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nausea during ovulation/menstruation

I have been experiencing very mild, but noticible nausea around the time I ovulate and again right before, during and after my period. It is not all the time during the day, but feels very strange and unusual and has consistently come and gone during these times. I would think I were pregnant if it had not been going on for a few months and if I had not had regular, heavy periods. We are trying to get pregnant and I wonder if something is out of balance with hormones? Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks
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I know where u r comming from. I do the same thing. I bloat really bad too. My stomach feels like its full. I don't ever throw up or anything I just feel sick. I asked my doctor about it and he said I was fine. It's normal. Of course he is a man and has no idea what it feels like. I feel like I have one "good " week without feeling sick. I take pepto or eat tums. it seems to help for a little bit.good luck. I will also say when I was pg with both of my girls I got a sick feeling at night. I never threw up I just felt icky.
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134578 tn?1693250592
Could be your reaction to progesterone or the lack of progesterone, (as you were thinking, your reaction to hormones).  Hope this doesn't mean you will be really sick when you get pregs.  Good luck on that!
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I just found this blog when I googled "nausea during menstruation" today because I have been so sick since I started this period and it's only the second day! I have thrown up though, because I get more and more nauseous when I eat or especially drink, but I feel thirsty. I wish I had a cure!
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Sabina, which can be found at a local specialty foods store, is a natural homeopathic remedy that can help reduce the loss of blood that is making you nauseous.
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Ginger root works great to combat the nauseous feeling. You can make a tea out of it or buy it in pill form. If you take the pills, take one every 4 hours. Its the only thing that helped me with my nausea.
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I feel exactly like you.  Ever since I had my daughter 2 years ago I get nausea throughout the month and feel like I can't get a break except for maybe a couple days out of the month!!  I want to get blood work done to see whats wrong.
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I have the same problem.  Day 12, 13 & 14 I usually feel nausea.  It's the hormone stimulation for ovulation.  I was on the pill for years and it really help.  Now I had to go off the Pill and it was so bad that I have been throwing up in the middle of the night.  It's always worse at 2:00am!  I am on the patch, but it doesn't seem to work. Of couse, the doctor totally doesn't understand!
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If the nausea is persistent throughout the month, then you might have food allergies/food intolerances.  I have several, and most recently discovered I'm intolerant to gluten/wheat, as well as chocolate.  Ironically, the nausea and bloating I felt throughout the month went away after eliminating these foods, but now I feel more nauseous before my period.  This month, it's bad enough that I'm worried about being pregnant, even though it's still a few days before my period.  After my period starts, though, the nausea goes away within a day or two and the rest of the month is nausea-free.  I should note that my periods are more "normal" now that I've eliminated the food I'm intolerant to...and I've lost a lot of weight, as well.  Lastly, I drink peppermint tea with a pinch of powdered ginger, and sweetened naturally with a few drops of stevia extract (you can also buy it in powder form - but don't use much!  It takes half a BB sized scoop to equal a couple teaspoons of sugar in sweetness -- if you use too much, it tastes bitter).  This tea is excellent at eliminating nausea.  Good luck!
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Hi! I've been a lot in the Web finding an answer during my ovolation and either before, duirng or after of my menstral period. Twice a month i am experiencing headaches, nausea, irritations and easy to get mad. I often fight with my husband without no reason at all. I also have 3 kids and I often scolded them even it is not their fault. What I am trying to say is I am totally a different person during my period and even ovolation period. I can easily got sick too.

Imagine every other week you feel sick, I felt so bad I am hurting my husband and kids often. I can be very mean and I do not want to continue being this way. I need help or advice.
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Yes. I get that, too. My doctor sent me to a hospital specialist-(at the time, I was working in a laboratory with lots of nasty chemicals, so they wanted to eliminate some kind of poisoning) they think the most likely cause is not the levels of hormones themselves but the rate at which they change (rapid changes in the levels of progesterone and or oestrogen- aka "estrogen" causing nausea).

If your doctor eliminates other- more serious causes- he/she can give you an anti nausea drug, like "domperidone" or you can use ginger extracts- both medical doctors and herbalists endorse ginger for nausea. I usually make tea from powdered ginger or from fresh ginger root cut into tiny pieces.
