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chest pain, stick - in -- the- chest.

I have a pain in my chest in the heart area that feels like a "stick -in- the -chest". This pain started on the forth day after my angiogram (angiogram was negative). The pain feels like something pressing on a sore spot. Lopressor usually gts rid of it. If I increase my walking gait, the pain increases.Sometimes there is a small  burn feeling.
My cardiologist first thought it was perioditis, an imflamation of the sac around the heart. He prescribed naproxen which got rid of the pain, but because the naproxen left me very weak, depressed and malase, I had to stop it. When the pain returned, I took lopressr, which helps.
Now four weeks later I still get the pain sporadically,  agrivated by stress or walking fast, when I  am NOT taking lopressor.  I use to walk everyday alot pain free.
My cardiologist is on vacation and his associate said today that my pain has nothing to do with my heart. All  the heart tests are negative. He suggested seeing my Internest.
What else could this pain be but HEART related? Years ago, I would get this pain at the end of a LONG work day. It would last about one or two hours when I would sleep it off.
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I wonder if you have ever tried a whole body detox? Dr. Richard Schultz has an Incurables Program. I don't know if you are into natural or alternative medicine but I thought I would mention it. I think it is great that you are able to keep your sense of humor and positive attitude with all your health problems. I wish you the best.
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Hi Angie7 My doctor ordered a echocardiogram,back in May.I was having blackouts and dizzy spells several times a day,especially when I leaned over.So she ordered the echocardiogram.Thats where thay found the two leaky valves and where I had a heart attack.My ejection fraction is 50-55% my doctor set up an appointment with a cardiologist.I finaaly get to see them next Tuesday,I've been waiting since June 6.My doctor started arguing with the receptionist at the cardiologists office,because she wanted me to be seen sooner.Since I couldn't get in any quicker she has restricted me from doing any thing.And yes I do have several health issues.I all so have several 1 centimeter cysts on my thyroid gland,and all so a 6 centimeter blood clot on my brain.I all so have cysts to come up on my ovaries.I guess you could say I have it all.But unfortunately I don't want none of it.My doctor doesn't even know about the cysts on my thyroid gland yet.She'll find out tomorrow though,and don't ask me why I didn't go back in when I found out my self either.I'll tell you why right now giggle..giggle I figured they've all ready been on there a while any ways and they couldn't hurt me any more than what they all ready had.Does that make sense?Tomorrow is Monday will your regular cardiologist be back in?Or have you thought about maybe getting a second oppinion?It never hurts to get a second opinion especialy when it comes to your health.Take Care of your self Angie7 TNT406 Becky.
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Hi Becky.Thankyou for your pep talk. It helps. Today  was a mixed day. Started out fine, but the palpitations returned, probably when the lopressor wore off.I just hope time is on my side for improvement from my hospital stay, which was so traumatic, as they probed. I am basically depressed because I still can't pinpoint why I get  malaise and  sick  early morning hours or when I over extend myself now. When doctors can't find the problem, they label it depression, unfortunately.
Found your 6/23 comment. You have  many medical issues.  I hope you find the most qualified drs. And as you suggested, keep searching and pushing for answers.  When and how did you discover your leaky valves? I thought I read somewhere on the internet that this should be corrected as soon as possible. You need the most qualified specialist.   This is very correctibe, with good results. Of course I am not qualified to give advise,but I do remember reading something about valves, recently.
Take care.. Angie7
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Dear tnt406.
Thankyou for your comment.
The associate cardiologist, who is he one the who actually did the angiogram, gave me an echoardiogram yesterday and said it was normal. He see " no fluid".  He also said there is nothing wrong with my heart.   "The pain and palpitations have  nothing to do with my heart." This is difficult to believe and also  contradicts  my original cardiologist's  diagnosis of periocarditis, although he too could not find evidence of fluid in his echocardiogram two weeks ago.
I would like to know if  the existence of fluid in the sac around the heart always show up in an echocardiogram?

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Thanks tnt406.
I posted some questions on the heart forum as you suggested. Still looking for answers though, including the one above. I'll keep trying. This website  and forum is great!
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Hi Angie7 how are you doing today?I don't no the answer to your question.To if the the echocardiogram will show fliud in the sac.You have never mentioned how old you are,not that I am trying to be nosey or any thing.I'll tell you about my self it might surprise you as well.I'mm 33 years old,I have two valves leaking in my heart, my mitral valve and my tricuspid valve.I've all so had heart attack.I was just 31 years old when that happened,I turned 32 a couple of months later.The funny thing is I didn't realize I had a heart attack.I just found out all of this,this year.My doctor asked me if I had ever felt chest pain before.I had last year,but I didn't realize what it was.What I'm trying to say is keep searching for answers,if your not happy with what your doctor is telling you.But PLEASE don't stress your self out,be patient the anwers will come one way or another.Have faith in the GOOD LORD IN HEAVEN HE WILL PROVIDE ALL ANWERS TO YOU.Take Care TNT406 "Becky"
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Hi sorry to hear about your condition.Has your cardiologist done an echocardiogram?There is a heart forum on this site.You might be able to try there,for some answers.As for the chest pain I can't say what that could be.This is a patient to patient forum.There is a doctor on the heart forum,that anwers the posts there.GOOD LUCK Angie7,and take care TNT406.
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