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yeast infections, UTI's and antibiotics

helloo...hmm lets see, i seem to get yeast infections very easily, one time was the worst when i took antibiotics to get rid of fever, after the fever, but not short after being on the antibiotics i got a really bad yeast infection! i went to see my ob/gyn for constant UTI's after sex etc, so she put me on the generic brand for Bactrim DS (Sulfameth/Trimethoprim) but im scared to go on it, because i know its an antibiotic, and i do NOT want another yeast infection! id rather burn in hell before going throught those again!!! maybe theres just something wrong with me to where i always get stuck with bad stuff, or not, but uh...basically after all of this jibber jabber, i want to know, if i take the Sulfameth/Trimethophrim, will i get another yeast infection!??? help!
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Just a suggestion. Make sure that your partner is being treated for the yeast infection too.  If he is not being treated you guys are going to go back and forth.  Also be cautious if you or your mate have multiple partners because it is hard to rid UTIs, and yeast infections if the other is not being treated.  ABT's(antibiotics) can and do contribute to a yeast infection but once treated you should not have a concurrent problem.  The problem comes in through transmission.  Just a thought.
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3187007 tn?1344868475
Yeast infections are usually caused by diet, sweat, or sexual intercourse.  Wear loose clothing, and make sure that area is dry.  You can put baby powder or gold bond in your undies or directly on the infected area.  I wouldn't recommend silk underwear, it's known to rub badly against the skin.  Stick with cotton.  You can take a vinegar bath to help kill the yeast.  Dillute the vinager with a little bit of water, and sit in it for twenty minutes.  Vinegar is known to kill yeast.  Change your underwear freaquently to prevent sweating.  Try using water instead of toilet paper to wipe.  You could be allergic to some of the scented toilet papers out there.  Hope this helps!! As always WATCH THE SUGAR. . .yeast lives off sugar :)
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1789235 tn?1315156881
So my question is.. I was on an antibiotic for a kidney infection in the beginning of August, I got a yeast infection because of the antibiotic I was using the generic form of Monostat 7..I took that for 4 days until i was back into the ER for another Kidney stone. they saw that I had an infection in my urine and put me on the Bactrim.. Is it possible for the yeast infection to come back?
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Hi.  I have been sick on and off for a couple of years and all of the antibiotics have wreaked havoc, to say the least.  One thing that I have found VERY helpful is to rinse with white vinegar in the shower; it burns a bit, but it makes the environment unfriendly to yeast.  After a minute, rinse with water.  Do this daily.  Also, when you eat yogurt, eat plain; the sugar in the flavored ones causes yeast to thrive.  Hope this helps!
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If you pee after sex, this will flush the bacteria that's been worked into your tract, out. I am Used to get uti's all the time and doing this stopped. BUT ALSO- if you drink cokes (all carbonated beverages), or tea... U need to stop! Once my doctor told me this causes uti's- I quit drinking all cokes and tea and I never got another uti ever again! Water and juices are best to drink. Especially cranberry juice
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Honestly it sounds to me like you have a thyroid disorder. I suffer from an over active thyroid but you can also have an under active thyroid. It would cause all of your symptoms, do you gain weight easily? Or is it hard for you to gain weight? If it is your thyroid, once fixed, you will hardley ever get sick again!
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Try using gynelotrimine, it is a different type of over the counter yeast infection medicine. I had similiar problems with yeast infection getting completely terrible without any symptoms until it was way too late. (The cottage cheese and thick discharge, but non of it would show until it had been culturing for weeks.)  I could take Diflucan a week straight and still have trouble getting it gone.  I showered twice a day and have for most of my life so I never understood how I had such a problem. After 14 years of the WAR with yeast infections a nurse recommended using the GyneLortimin instead of Monistat and I have not had problems in years. Normally starting on the first day of my menstrual cycle I would use it for the full cycle nightly. Yes gross and messy but after 3 cycles of this I have been problem free for over 3 years. I also like Azo yeast, it is over the counter pills and helps prevent the problem naturally with garlic and other herbs.  
Good luck and God bless,
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Use of this medication for prolonged or repeated periods may result in oral thrush or a new vaginal yeast infection (oral or vaginal fungal infection). Contact your doctor if you notice white patches in your mouth, a change in vaginal discharge or other new symptoms.