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Hi all,

I also found this website when I googled "nauseousness during period". I have never felt like throwing up or felt sick, I get mild to extreme period pains before and during my menstrual cycle, however the cycle I'm going through now is completely different. I have been eating a lot a week prior to my cycle, and the first two days I have only been feeling sick. I am not on the pill and I'm definitely not pregnant.My flow is a lot heavier than usual, but I think that is compensating for my last cycle for I didnt get anything and only lasted 2-3 days.( That could be due to the stress from my studies.)   I really dont know how to get rid of this feeling! :( Ahhh.. the things women have to put up with!
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I am so grateful I came across this site. Thank god for google. I'm home sick from work... AGAIN due to how terribly nauseous I feel during ovulation and prior to my period. Its ruining my life. I thought I was alone but seeing that some of you experience the same thing has comforted me some what. I need to get a handle on it. I'm going to try ginger and hope it works. My doctors do not understand!!!
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1805736 tn?1316146930
I came across this thread while searching for "nausea during ovulation". I am sick every single month, during ovulation along with a few days before and after my period. I have never experienced anything like this, as I have always had normal PMS and periods. The sickness started about 6 months after my baby was born. I am 33 years old, and was thinking maybe my hormones changed after this last pregnancy. To say I am miserable is an understatement. I am BEYOND over feeling green every single month. I suffer from a tremendous amount of anxiety too, I'm sure than doesn't help. It's at least nice to know that I am not alone. My gyn thought maybe I should go on a low dose of birth control, but I was like to try for another baby after the new year. I have had a zillion tests done, even had a tube down my throat with a camera on the end, just to find out I don't even have acid reflux. Sigh.I hope everyone finds the help they need.
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i just found this site cuz i have been suffering from the same problem for so many years. it started some time back and it stopped when i started taking birth control pills. i laid off some years back and it has started again. this time worse than ever. i throw up at the slightest smell of food, perfume or even food in my mouth.
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I was reading the comments about "nausea during period" and i wanted to ask. Does anyone feel nausea like when they are on their period? I mean not just the first day or before period? Its just that for like three months I felt sick before my period. I would feel nausea, dizzy but this month for some reason I feel sick during my period and its my fourth day! This makes me wonder if its my period that is causing nausea or not. Does anyone ever get this?? or is it just me?
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2115089 tn?1334508588
Oh ladies, I cannot tell you what a relief it is to find this site!
I sure hope each of you finds temporary relief that lasts a good chunk of time so you can rest, when you take the teas and natural/conventional anti-nauseants, anti-inflammatories etc.
When I was 11 years old in the month of May, I began my first menses. The third time the period cycle came around that Summer, I did not stop bleeding for 43 days. I didn't want to worry anyone, and none of my friends had got their periods yet, but finally I was becoming anemic and told my parents and they took me to our family MD (back before we learned the hard way we have to be our own advocates, research, and hopefully always choose natural alternatives above medically pharmaceutical options) and he immediately put me on the pill to stop the bleeding. A nice band-aid to cover up what could have been potentially wrong!! Anyways, the past 22 years since my first period have taken me through 7 ruptured ovarian cysts, severe endometriosis which was operated on successfully, and lots of research that led me to discovering I was ESTROGEN-DOMINANT (which in my readings and discussions with nurses, doctors, specialists, OBGYN, etc. most agree this is the cause for miscarriage, post-pardom depression, infertility, cramping, heavy menses and clotting, ovarian cancer and cysts etc. ANYWAYS, I read in Dr. Michael E. Platt's: "The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones" about EVERYTHING you beautiful gals are mentioning, and sort of self-diagnosed myself from his research, studies, and case work. And the past 3 years have been amazing since I began rubbing on progesterone cream daily except during menses! No endo, no hellish cramps, no nausea, no heavy clots, no ruptured cysts (I used to get them like clockwork!!!)
But I am home alone right now feeling so nauseated. I'm trying to be brave and hide it, but nausea can be so debilitating. Teas and "organic outrageous ginger ale" really do help temporarily. The other night as soon as we got home from washing our truck I JUST made it to the toilet to vomit. I have forgotten the progesterone a couple times... But this seems extreme? I'm not pregnant.
Any tips or suggestions?
I was also sick with positively tested: Lyme Disease for 4.5 years, and have been symptom free with NEGATIVE tests since last June thanks to years of IV and oral ABX and natural alternative treatments :) But now maybe I'm noticing the more "normal" things/patterns that women experience who are HEALTHY? I mean, now that I'm not having seizures etc, I can listen to my body talk much more clearly.But this nausea is soooo awful! Mostly during ovulation for me, not so much during menses.  
