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Still need help. vaginal/labial itching and skin flaking.

Hey Ladies. I need advice. My area down there hasnt been normal for months. I started noticing really bad itching a while ago and went to the dr. She took some scrapings from inside and everything came out normal. She did prescribe Metro-gel but it didnt do anything. I was using a lot of vagisil cream at that point. I was getting pins and needles sensations from the numbness. I stopped using it even though it was badly itching. It actually helped. Anyway, i have been using cotton underwear and have changed detergents. I even bought new cotton underwear as well. I just got through a yeast infection. There are couple of things. One: when I look down there it is dry and really flaky on the labia majora. I mainly scratch at night when I am sleeping and get those bumps from infected hair follicles (which the dr also saw) that go away in a few days. Two: The other thing is this prickly feeling where the labia majora come together at the "cleft" where the pubic hair is. To the point that I cant where jeans or anything even remotely tight. What can I do to get back to normal? Do any of you maybe know how I can get the itching, pricklyness, and the flaking to stop? Thanks
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Weird question, however do to your yeast infection have your actively increased your regularly washing 'down there'?

Our bodies are amazing and are designed to 'self clean'. too much washing can irritate the area and cause skin issues. I would try cutting back on the washing of that area and try dooshing instead of a scrub.

Otherwise if your clear of STIs, it might not hurt to see a skin specialist. After all, its still skin and could be affected by things that regular skin is affected by.
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am8292_  i have no stds and i had frequent baths and it burns when i wash down there. well use to but now it doesnt burn but i dont know if the skin has fully healed cause due to scratching chafing came along when i had the yeast infection. The skin looks really bad now but i hope this can be fix the whole texture  of my skin back to normal.
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I have had the same problem for a long time too.. And I bought a bottle of vitamin b complex.. This is the first month in a lonnngg time that I didn't have the burning nor itching...so maybe you can try that too. I've also tried pau d arco to get rid of yeast in the body that works good

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I have been dealing with the same issue for about a yr now. Had for example to the drs and everything was ok... but it's still here and seems like it's getting more annoying. It's embarrassing when I'm being intimate other my partner.. it's gotten to the point where I had scratched so much my skin looks a bit hardened. I was so worried, so I decided to google it and seen this post. I'm so glad you shared your story, I've read a few answers and will will try it. I hope you found a remedy that works for you.
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When I was pregnant with my now 22 year old, after many misdiagnoses (yeast infection, etc.) I was sent to a dermatologist who did a scraping and diagnosed was with Seborrheic Dematitis and was told it was due to hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy.  I was also told not to be surprised if it came back during menopause.  Well, unfortunately for me, it's back.

I was treated with tar shampoo (e.g. T-Gel) - you lather it up and leave it on the affected area for 10 minutes or so, then rinse.  I honestly cannot recall if they gave me any creams, but being that I was pregnant, I probably would not have used a prescription anyway.

I hope this helps.
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sigh i really need help i had a yeast infection younger 14 which cause itchiness so i scratch until the skin was torn. i use antifungal creams to relieve the itchiness and even the aloe vera. now i am 17 years old and the look of the skin around my vagina is driving me crazy because it appears very dry scaly and lighter discoloration. ive tried so many things to relieve the dryness but it insist. the chafing/inflammed skin has healed cause theres no more itchiness or redness but i dont understand the after look. sigh what has happened?? help please
sigh i really need help i had a yeast infection younger 14 which cause itchiness so i scratch until the skin was torn. i use antifungal creams to relieve the itchiness and even the aloe vera. now i am 17 years old and the look of the skin around my vagina is driving me crazy because it appears very dry scaly and lighter discoloration. ive tried so many things to relieve the dryness but it insist. the chafing/inflammed skin has healed cause theres no more itchiness or redness but i dont understand the after look. sigh what has happened?? help please
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I'm having a really bad problem with my genitalias. I don't have uti or yeast affection. My genitalias are burning and itching really bad. Not  wearing underwear under skirts for awhile that did'nt work, changing laundery soaps. That did'nt work.
Please hepl me. I'm despret.
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I know exactly what you mean. The burning, itching, and skin flaking was about to take a toll on me because I couldn't sleep and everytime I went to the bathroom and used toilet paper it just started the cycle all over again. I've been to the doctor, used antibiotics, yeast creams, anti-itch creams -- basically everything suggested on here but to no avail.

I realize that everyone needs an individualized treatment but I'll tell you what worked for me personally. After reading about seborrheic dermatitis (which can occur on the scalp or the genitalia), I did a total overhaul of my everyday living and attacked this itchiness (also known as pruritis) with everything I could throw at it. First, I took a warm bath with 1/2 cup salt and 1 cup vinegar. Then I used a hair dryer to make sure my vaginal area was dry. I changed to Ivory Detergent and rewashed all my underwear. For itching, I used 1% hydrocortisone cream and also trimmed my fingernails. I also used Vagisil anti-itch wipes 4 times daily and the other times I went to the bathroom made sure not to wipe but just to blot my vaginal area. It worked better than any prescription!!!!! Now I don't have to use any anti-itch cream and the flaking has disappeared.
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I'm only 15 and I have the same problem I don't want to go to the doctors so what should I do?
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It can't be due to Menopause, Im 23 and have been experiencing te same thing for nearly a year. I have gone to the doctor COUNTLESS times and been told te same thing, there is nothing wrong! I've found that taking hot baths with salt, kind of like a mouth gargle except for your WHOLE body!

The salt burns the area but its the long after effect that I look foreward to!

Hope this helps some
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This has been driving me crazy for the past 3 months!  It started out of the blue and has continued - I have tried everything from extra cleansing, using fragrance free soaps, powders, corn starch and even hemorrhoid cream.  The hemorrhoid cream seems to help for a little while.  I have read other posts and it seems MANY women have this.  I started to attribute it to menopause, but am not sure.  Will anxiously watch the posts to see if anyone has come up with a real remedy.
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