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I am pregnant about 6 weeks and i discoverd from going to my obgyn i have a infection in my urine. They perscribed me sulfamethoxazole-tmp. They said take it jus for 7 days twice a day. however when i got home after reading the bottle it clearly says do not take if you are pregnant or think that you maybe.. So my question is what should i do is it safe to take it.
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I was diagnosed with a uti 3 days ago, they put me on bactrim ds and peridium...it has been three full days and the symptoms are still quite strong, especially when the peridium wears off.  I have had many utis in the past and remember the medicines relieving the symptoms quite fast, so my question is should i still be hurting and having symptoms just like in the beginning after three days worth of antibiotics and peridium???
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I took Amoxycillin for a UTI and got a yeast infection. Now whenever  I use the applicator to apply Monistat, I am seeing blood for a couple of hours . Any suggestions? Thanks
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Everytime i go to the gynecologist they tell me i have a yeast infection! I don't understand, why! Sometimes a lot of times I don't even have symptoms (itchy, scratchy, i'm sure you know). The major problem is the cheesy, thick, discharge and sometimes it even looks like clear, booger, thick snot (sorry if I just grossed anyone out)I take lactobacillus acidophilus, eat yoghurt BID, and cottage cheese with added cultures. I am sick a lot eventhough i take about 10 pills or more of different vitamins a day: Calcium (not too much), Juice Plus (www.juiceplus.com)In the morning you take 2 orchard blend capsules (equals daily fruit requirement) and in the evening 2 Garden Blend capsules (equals daily vege requirement) i am a vegetarian so of course i do not just rely on those 4 pills! I love to eat a lot of veges and make sure I have a lot of protien, but since i am sick all the time i try to boost my immunity with vitamins and minerals. I also drink "green goodness" in the fruit section at the super market which is packed with phytonutrients (blended smoothie of veges such as spinache,broccolli, bananas, kiwi, and even BLUE GREEN ALGAE for immunity! olay vitamins QAM (vitamin e, coq10,multi vitamin,greentea)stress tab + iron QHS not to mention ritalin, focalin, nortriptyline for daily headaches. thankgod i work at cvs the discount sure does help. the fact that i have had headaches daily since i was 10, daily fatigue, cold hands, tingly in arms and legs, dizzy, weak muscles, weak immune system, depression, add, irregular periods EVEN ON BIRTHCONTROL!sometimes i wouldnt have my period for 3-6 months and then i had it since january every other week.. and i have wierd hair growth on my body(side of face is hairy,lip,back,arms, feet argh i feel like a man and its really embarassing and brings me down) i decided to see an endocrinologist who i hope will find something wrong with me so i have some answers to some of these problems. I just got my tonsils out yeasterday (haha) so i hope that might make me feel better.. and I am on amoxicillin for infection and oxycontin for pain just until my thoat gets better. I asked the doctor for a script of fluconazole (diflucan) because i knew i would need it with the antibiotic. The question is, should I take the fluconazole now or should i wait to take it until AFTER my antibiotic is finished? What works better? I really don't want to call work and ask. I really don't want to talk if I dont have to. I would appreciate any help about the fluconazole or if anyone has anything similar or knows anything about my bodys problems.
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I was given the drug sulfameth trimethoprim. I was DX. with Strep 2.  I have not yet found on the Web where this drug is used to treat my condition.  My Dr. says this drug is good for a number of things.  I explained to him in the beginning that I may have step throat.  I had the flu back in the winter and could never get rid of the cough.  Since I have been taking the prescribed medicine it has cleared my cough.  Can someone kindly reply.  In my Pap Smear I was DX with Strep 2  I need to know how did this occur.  This only happens with women that are pregnant.   Help me to understand in laymens terms what is going on.
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Bactrim DS is a GREAT antibiotic to get rid of UTIs! It's cheap and works fast, and most of all it can be used as a preventative if you are prone to UTI's from intercourse. Cranberry juice or cranberry supplements help, but they will not work as well as the antibiotic because the antibiotic will actually kill the bacterial. If your doctor gives you a regular prescription for Bactrim DS or generic just take one before sex with a full glass of water. This helps the drug get to the urinary system faster and kill any bacteria that may enter from sex. Then go to the bathroom after sex and pee HARD - this will help expell bacteria that haven't worked their way up into the bladder and settled there. In fact if you just pee hard after sex it might prevent infection and you might not need the antibiotic. Bactrim shouldn't give you a yeast infection, esp if you us it as a prevenative, and if your taking it for a full blown UTI you usually only take it anywhere for 3 to 7 days, depending on if is complicated or uncomplicated.

