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Yeast infection that won't go away.....or something else????

Ok ladies, I need some serious help/advice.  About 2 months ago I had this terrible itchy feeling in and outside my vagina that I thought was a yeast infection.  I couldn't get into the doctor right away so I took Monistat 3.  For some reason I didn't use the 3rd night but felt fine after a few days and my symptoms were gone for a few weeks.  Then it came back, just much less severe but won't go away.  There is hardly any discomfort on the outside only a tiny bit of burning every once and while.  It's a very subtle itch up inside that comes and goes and seems to come on later on in the day.  I have been to the doctor several times and at first she said she didn't see anything.  But when I still had the feeling she took a sample, saw a little bit of yeast,gave me a Diflucan pill, which seemed to work but then the symptoms came back a week later and I decided to try another dosage of Monistat 3.  During this I got a UTI and went in to get antibiotics for it, which cleared it up.  However, I still had the itch and again, went back to the doctor.  She took another sample and didn't see any yeast but saw some white blood cells which indicates an infection and gave me the Terazole cream to treat different strains of the yeast.  I took it all and it hasn't seemed to change anything.  I have been tested for everything else (STD's and BV) and everything is negative along with a normal pap.  I'm not on the pill, other antibiotics and don't douche or use scented tampons, pads, etc...any ideas on different treatments or what else it could be?  I'm starting to go crazy!...
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I forgot to mention that I went to the dr. today to get another script for lamisil (I got the generic form)  it is the pill form take for about 7 days.  I am going to see if taking this in conjunction to violet tinicure painting sessions and maybe again when spores would again begin to grow to see if I can kill off all the yeast spores in continuation with my no carb diet and low sugar diet if it works!  Everyone keep your fingers crossed and pray that it works.  Why wouldn't it.  I also forgot to mention what Genitian Violet tinicure is it is a topical antiseptic and anti-fungal herbal topical solution.  hence why it helps treat BV and Yeast.  It is VIOLET and will stain anything it touches so wear a panty liner and old underwear.  Also I have heard that wearing white underwear as opposed to a colored underwear helps.  Makes sense...no dye to irritate the vaginal area.
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I feel you.  I have been having chronic yeast infections for years.  I now have medical bills that I will never be able to pay in my entire lifeime due to YEAST.  I have been dealing with this for about 5 years.  I swear i go to the doctor/OBGYN once a month thinking that maybe magically something will help my uncomfortable vaginal area.  I swear if I find a cure I may have to go on Opera or something to let others like yourself save $ and have a normal sex life and restore comfort that we once took for granted.  I've research so long trying to find a cure for this that I could walk into a Medical College and pass the exam to become an OBGYN (so it feels).  I have seen at least 10 different doctors etc.  I have been tested for everything you could possibly think of STD wise.  Everything came back normal time and time again.  What I have found to work for me for the longest is have your OBGYN "Paint" your insides with Genitian Violet Tinicure...starting at the cervix and painitng all the way down and out to the labia, they must also turn the speculum to get the areas that held you open.  This is a natural way of doing things.  It helps treat Chronic BV and Yeast.  Have you been tested for Diabetis. Chronic YI are side effects of Diabetis...Get that tested.  (i did my tests were normal, prepare to fast).  Also one time I went to the Urgent Care due to the pain being so unbearable and the doctor gave me a script for Lamisil.  Lamisil is use to treat fungus that grows under the nails in the nail bed.  This worked for me the last time I tried it I was YI free for about a year.  Then the cycle begain again this past summer.  I forgot to mention to you that I am also allergic to Diflucan and anything in that family of drugs...so no monistat 7 or over the counter creams help me.  So my research has been in depth.  I am so sick of hearing doctors say well Amie just eat some yogurt and you'll be fine.  NO I WON'T!  Gosh it it really frustrating.  Anyway like I was saying before the Lamisil seemed to work.  Just so you  know you have to have your liver enzymes checked before treatment to make sure your liver can handle it.  You will definately have to weight out the risks.  My personal opinion as to what this drug does (when using it to treat YI) is gets all the fungus that has spored and embedded itself into fat tissues and kills it.  You would have to kill the spores as well as the yeast because the gestation for yeast spores is something like 6-14 days (don't quote me on that) its been awhile since I last checked on that fact.  you can look it up tho.  That would explain why everyone feel better for a little while and then the yeast comes back because the spores begin to grow again creating another full blown infection.  I could go on forever...if you wish to discuss further you can email me at ***@**** and title the email YEAST ADVICE.  just a reminder I am not a doctor just a 28 year old female that has been dealing with this for too long and has tried everything.
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Did you ever figure out a solution?! I Literally can relate to every single word you said.
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Hi Smitty. I'm not sure what type it is but I bought it from here http://www.*********************************, I've also heard that the Riohealth supplements are reliable. I have been taking 2 capsules, twice a day orally. I also used one as a pessary (not sure if you are supposed to!), but it seemed to finish off the last remaining traces of thrush. It's nearly a week now since my symptoms cleared up completely.  I still get a slight itch every now and then but it so far it hasn't led back to thrush. I'm going to keep taking the Pau D'arco for several months to come just to ensure it doesn't come back.  At £7.99 per pot of 100 capsules, I think it's a good value insurance policy. I hope you have the same success I have had.
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I was just wondering a few things?  What kind of Pau D'Arco have you been using?  I just read something that says that the safest form is the one where the whole bark is used but the one I have been using says inner bark on the label?  How long are you going to stay on this and is it continuing to work for you? If you could let me know, because I am very new to the herbal thing and getting a little paranoid.  Thanks!
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Thank you so much for letting me know about how you are doing on the Pau D'Arco!  I have been going back and forth on using it or trying Threelac but hearing from you has given me hope so I will start it tomorrow.  I hope it keeps working for you and I'll let you know how I'm doing soon.  Take Care!

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I don't know how Airbear is getting on, but I started taking Pau D'Arco about 2 weeks ago, after reading her posting. Already my symptoms are improving and I'm very hopeful this will at last prove to be the cure. I'll keep you posted .....
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