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Neck, L shoulder and arm pain

For months I have been suffering from neck, l shoulder and arm pain.  I have disc bulges c4-5. c5-6,c6-7 from a car accident 7 years ago.  I went to primary care Doctor and he took xrays and sent me for an MRI in February of shoulder and cspine.  Primary said shoulder was fine.  Went through physical therapy which seemed to make things a little worse.  Primary referred me to Pain Dr. for pinched nerve in neck.  I was put on Cymbalta and Neurontin because I refused the epidurals in neck because I know someone that ended up paralized from the neck down from the shots.  I went to Primary a few weeks ago giving him a copy of my pain diary and things I'm having  trouble doing.  He referred me to a neurologist for nerve testing. He really did nothing more than run a safety pin down my arm and said he wanted me to go to an orthopedic for frozen shoulder.  He took me off the neurontin, gave me hydrocodone for pain and said he might schedule conduction tests after ortho saw me. I feel like I'm getting the run around.  The neck pain I have lived with for years but the shoulder and gripping pain in my upper arm is really ugly.  My shoulder hurts when I move it but the gripping pain around my upper arm (about half way between shoulder and elbow) feels live a red hot band squeezing my arm.  It causes me to double over in pain and I have very little use of my left arm on most days.  The hydrocodone does little to ease the pain.  There are days I can't lift a glass of water and days that the pain radiates to my left thumb.  My left hand is weaker than my right and sometimes feels a bit numb.  Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

This discussion is related to neck, left shoulder and arm pain.
4 Responses
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1093617 tn?1279302002
Hi, Thank you for your question. I think your symptoms may be due to nerve irritation in the cervical (neck) spine because of either cervical disc bulge or injury. This pain may be referred and perceived as occurring in the back of head & shoulders (as electric sensation)- LHERMITTES SIGN, arms or chest, rather than just the neck. Other symptoms may include vertigo, nausea (dizziness) and stiffness. It will be best that you consult a neurologist who would like to prescribe Pain killers, steroid and muscle relaxants. Other treatments could be cervical orthosis such as a soft cervical collar or stiffer neck brace to restrict neck movement till you get complete recovery. In addition, cervical traction may also be suggested by the doctor, if condition is severe. Hope this helps.
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144586 tn?1284666164
No muscle relaxants. Absolutely NOT. They reduce tone and will cause increased pain. They will make your condition worse.

Absolutely positively NOT a neck brace. Inappropriate.

This will ensure you a life of pain. Nor a cervical collar.

You require axial traction, several times a day, and range of motion exercises through the oimit of pain. You need to purchase an axial traction device (about $35) and suspend yourself gently for from five to ten minutes six to eight times a day. After a week isometric exercises (holding your head against a hand and pushing to the left, right, and forward).

Anti- inflammatories are indicated. For the first week oral  prednisone.

Painkillers won't work.

You need to find a physician who has experience with this problem. Often they will forcibly rotate the head.

If you don't exercise through the limits of pain and use axial traction you will end up with your arm paralyzed, unable to hold a pencil, unable to ride in a car, in level ten eat-the-gun pain, and be using a walker.

It seems counter-intuitive to exercise through the limits of pain because everyone "knows" that pain is natures way of telling you not to move or you will cause damage.
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In Physical Therapy (two rounds) they tried traction and made matters worse.  Have been on medrol dose pack and that didn't help either, tried muscle relaxers, they help with muscle spasms in back of my head and upper back. My neck hurts but I'm so use to that pain that I only notice when things change.  I have good and bad days with my neck but my shoulder and arm pain have been persistant at a relatively high pain level for a minimum of six months.  

Thank you for your comments and if you can add anything please do.  I'm so tired of the pain and limitations involved with the pain.
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hi my name rach hi a year ago i fell out of a window a seriously injured my head a month afer i started geting numbness in my fingers face and feet, then it has progressed the pain now is unbearable it started of in my head then neck , shoulder arm and now leg pain. my doctor will not refer me done my bloods they were normal and he answer is it not in ur blood then it nothing. and has put it down to depression. i been threw depression and it never felt like this. this all sarted after i hiit my head the pain is deliberating not being able to enjoy life anymre do u have any answers, the only tablet thatseem to have any affect ismuscle relaxant. thank you
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