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supercervical hysterectomy

okay heres the 411 about 6.5 months ago i had my uterus removed due to very heavy periods,  took care of most of my period problem except i still have small ones which the doctor said was normal because sometimes cells get left from the uterus.  Before anyone says it, I know for a fact I don't have a uterus because a week after my surgery I had to get an ultrasound because the fluid wasn't coming out from my surgery.  There was no uterus there.
I am 29 years old and the mother of two.  I wanted to get some info on people that have had a full hysterectomy because my hormones are still screwy, like this month I started my period a couple of times.  Then, I bloat like 5 pounds during that time.  Mood swings, ha ask my husband.  I can't take the pill because I am the select few that it makes me a big b****, and I know this.  Let me know what you think.
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I had a partial hysterectomy this last November. I still have my overies and tubes. I'm not sure about the bleeding. My Dr. told me that I need to come in and see him right away if I ever have bleeding because they close you up so nothing can get in or out.  Maybe it might not hurt to get  a second opinon?
About the mood swings, I hear ya! lol  Before my hyst. I had really bad PMDD about a week before my period. I still have that, but not as bad. My Dr. put me on an antidepressant and vit. B-12, B-6, and magnesium (sp?) That has helped a lot along with exercise. I have noticed that when I go awhile without any exercise the mood swings are a lot worse. And getting a balanced diet also helps a lot with the moods. and in my case I HAVE to have chocolate around! LOL
You might want to talk with your Dr. about that also.
Good luck!
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I still have my cervix which I am thinking you don't have if they sewed you up.  
Some doctors will leave the cervix as support for the vaginial walls as long as you don't have any family history of cervical cancer, and since I am only 29.  I am thinking now I wish they would have just taken that too because since I still have it I get light periods each month.
Get what I had done in the past 9 months.
In November they thought I had a polip, so they went in and did a d and c.  I didn't have a polip.
In December they burned my lining of my uterus to help with periods I still had heavy periods so In January they took my uterus out.
Now I am still stuck with hormone problems.
I guess I might take you advice and EXERCISE yuk!
My only problem is that I am so tired all the time.  I am a stay at home mom and it seems like I have no energy.
I know what the B vitamins do, but what does the magnesium done for you?
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My Dr. told me the magnesium along with the B vit. is kinda like a natural antidepresant.  It has really helped with my moods!  My dh is gratefull! LOL

You are right, they took my cervix.  The only thing I still have is my ovaries and tubes. That sucks that you still have light periods. The one thing that helped me accept that I can't have any more kids is not having periods each month!  I'm also 29 and it's still a little sad at times that I can't have anymore kids. I'm a stay at home mom also to 4 kids. Trust me, I know all about the lack of energy!  One thing I forgot to mention, my Dr. was giving me B-12 shots for a few months. That helped a lot to really get going. The one that I got lasted about a month. I noticed a huge difference with energy. And once I got to exercising that gave me a lot more energy. I started out with doing pilaties and fell in love with it! Then that gave me the energy to start jogging and doing more.
I had surgery a few weeks ago, and being sick before the surgery and then the recovery time I have gone backwards so much!  So in a few more weeks I need to force myself to get up and start again. I know, the begining is so hard because you just don't want to and laying on the couch watching tv. is so much more fun! LOL
If you don't like exercising, maybe just a nice walk with your kids or your husband, a friend, or even alone. I like to take my music with me and walk in the evenings.

About the bleeding, since you still have your cervix I don't really have any advice for you about that one.
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did you say a walk alone.  that would be nice.  
i take my girls on walks around the neighborhood, but gotta say my 5 year old just can't walk fast enough for me to break a sweat. :)
I have heard about b-12 shots on tv, but i never thought about asking a doc about them.
i know what you mean about sometimes feeling sad about not having anymore children.  my husband and i have two little girls 2 and 5, and in know that my husband wanted a little boy, problem was $$$$, so my husband got fixed :) right after our second.  We had talked about reversing his procedure, but it is costly, then the other thing is that they take his sperm out with a needle and get my eggs out and combine them, but then we had a greater chance for more then one child.
i miss having a baby though, even though i know that i was so tired when we had a newborn.  my first child had colic, and that was just a mess.  her doc said that she had the worse case of colic she had ever seen.  my second little girl was an angel, but to tell you the truth i don't remember my second as a baby as much as my first, i guess because my first was so hard, and you seem to remember everything.
i wish they would've taken my cervix though, and i guess i am to the point if i want to have everything else out and go on hormones?
i am going to try what you said with the different vitamins.
so when do you turn the dreadful 30!  I'm never turning 30.  :)
My b-day is december 6th.  thats okay though because my husband turns 30 before me on september 14th.  I am younger!!!!!
The bleeding I have isn't bad at all spotting to the the most, it's just annoying that I thought I wouldn't have it anymore.  oh well.
i do need to exercise because all i really need to loose is 20 pounds, and i know that would help my energy level.
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Oh I'm not turning 30 ever either! lol  I'm going to start to count backwards next year! ;) lol  I will be turning 29 again April 18
so I
still have awhile. My husband is also 30. He was a New Year baby!

