which some of you seemed to also try) and it just made it worse.  After that cream, we tried an anti-fungal cream, and it worked amazingly.  I put it on 1 or 2 times per day, or whenever I feel an itch, and I haven't had any vaginal tears after sex.  It is a miracle!

- I also have had some vaginal bleeding-- from inside, not just from the tears around the opening. My doctor figured out that this was due to chronic cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix).  The cervicitis is a symptom of something i have called cervical ectropion. This just means that some cells in my cervix are exposed to my vaginal canal (and shouldn't be) and these cells are more fragile, so they bleed when I'm having sex.   She gave some options about treatment, but it seems like the options only solve some cases, and in the other cases women just live with it.  Anyone else out there have this?

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Well I have been having two paper like cuts on corresponding sides at the top of my vaginal lips, also one long one at the side of my rectum, they have been there for about 2 months, I recently moved to another country so I was busy and tried to ignore this...  the cuts seem to get better until I have a shower then they open up again, today I notice in the vaginal folds/outer lips, a creamy white discharge... now I believe after looking at some pics it could very well be a yeast infection...

I was going out of my mind thinking about herpes and thought maybe my husband cheated on me but we are both deeply in love and faithful but needless to say the thought crossed my mind....  I think I should just go to the doctor and finish with this... but for those of you that are interested, here are some pics of yeast and the one with the long cuts looks like mine, my discharge is also located in the lip creases....

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Dear Ladies,
I think I may have found a solution for myself and everyone. I have been dealing with all of the same issues and all of the wrong diagnosis for the past 3 years. I won't get into all of my issues because they mirror all of yours.

Last week, I went to see a UROGYNECOLOGIST that I was referred to. He told me he believe that the cause of the itching, burning, tearing/papercuts etc. was from muscle spasms of the LEVATOR muscles of the vaginal area. He said spasms can cause this type of itching.

I thought he was crazy. He told me to call the office when the itching was intense and they would have me evaluated by their PELVIC FLOOR THERAPIST. He also told me to stop using the steroid cream I'd been prescribed by my GYN. He said the cream only served to thin the skin and make the tearing/papercuts worse.

Last night I woke up at 4:00AM with intense itching/burning/throbbing. It had been building for days. I was seen by the Pelvic Floor Therapist at 11:00AM. She hooked me up to a machine that looked kind of like a ultrasound machine. She placed sensors on my lower abdomen, inside my vagina, and just inside the rectum. Within seconds of turning on the machine she said, "You are definitely spasming." She asked me to do Kegle-type exercises and some deep breathing.

The result is this... many women internalize their stress which causes the Levator muscles to spasm. The spasms cause intense itching or burning or both and a discharge sometimes. In addition, the scratching or rubbing of the vaginal area during the times of extreme irritation leads to the tearing/papercuts -- especially if you are using steroid-based creams for relief (as they thin the skin).

She gave me a treatment by inserting a small instrument into the vagina which sent electrical impulses into the muscles. It was not painful at all -- there was just a warm sensation. She also gave me simple vaginal muscle exercises to perform at home. I'm supposed to go back weekly for the electrical impulse therapy until the condition is under control.

She told me she had a patient come to her that had had this condition for 25 years and within a month of this therapy was pain/itch free. She did say that this is a condition I will probably have all my life but proper management will prevent the flaring.

Lastly, the Urogynecologist suggested that if I needed and extra boost until the therapy and exercises begin working, he could prescribe Xanex to use on an as needed basis. I didn't take the Xanex because I want to give this therapy a chance to work.

I have looked up Levator Spasms on Google but can only find information about problems with the rectum.

I hope gives all of you some new direction in finding a solution to this problem.
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