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Is this herpes or something else? Im going crazy!!!!!! Please help.

well, a few days ago i posted a topic about having what sounded like a diaper rash (kotex rash) because the vaginal area and buttocks a reae was very red and irritated and it hurt a lot. Well, thankfully that is almost gone, but i have noticed that on each side of the vagina (lips) towards the bottom, right next to the vaginal opening i have these two extremly painful sores(like craked skin) and i can barely even walk. They sting like alcohol trough a wound and itch a lot form time to time. I have tried neosporin, baby rash ointment, and even preparation h (recommended by a friend) and nothing seems to be helping.I have had these for about 3 days now and i am veyr much in pain. I havent had sex for 2 weeks, so it couldnt ve from that.Ok, i looked at it again and i see that the sores are beginning to close but i have like red dots and that is where the pain is coming from. They told me that herpes it actually blisters or warts, and they dont look like that but i am still very worried. I have no health insurance so im pretty much screwed. Any advice will do good right now, i have no life by worrying so much about this!!! Someone out there please help!!!!!!
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I had this break-out on my vagina.  First it started on the outer lips, burned and itched like hell, then turned into these little open wounds.  I started wondering if I had herpes, but was too embarrassed to go to the doctor.  So, I just dealt with them until they went away-which took about two weeks.
Then a few months later, I had another break out on the inside of my vagina, and this time although there was only two lesions, they were near the urethra, so everytime I peed, they burned like hell.  So, I couldn't stand it, so I went to the doctor.  My doctor did a herpes test, and a test for all STDs.  All of my test came back negative, so she gave me this cream to put on them.  It worked some, but not quick enough, and didn't even take away the burning, itching, and pain.  So, I started doing my own research on natural medicines and cures for this type of thing.  And, I would like to share this information with all of you on here now, or may come here in the future looking for relief that works!

I've found that taking at least one bath a day with one-or two cups of distilled white vinegar in it for approximately 3-5 days helps destroy the lesions if you don't have herpes, and if you do have herpes, too.   White vinegar is every other vinegar that has been distilled, and is better than apple cidar vinegar because it doesn't have impurities in it.  After bathing, lotion your body and outer vagina with Aveeno body lotion.  There are several different kinds, but you can choose which ever one works best for you.  The vinegar bath with dry your skin so this lotion will help a lot, and it is designed for sensative skin types, and dry skin, etc.

Also, using a soap called "Cetaphill" on your vagina regularly for cleaning it instead of regular soap also cuts down on irritations and vaginal rash and lesion outbreaks.  This area is very sensative to about every damn thing, so this soap is very good, and is designed for sensative skin.  You can get it in either a body wash or bar soap.  I use this on my vaginal area, and use regular soap everywhere else, because this stuff is not cheap-about four dollars a bar. You may also be able to use a pure Dove soap for sensative skin-its much cheaper, and is just as good.  And, when you go to bed, either sleep in the nude, or sleep in a gown with no underwear so your vagina can breath and heal quicker.  And, even if there is nothing wrong with your vagina-you should do this so it can breath.  Also, wear loose underwear during the day that are cotton so you can cut down on all these infections.

Also, if you have the herpes virus or just open sores or lesions caused by irritations on, around, or even inside of  your vagina or your mouth (cold sores), take a natural capsule called "L-Lysin" (take 500mgs or more) for about three to five days, or until the herpes outbreak or vaginal sores go away.  You can get a bottle of these capsules at any health food store, and sometimes even at the drug store.  And, the best thing about this is that it really works-even if you don't have herpes but just sores!

Also, get Vagisil cream and mix it with a small amount of neosporin to help heal the open sores faster.  The vagisil cream will sting a little at first, but it has a numbing agent in it that will numb the open sores, so that when you go pee, you don't feeling like you're pissing acid.  I also douched with vineger and water once a week while I had this, and also consulted my doctor to ensure that everything was alright.  I am now free from all of my misery, and I haven't had any kind of break outs for over a year now.

