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vaginal itching and red rash like areas

I have lately been experiencing external vaginal itching but on the inner sides of the lips and the entrance ofthe vagina... Also there are red rash like areas on the inner part of the lips.. Im really scared and i been with the same guy for 6 months now and this just occured about 3 weeks ago after my last period.. And also i believe i had vaginal tears too...
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I've been having the same problem ladies! But I've been using Cortizone 10 for mine. It's slowly healing and disappearing. The key to getting rid of this is make sure you lightly go over the rash with soap and water. Afterwards, damp the rash to make sure it's dry. Place the Cortizone 10 onto the rash (I apply using a q-tip). You then have to let yourself air dry for a little while! I personally sleep in front my fan without any bottoms, legs wide open to make sure I breathe and stay dry. I have to say, it's been working SLOWLY, but surely!
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I'm 19years old and i'm a virgin.the places around my vagina is itchy and it has got a small rash on both sides, and i'm frequently having wattery white vaginal discharge.I never had this much discharge . But this itching goes away when i have my periods. i first experienced this last month , it was so uncomfortable and it came back again this month about 2 days ago. I'm so shy to go see a doctor :(
does anyone have anything to say to this
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Okay... i have reddness on my outer part of my vagina where the hair is and it goes down towards my anus but not completely kind fades off. Been on my period for number of days and i dont remember this problem before then, so is the use of pads causing a nappy rash and its only been itchy for the last three days or so now. It dont hurt to pee, no swelling at all and not spots, boils and lumps. But using thrush cream today so not sure if that will work, gonna try vagisil cream instead tomoz, its just for tonight, it seems to ease the itch, the stinging sensation at the top just above the clit where the pubic hair stops...but it only stings on the area only.. the rest just itchy and red... does not go up any further than just past outer edge around the vangina.
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Read this and it will explain a lot for some of you.

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I have same issue here. am sexually active but this started while I was away from my boyfriend. the entrance of my vulva gets itchy and to make it funny, it feels nice when touched.....then there are these really small rashes on the lips of my vulva.....what's that really. what can I do. it makes it uncomfortable to walk.........because it gets worse and these lips swell. gosh!!
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Lori_RaptorExternal User
There are worms coming out of your vagina?  Go to the ER now.  Now.
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Same thing is happening with me!! Help!
I started getting this white liquidy thing out of my vagina,I didn't tell anyone and since that past 4 days, the two lips of my vagina are red but today..both the lips had some rash and it had a little blood comin out of it! I don't wanna see a doctor as I'm shy and there were worms coming out of my vagina too...I haven't had periods or sex yet! What's happening? What should I do?
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Ive had bad pain on one side of my labia for 3 years and no matter what kind of cream or ointment i put on it, makes it worse.

I went to my family doctor and he said the area was a bit red but other than that, he couldnt see or feel anything wrong. he gave me a pap test and it came back clear of anything.

I've tried fungal infection medications, hydrocortizone, vaseline, bathing in water with baking soda, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, diaper rash cream, hypoallergenic lotion, vitamin e oil, changing detergents, no sexual contact for a month, washing thoroughly, sleeping without underwear..

I recently realized that it would get worse whenever the area is wet. So I stopped with the creams since they were only doing me bad, and just dried the area thoroughly when it gets wet. after a shower (after only washing it with cold water, warmer water seems to make it hurt more, no soap), i dry it really really well with a hair dryer (on the cool setting, hot makes the pain worse) and wear slightly loose fitting underwear. Ive been doing this for a few days and its getting better.

Im not sure if this will help permanently but this is whats working for me so far.
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Ive been to the doctor got tested for all stds even herpes all were negative ive even tested negative for yeast and vaginosis. Butvi still have this painful rash inside my vagina lips on the left side what is it
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Ive been to the doctor got tested for all stds even herpes all were negative ive even tested negative for yeast and vaginosis. Butvi still have this painful rash inside my vagina lips on the left side what is it
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Hey I have the same problem and I know that I am extremely uncomfortable.  My mother is a nurse and suggested that it may be caused by my diabetes.  Have you been checked for diabetes or are you diabetic?
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Have you all checked out lichen sclerosis? It is very common, but a lot of doctors do not know much about it. It is not an STD, but feels like it sometimes and can cause all the above listed symptoms.
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i mean cant be an std not can.  sorry
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I have the same exact problem and i am so scared.  Did you find out what it was?  It can be an std because ive been with the same guy for over 20 years.  please let me know.
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i am getting a itchy on the inner of my lips it come not long after me and my partner had sex and is starting to do my heading don't want to go see my doc but been with my partner over a year and it hasint happen b4 and is now going abit red what shell i do please HELP!
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Your description sounds almost identical to what I've been dealing with for the past 6 mos!  I haven't gone to see a doctor yet, because I kept thinking it was simply an allergic reaction to something I've been using (laundry det, soap, toilet paper, etc.), but am ready to go now.  It's gotten worse...very itchy. And today I began having symptoms of a urinary tract infection.  

What have you found out about your symptoms?
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This is becoming an epidemic. I went to the OBGYN on Thursday August 13, 2009. She told me I was the 10th patient of the day with the same problem. This was the 5th week she has seen me with the same (sort) of problem. Keeps coming back in one way or another. I now am going to Hopkins to a  vulva and vagina specialist. Symptoms… red irritation burns looks sort of rashy all along outside lips and partly into opening it hurts or is very uncomfortable and sometimes I get reoccurring yeast with discharge, sometimes infection, sometimes burning on urination. I have done all the creams, pills and steroids, oatmeal baths, etc. I have stopped the usual detergent, softeners, soaps and allergy culprit use. I have had this ongoing problem for almost a year. It only got so bad that the rash thing showed up in the last 2 months. I am going nuts!!! If so many women are having this problem then there has to be something in common. I know women that have not had sex with the problem, some that have been through menopause and in between with this happening to them. Have we all taken the same medication for something, have we all used the same kind of toilet paper, or is there something in our food that we are allergic to. How do we find out? Has anyone found a cure?  I finally decided to just give some antihistamine a try for 4 or 5 days.
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just had to post another comment to join this commnuty .. lol
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okay , so the inside of my vagina was itching for a few days & i just thought it was dryness . so i used mostorizer blah blahh . Then , a few days later i started to get pimples by my anuss . i didnt know what to do . now my whole vagna is covered in like a chap red rash . its not itchy , but the inside of my vagina still is. I've never had sex , but i was aten out about a month agoo .. I dont want to go to my doctor , any idea what this iss ?
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I have the same problem, and seems to come the day or so before my period.. red irritated rash on the inner lips of my vagina.. ive been diagonsed with herpies but this is just a rash i think... what do i do?
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vigina moisture,rash,itching,painful at times,what is it and what should i do
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Don't use vasoline. Find out what's causing the rash first. It could be just a yeast infection.   You should go see your doc.
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Well if there is bleeding from inside your vagina, you might have tears, which is something you need to see a doctor for.

About the rash, something you can try is vasaline. It sounds gross, and feels gross, but it might help. Stop all sexual activity until it clears up. What it sounds like is just an irritation. You've had moisture down there, and it will make it sore.

Try vasaline to clear up the rash. If it doesn't go away, go see a doctor.

Also, a preventative method if it does go away, make sure you keep dry. If you let moisture sit on there too long it willl cause irritation. try and dry off moisture, expecially after sexual activities. Femine powder helps out a lot with that, you can buy it at any general store.
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