My son just turned 2 yesterday.  The baby years are officialy behind us now. I wanted to keep him a baby as long as I could sinse he is my last.
I know what you mean about remembering the hardest. My second was really colicy too. Oh it was bad! My first and 3rd were little angels!  My
4th, well I don't think I will have any problems forgeting his baby years cause he has had so many problems, and he is my only boy.

I also need to lose about 25 lbs. I was really getting into shape before my hysterectomy, but then was in so much pain before the surgery I couldn't function. It was really bad. Then the healing time. Then I got lazy and didn't want to excersise. lol  After a few months I started back up again. Then last month I got really sick and had to stop again. I ended up needing my gallbladder removed, so I'm still recovering from that. So in about 2 weeks I think I will force myself to get up and get moving again. It sucks cause it's SO easy to gain weight, but SO hard to loose it! LOL :)

So you are thinking about having them just take everything!?  My Dr. wants to take out at least one of my ovaries. I have endometriosis and it's covering my left ovary and still kinda bothers me. My Dr. told me if they take out the left one then I would probably have to be put on hormones. Honestly I'm afraid of the hormones. I don't handle things like that well. I couldn't handle the pill, so all hormone replacements scare me. I'm stalling as long as possible.  What did your Dr. tell you about hormones?  I still don't know much about what would happen. After my hysterectomy I was put on Lupron to shut down my ovaries and it put me into menapause temporarily. That was BAD!  

Yeah, I love my alone walks!  After the kids go to bed I head out.  We live in student housing (my dh is back in school)  so it's all really well lit and we are all closed in.Plus we live in a pretty small town. So safety isn't as much of a concern as if we were in a huge city.

Thats good you are going to try the vit. They have helped me a lot.  I take them with breakfast. I also drink a lot of green tea. That gives me a healthy burst of energy. These days though it's been iced green tea!   Yumm!
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my husband just started back to college a couple of months ago.
why did they have to give you lupron to shut your ovaries down temporarily?  I've never heard of that before.
I was such a horrible person on the pill.  So bad that I can admit it.  
My mom had a total a few years ago, and she says she feels so much better because her hormones are steady, she also takes tasterone (misspelled) so that she has her sex drive still.
i'm glad that you got a little boy though.  i remember when we had an ultrasound with our last child to find the sex, my husband looked at the screen and said is that what i think it is?  Me and the nurse said no. :)
When our second child turned 1 I cried on and off her whole birthday party because I was so upset that she wasn't considered a baby anymore.
boy i gotta say it is really nice to talk to another stay at home mom, as i really don't get to talk to people that are my age anymore.  well, your a little younger by a few months.  Lucky you, you won't be 30 for awhile.  :)
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Your husband is in school too? When will he graduate? We hope David (dh) will finish in the winter of 2009. He was in school a few years ago, but when I got pregnant with Nathan there was a lot we had to take care of so he had to put school on hold. (Nathan was born with Spina Bifida)

My Dr. put me on Lupron because I had/have endometriosis really bad and estrogen makes it grow. So they were hoping the lupron would prevent it from growing and kill off the remaining endometriosis that they couldn't get out during the hysterectomy. I also had severe adenomyosis. That was the main reason for the hysterectomy. In my opinion, lupron is pure poison! I'm still having side affects from that! It was funny, yesterday during Nathans b-day party both of my grandmothers were talking with each other about their hotflashes. and they asked me how mine were doing also! haha!

Yea, we are excited about having our boy. David and I always joked that we wouldn't stop having kids untill we got our boy. There isn't any boys on my side of the family. Girls everywhere! So everybody was really excited about me finally having a boy.
I was at the Dr. today for Nathan's well baby check up and we saw a 12 day old baby. Oh I miss that!!  Now I need to push me sisters to hurry up and have kids! LOL!

If can email me if you want. This post looks like it's starting to get lost.
My email address is ***@****
My name is Amanda btw. :)
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email me so i know that you actually saw this because i see that it is kindof getting knocked out by other postings.
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ok, they blocked out my email address. Thats weird, cause over at the maternal/child forum they don't block it out. Let me try it this way.

jo an is na 4 at yahoo dot com
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your email address didn't show up.  you have to do it in a way that it doesn't look like an email address.  heres mine if you can make this out
laura1977atsigecomnet    the word at is actually @ sign then put a dot between the m and the net.  make sense.  i guess you already figured out my name is laura.
my brothers name is nathan  i always use to call him nat the rollerskate.
my side of the family is mostly boys.  i have two older brothers and two little brothers.  plus i have two nephews on my side and two nephews on my husbands side.  except one of my nephews on my husbands side is at rileys hospital he was just discovered to having sma he is 8 months.
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