Thanks for reading my LENGTHY post!
My e-mail: ***@****
God bless you!
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2115089 tn?1334508588
Hi darling. I don't experience this, but I know some of my girl friends of all ages do! So you're not alone! Hope you can get to a Naturopathic Physician and get a full hormone panel--super expensive but WORTH knowing where your levels are at :)
Take good care and don't give up seeking answers so you can be even less hindered by the nausea etc.
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I'm 33yrs old and I have been having this nauseous feeling before and during my cycle only after my 30th birthday. I have no kids, my cycle is regular but I can't take this feeling.. I'm having pre-menstrual symptoms for the past two weeks and my periods are not due in another two..help!!!!!!
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I also am experiencing nausea when I ovulate, I also have ovulation cramps.  It's not the nausea to make me throw up but enough to make me feel ill.  My stomach will then get girgly and the hungrier I am the more nauseous I seem to become.  I am also 33..no children, it's been happening for a few months now.  I also get headaches at well.  Between regular oms, cramps with my period and ovulation sickness, I feel crappy most of the time lately...ugh.  I also suffer from anxiety as well which doesn't help with the issue.
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I'm sooo glad i found this. I got sick(like throwing up sick) on my vacation! And i think it was something to do with my period. but im not sure. i've been nauseous ever since i started and even before..and im not really sure how to handle it. Any Suggestions? I'm Also Very Young But I Dont Think that would have anything to do with it
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as many have said I am glad I read this blog, I stopped BC pills about 7 months ago to try and conceive and my running joke is I can't wait to get pregnant, have the baby, and get back on the pill so I can feel normal again! Twice a month its like I get hit by a train, with ovulation and before my period, sore muscles, headaches, nausea, fatigue, and now diarrhea (oh that's the best). The worst is all my friends who know we're trying keep saying "your pregnant" to which I have to respond "yeah 3 days pregnant and already I feel great I think not". My only fear is, if this is how I feel ovulating how the heck will I feel when I actually am pregnant...ick
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I have the same issue. Every since I got my tubes tied 8 years ago I cant eat certain foods and I am sick 3 weeks out of the month. My dr..a female.. told me to put in an IUD I told her I didnt want to add anymore issues to it.She said thats my only choice.I told her to take out my uterus!! I am sick n tired of this! HELP!!!!
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My period returned a couple weeks ago (16 months PP), after 2 cycles of fake-outs (1 or 2 days of spotting).  Though I've been charting my BBT, I'm not getting a clear indication of whether or not I've ovulated.  Today is CD17, and for the past 3 days I've been terribly nauseous.  The symptoms are very similar to morning sickness (Perhaps it's worth nothing that my pre-baby cycles were never like this).  I suppose my body is reacquainting itself with changing hormones??
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My daughter is 15 and has been having problems with nausea and throwing up for about a week every month since she was about 10 years old.  Every time she would eat, regardless of what it was or what time of day, she would throw up within 5 minutes of finishing.  She would stay hungry and not really have any symptoms other than not being able to keep her food down. Within a week to week and a half she was better.  We went to stomach specialists, had ultra sounds, gallbladder tests, tried acid reflux medicines and she continued to have problems.  She had her 1st cycle at 12 years old and that was when we realized that each time she would start throwing up and become unable to hold anything on her stomach that her period would come with the next 2 weeks and as soon as she started the vomiting would stop.  The problem is that I’ve had her to different doctors and to an OB but they think I’m nuts.  They finally put her on the pill after I pressed the issue but the side effects she had with the pill were worse than the vomiting.  It seems to really bother the doctor to try different pills, having taken the pill myself in the past I know that not every pill works the same for every woman.  I also wonder if the doctor knows something that I don’t, like maybe the vomiting is healthier for her than the pill.  Another issue we have is that she sometimes forgets the pill and if she misses one day then she’s likely to miss a 2nd day and then we have the same problems all over again.  She has recently become frustrated with taking the pills so she decided to stop taking them altogether and she hasn’t had a cycle in about 2 months and she has been vomiting off and on since about 2 days after her last pill.  Surely there has to be something that can be done.  Would the birth control shot help with this issue?  I am willing to try anything for her to fill better (she has missed the last 2 days of school because she is so weak) but she does not want to continue to take the pill.  Hopefully someone here can help us because evidently the OB can’t and they aren’t aware that there are so many people affected with this problem.
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