Now for the yeast infections with antibiotics - this happens because the antibiotics have killed off so many of the bad bacteria and they start attacking the similar good bacteria that control the yeast population "down south." so then the yeast over grow and you're left in misery - i know it sucks, and it happens every time i take ANY antibiotic that isn't for a UTI. Penicillin, Biaxin, Augmentin, you name it - if i have to take it for more than 7 days i'll get a yeast infection. Simple solution to this - talk to you OB/GYN about this. I know it's a pain to have to call everytime you have a yeast infection and ask for something but hey, maybe he'll write you a script with refills for Diflucan - the greatest pill known to man in my view! And I do believe it comes in a generic now. Or when your general practitioner write the script for the antibiotic that will curse you in a week tell him that you know what it will do and ask for a script for diflucan as well - if the doctor tells you to use something OTC, get another doctor. A lot of women can't use the OTC vaginal yeast infection treatments because the cause irritation and frankly they don't just work as well as Diflucan.

On the side note, increasing your yogurt intake to prevent yeast infections helps some, but it doesn't have that many live cultures in it. There used to be this product from the makers of Immodium - but i think manufactures have pulled it from the market because it didn't sell well. Anyways, go ask your Pharmacist if he has any LACTOBACILLUS tablets and if he doesn't if he can order some. they're OTC and they are life cultures of bacteria that you take. you can either take them every day or just take 1 with each antibiotic dose. the theory with taking them with the dose is that once the antibiotice kill off most of the bad bacteria they will start attacking the "extra" good bacteria in your gut that you are taking instead of the bacteria that control your yeast population.

Another side note - it is always recommened that you finish your entire dose of antibiotics. This is to prevent resistant strains of the bacteria from forming in your body. Please bear in mind that if you get a yeast infection and stop taking your antibiotic because of the yeast infection - you may still have some bad bacteria that are resistant to the drug and this could be bad in the long run....more medications, different antibiotics, you getting sick again, etc... - it's not fun, seriously.
Now coming from a future pharmacist, yes, i'm still in pharmacy school...do I ever finish my entire antibiotic regimine - no...do most people...no. (unless it's a Z-pak, i take all of that - i can do 5 days, that didn't give me a yeast infection anyways) Just try to take 3/4 of the medication, and continue to take it until yeast infection symptoms appear.

Hope this helps:-)
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It also helps to urinate and wash up well AFTER sex, too!
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I too am prone to frequent yeast infections and UTI's for some reason.  I don't know anything about the specfic drug that you're referring to, but I thought I'd share some things that have helped minimize them for me.  I always seemed to get them every single time I had sex, I mean almost EVERY single time.  (We are trying to have a baby, so those infections were pretty much constant!)  I started showering and making my husband shower right before any intimacy.  I also drink a full glass of cranberry juice every morning, and I also take cranberry herbal supplements once a day along with my vitamins.  In addition, I started drinking one of those Danactive yogurt type drinks each morning.  It's not the same as the regular-yogurt-on-the-go drinks, but it's called Actimel which has 10 times the active cultures in it that yogurt does and it's proven to boost immunity and is great for the digestive tract.  All of these measures have paid off for me, as the infections have significantly dropped off.  I think the key is to be consistent in your preventive measures.  Hope this is helpful.  Good luck to you, I know how horrible those infections are.
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