1631891 tn?1299842520

blood coths

is it normal to get blood coths at 11 years old ?
hi im 11 years old i normaly get my period when ever it feels like it wired rite anyway when i do it normally only last from 2-4 days and when it does i get small blood coths is it normal for my age ?
13 Responses
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1027094 tn?1327429732
You're VERY welcome.
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1631891 tn?1299842520
thxss soo much xx :)
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1027094 tn?1327429732
They are right. Little ones are nothing to worry about. It's normal. I get them from time to time myself. And being so young your periods will be weird for a while until you body adjusts.You may even skip a month from time to time too. Unless you're filling a pad OR tampon EVERY HOUR or the clots are really big it should be anything to worry about. BUT IF you ever have another questions about anything just send me a message. I'm sure it's hard not having a mother to talk to especially about these things. So I'll be here to answer anything you may need to talk about. Health related or not. And IF I don't know the answer 'll try and help you find it. :)
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1631891 tn?1299842520
thxss :) xx
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1631891 tn?1299842520
thxss alott :)
now i fell much more comfortable now x
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1632202 tn?1302804098
I don't think you need to go to the doctor; you are young and your periods are just starting to figure themselves out.  Take care of yourself, and ask for help whenever you need it...
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134578 tn?1716963197
You don't need to go to the doctor.  Little clots in a period are normal.  Your periods will stabilize pretty quickly, and begin to come about every 28 days.  But every female is a little different, which is why it's useful to keep a chart.  After a few months of keeping track, if you are regular, you will even be able to predict with pretty much certainty if your period will be on during an upcoming event, and that is handy to know.  I'll pm you some information for how to keep track, and I think there are even online cycle tracking charts that can be used.  Take care, little sister, it is not as hard to manage periods as it seems right at first.

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1631891 tn?1299842520
see the thing is im only 11 and dont now much about peridos because my perents are devorced and mums hardly in the country so i get imberresd talking to my dad about it he dosent even now i satrted i dont have a sister just a bro who well is not the best person to talk to ! not even my mum nows see the thing is i dont fell comfortable talking to my perents about it or my bro so thats why i go on the web to fined out info about peridos and puperty my dad dosent talk to me about these things and i get so shy or nerves asking him about these things ! and my mum is hardly in the country like i said before so i dont realy see her ofcause i talking to her and everything but just dont really see her when i do she asks me if i started and i say no even thought i have i get scared of what she might thing and if she's gonna  telll dad !  
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1631891 tn?1299842520
small ones hardly big
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1631891 tn?1299842520
txss xx i now its just small blood clots but anyway it sounds normal thxs i will defently keep a diary for my cycle but one question do i really need to go to the doctor ?
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1632202 tn?1302804098
Hi, I am 27 years old, and have had plenty of issues with my period and (forgive my grossness) my uterus....and all the rest of the reproductive organs. I know a lot about this stuff.
Every girl is different, and this is good that you are researching it, but keep in mind "normal" maybe different for everyone.

If they are small clots, then yes they are probably normal. The other girls are right in that, you need to keep track of your cycle, even making a cycle diary like they always recommended when I was your age, which includes the date you start (which is always DAY ONE of your cycle, remember that forever; it will help you during your research here when you see girls talking about being on day 27 or whatever of their cycle. Most women mensturate on day 26-34), your flow/cramps/any other symptoms that occur each day of your cycle, and the day you stop bleeding. Even note weird cramps that happen in between your cycle, which could be ovulation cramps, are good to note also. This is something you can bring to a doctor visit to find out if there is an irregularity. It's best to find out when you're young, I really wish I had.  Good luck...
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1027094 tn?1327429732
I'd say it's probably normal. Every girl is different. Are the clots BIG or small??
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134578 tn?1716963197
It all sounds normal.  The clots are either little bits of endometrial lining that haven't dissolved or else they are blood that has sat around a bit in your uterus before coming out, and has had time to clot.  You could start charting your periods, to keep track of when they stabilize to a normal pattern of x days in between.  At 11 they will be a little irregular, but they should steady out.
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