Also, for those of you who don't have health insurance, just go to the emergency room, and ask if they have a form for free treatment, or just make an appointment with a doctor one time, and pay whatever the cost is for the appointment.  And, if you can't afford either still, then try my remedies above, because they all really do work.
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There is no cure for herpes. it is caused by virus Herpes Simplex II (Herpes Simplex I causes Cold Sore), once you get the virus, you have it. However, it is not life threatening. Diet and topical use of some natural herb (Aloe Vera gel, Lemon Balm cream, etc) can alleviate your symptom.
You can check Webmd to understand Herpes.
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Did you know there is a cure for herpes?.............They have a product out for less than 20 dollars that eliminates herpes.........I found it at http://www.thecureforherpes.com................check it out!.........I have used it ....and it works wonders for me! - anonymous
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Did you know there is a cure for herpes?.............They have a product out for less than 20 dollars that eliminates herpes....I WAS AMAZED!.....I found it at http://www.thecureforherpes.com................check it out!.........I have used it for 3 years now....and it works wonders for me! - anonymous
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There is a rather serious autoimmune disease called Behcet's Syndrome. This disease's initial symptoms very  closely resemble the herpes virus, causing inflammation, vaginal sores, fissures, cuts, or folliculitis (ingrown hairs). Other symptoms develop years later, so it is very important that you find out just what it is that is causing your symptoms. Don't be too quick to brush it off as nothing, Behcet's disease affects people of every age and every race. Also, be careful choosing a doctor, you want to see someone who know's enough to tell you what Behcet's Syndrome is all about, if they don't know that, they don't know enough to help you. It is not contagious, and it does not run in families. Visit the American Behcet's Disease Association website message board for more information.

I can't tell you exactly what is going on with you because I don't know enough about you, but I can tell you what  I know from seeing over a 100 different doctors over the last fifteen years trying to find out what was wrong with me. My symptoms started the way you described, at age fifteen. For ten years I was told it must be herpes even though the tests were all negative. They said that the swab just didn't pick it up or it must be something new even though I told them it wasn't.. It wasn't until I started developing other symptoms over time, that I started trying to find out more answers but I still didn't know what was going on down there had anything to do with my other problems. It wasn't a GYN that finally mentioned it. It was a digestive specialist who asked me if I had genital sores and that it might not be herpes after all. I then took the new herpes blood test that proved I never had it.  Get that test. I developed chronic fatique, muscle pain, arthritis, acne during flares, cranker sores at least 3 times a year, and then by fifteen years later I developed eye inflammation. That was what finally got me diagnosed. Doctors in the United States don't know much at all about this, the world's oldest known disease, so they are waiting until people are on deaths door before they finally start treatment. Behcet's patients believe treatment needs to start sooner for better results and for a better life in the mean time. Other cultures around the world take this disease seriously and treat it at the first sign of symptoms.  We really have to teach our medical community to inform their patients something else causes gentital sores other than STD's. Right now most doctors dont know this or are simply avoiding it. The sickest patients are making there way to the only Behcet's Center in America, in New York City for help. A Rheumotologist treats autoimmmune disorders (inflammatory disorders), they can help you. NO tests can tell if you have it. Doctors have a big problem with that. It has to be diagnosed on symptoms alone and this bothers them because they don't know enough or they don't want the responsibilty of treating this costly and time consuming illness that they cannot see. It is simple, genital sores, mouth sores, then later eye inflammation, this is what they need to see to make the diagnosis. Waiting for eye inflammation ruined my life because I was seriously sick and no one would believe me. I couldn't work and I couldn't prove why. If it wasn't for my husband, no one would have helped.  My Rheumotologist told me he didn't believe in this disease when I first met him. It took me a year with full blown symptoms to get him to change his mind. It wasn't unitl I finally developed scleritis in my eyes that he started my treat with predinzone. Behcet's is mistakenly thought to be a middle eastern and asian disease that affects only people with those genes.  It is thought by doctors to be rare in the United States. Research is showing this is all wrong. Behcet's affects people in Amercia not with middle eastern or asian genes, but rather in anyone who has any type of autoimmune disorder in their family history. It does not run in families. It is triggered but something, possibly strep throat or food poisoning, but also for unknown reasons that permantly damage the immune system. At first, you should be given antibotics to make sure you don't have some type of lingering infection, but this won't make it get better. Behcet's is a reaction your immune system will have over and over again. Genital to gential contact ( I use condoms with my husband), stress, common illness, and injury are some of the most common reasons for flares but they will also start for no reason at all. It is important to learn how to deal with stress because it can turn what would have been a mild flare into a monster. This is serious. Without treatment Behcet's attacks the vascular system (blood vessels) and most often cannot be detected by blood tests, MRI's, or CT's. At this time this type of vasculitis is normally diagnosed only during surgeries or autopsies. If it goes untreated it can cause strokes, blood clots,  anurysums,  brain inflammation, or damage to any organ in your body.

Also, yeast infections are a common problem for people with Behcet's because the immune system is damaged.
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You probably have herpes....That said you should obstain from sex at all costs. The reasons are obvious, but there is another one. If you are having sex you could not only spread it to your partner, but you could spread the herpes onto yourself in other places. Please, see a doctor at Planned Parenthood. Go to the emergency room & tell a doctor there, just get seen, please?00
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I applied for Free Care from my hospital. I think you can do that at any hospital? I've had a CT scan, an MRI, and four ultrasounds, not to mention regular doctor visits and I haven't had to pay a thing. It all depends on how much you make a year-you should check into it, it's a great thing until I find a job with insurance.
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Hi, There is a book I’ve been reading that claims to have an all-natural cure for herpes....yes.....herpes is curable. Its called "Natural Cures "They" Don’t Want You To Know About" By Kevin Trudeau. The book is extremely interesting, and has tons of natural cures and ways to make the body virtually unable to ever develop disease again. I usually wouldn’t advertise in forums but I really think you all should at least check out my on-going book review. It doesn’t mention anything about the cure for herpes...yet, cause I haven’t gotten there, but it does briefly summarize the chapters I have read so far. I would love for any herpes sufferers out there to be able to cure they problem once and for all. So here it is <a href="http://www.natural-cures-and-remedies.blogspot.com">Natural Cures and Remedies</a>. I hope that some of you consider buying the book for yourself as I think it would be a great health benefit indeed.

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Sorry to add another, but in re-reading my post, i need to explain. i was not responding to Fieldofdreams. i was just responding to the post in general.

I also wanted to add that putting the over-the-counter treatments may be making your situation worse. Things like Neosporin are preparation H could be actually hurting your healing process. With the delicate skin in that area, keeping it "moist" with these products may be stopping it from healing. If this are Herpes sores, they need to dry up;  and constantly coating them with a healing agent impedes the heal time.

Sorry add so much, which i don't normally do!!
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I have to respond to the previous post with the link. Although this is a very graphic link, please do not use this as your only comparison for your "sores". These pictures are extreme. My outbreaks, including primary, was/are not as bad as those in the pictures... the sores can be as minor as a papercut. What made me think your symptoms could be herpes, is the burning feeling. I had a lot of burning (especially when i used the bathroom). There should be local STD clinics that do free testing in your area. Best of luck to you...
PS: Regardless of it being herpes or not, try to use AVEENO oatmeal bath. You can buy it at any drug store or retail store. It really does help, with ANY type of injuries/sores to the vaginal area.
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This is the 3rd post you've made about the same problem.  I hear you that you are anxious and upset.  The only thing you can do is to see a doctor--your local health dept or PP would be your cheapest option.  

Repeatedly asking here isn't going to help you in the slightest.  No one can diagnose what is going on, and it really doesn't matter if anyone else tells you what they had and that it was similar--it still isn't telling you what is going on with YOU.  

This could be herpes, could be just chafing, "could" be a lot of things.  You need to see a doctor before the sores clear up so that it can be properly diagnosed.  Herpes cultures can be taken if you have visible lesions.  Once they heal, you will need testing using the HerpeSelect test.  Sometimes you must ask for this test by name, although if you go to an STD clinic they probably are using it.  It can take up to 12 weeks for that test to become positive, though.  That's why it would be good for you to be seen right now, while you still have sores.  

Most towns have a county health dept that includes an STD clinic.  You can walk in to be seen in most cases.  It is not expensive--they charge by income.  

I hope you get seen to figure this out. Let us know.
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copy and paste this to your browser if your bottom looks simular to any of these then go to a doctor
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79258 tn?1190630410
Herpes can be weird, not just blisters, but quite honestly this sounds a lot like pretty classic herpes to me. The pain and severity of your symptoms sounds like a primary outbreak (the first one is the worst). But I'm no doctor. Since money's an issue, I'd go to Planned Parenthood, since they'll work on a sliding scale. Then if it is herpes, they can give you medication (Valtrex, etc.) that can lessen the pain and shorten the duration of the outbreak. Cultures are most accurate when the lesions first form, so it's probably too late for that path. Ask for a HerpeSelect herpes blood test instead, or in addition to any cultures.
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thank you so much for your time, that makes me feel a bit better. The only difference is that i am not a heavy girl, but i do have sensitive skin, so it could be from that too. I guess time will tell. Thanks!! ;0)
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What you are going through sounds like what my Sis went through.  Like all wounds they take time to heal.  I dont you have an std.  Just keep the area as clean as you can with out irritating it.  Maybe you might have been wet or sweaty down there for an extend period of time. That could have set it off.  My sister is a big girl.  She was pregnant with twins at the time and she has blatter issues.  Urine is what set hers off.  If have a weak blatter and when you sneeze  or move you sometimes leak some out.  She was in the bathroom all the time making sure that her entire vaginal and lavia area where clean from urine.  She thought she might have Herpies to but she went to the er and they told her no.  good luck hope you feel better.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.
Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.
Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.
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