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diziness, shakiness and IBS?

I am 43 years old and started over a year ago with back pain in the kidney area. It turned out to be a kidney infection, but it continued with symptoms, but no infection was found later. Then pain in the lower abdoman started. It would come and go with profound exhaustion. I was finally diagnosed with IBS. I lost 15 pounds because with the exhaustion was also profound loss of appetite. I was put on levsin which helped alot. But now even thuogh I have had very little trouble with the IBS, maybe once a month, I still have diziness, mostly upon standing. I also shake, which I would call a "quiver", when I use my arms, like picking up a glass, or my legs will shake when I go down stairs. I've also experienced a couple of times, my left leg wanting to give out on me, usually after walking some time, like shopping. I also get blotchy pink skin, and my hands are very pink. I'm always cold. My body temp used to be 98.6, but now barely reaches 98. Today it was 97.8. Sometimes my heart flip flops usually at night and I also get short of breath with exertion. My muscles also hurt when I use them, anything that I do out of the ordinary.  I was told that all of this relates to IBS. But no one has explained why. I believe the IBS is secondary to
something else.What do you think? Should I investigate further?
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I'm a 23 yr old male and lately I've been experiencing a constant twitching in the lower left side of my abb. No pain as such but it's getting very, very anoying. I also shake, but that's been so since I remember. The shaking is mainly in my legs, arms and rists. My mother had some cind of thyroid problem when I was a child if that means anything. If anyone has any Idea what this may be, I'ld love to know.
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I'm a 23 yr old male and lately I've been experiencing a constant twitching in the lower left side of my abb. No pain as such but it's getting very, very anoying. I also shake, but that's been so since I remember. The shaking is mainly in my legs, arms and rists. If anyone has any Idea what this may be, I'ld love to know.
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this is for Mary and the others who have experienced the dizziness, nausea and diarrhea.  I too found out today that I have elevated enzymes.  I had been on tylenol pm for a long time for sleeping problems, and depakote at one time for another health disorder and avandia for diabetes.  Now with all of the information I see coming out on the avandia, I am terrified.  I get dizzy and nausea to the point that I feel like I am going to go nuts if it doesnt quit.  It has been happening for about 3 months.  I was taken off of avandia, and the doc wants to recheck my liver enzymes in about 2 months to see if they are decreasing any.  I find this site helpful, even if its only to comfort me that there are others out there having the same symptoms as me and are still alive and in their right minds.   Thanks you guys, I dont know you but you have no idea how much this site can mean to one who is up in the middle of the night with worry.
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I have suffered from what my doctors suggest is IBS for about six years with the symptoms gradually worsening.  First 1-2 years extreme pain in left lower abdomen, constipation.  This only occurred once every 5-6 mo.  It gradually increased.  Pain is sudden and debilitating, comes on within 15 minutes and is so severe I cannot move.  I take pain medication and muscle relaxers now.  Vomiting almost always occurs due to the severeness of the pain.  In the past month I have developed a knot in the area where the pain always comes.  Sometimes it is larger, sometimes smaller, but I always feel it.  There has been no severe pain, just constant soreness in that spot.  I have had stomach cramps almost daily, after most meals diarhea, and I am experiencing muscle cramps in my lower extremeties, especially at night.  I couldn't get an appointment with my physician (scheduled for late May) but I did have a blood test and have started nutri-phos, a supplement for low phosporus.  The nurse did not explain what would have caused this.  Should I be more concerned?
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Comment by Rose is the closest I have come to my own symptoms.  Shakiness, tremors and heart skips, extreme tiredness that comes on suddenly, twitching of the eyelids, dizziness.  I also have episodes of some numbness around the nose and one side of mouth.  Dr. says it could be anxiety and menopause, which I'm sure it very well could be.  Taking premarin .625. Recently had gall bladder surgery for gall stones, but these symptoms appeared before the gall bladder was discovered diseased and never left.

They used to be with me daily, but have subsided some to extreme tiredness about monthly, but I have to be careful not to over do anything.  The heart skips come and go.  

I do have the loose stools frequently and these symptoms do seem to become more evident at this time.  I have not been diagnosed with IBS, but anxiety.

Tried Buspar but it did not help. Having a sigmoidoscopy tomorrow for just a regular checkup because I just turned 50. I have often wondered if my problem had to do with nutrition, because eating sometimes relieves the symptoms.

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Mary, its interesting to read your story, I relate and have experienced your symptoms.
After major surgery in 1998, I suffered from repeated bowel upsets about six months later.  My motions became loose, resulting in weight loss (lost 6 kilos), dizziness, weakness, (jelly legs) anemia, tremors and heart skips, and extreme tiredness.  The 'list' of symptoms seemed to be never ending and almost embarressing.
My GP (who practices conventional, homeopathic and natural remedies) suggested I might have 'Leaky Bowel Syndrome" (has anyone heard of it?) which basically means malabsorption and loss of vitamins  and minierals required for day to day normal activity.
By November 99 my 'list' included twitching, my legs, arms and especially the eyes.  It became annoying.  I had read that Vitamin B6 helps this so decided to take 100mg perday.  The results were immediate, not only for the twitching, but for most of my other symptoms as well.  
Knowing that long term use of B6 causes dependency, I decided to wean myself after a month, only to find the symptoms returned within days.
My GP was very interested when I next visited him and suggested that because B6 is the key vitamin for absorbing over 60 other vitamins, minerals and enzymes, my body may need more B6 to aid in this than normal and that taking it may be a long term thing.
For now I have returned to the 100mg per day.  It means LIVING and not 'just surviving'.
I'd appreciate any comments on this, and hope mine have been helpful to you and many others like you out there.
PS  I understand there are no known means of testing Pyridoxine deficiency (B6)conventionally, my GP uses a rather controversial means, muscle testing.  There are heaps of sites on the net explaining the function of B6 which may be of interest.
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aspartame is just about in anything that is labeled light, or lowfat, so read very carefully.
it also has bad side affect in children born to mothers who use it exessively.
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I have IBS and it started with severe lower abdominal pain, I went to the emergency room and they said I eat too much spicy food. Well, the pain and other symptoms continued and my doctor id a sigmoidoscopy and a barium enema to rule out cancer of the large colon.  Well it turned out to be IBS. My doctor put me on Bentyl and that made me very depresssed. However the doctor sipmly asked me about my diet and asked me if I ate alot of spicy foods. I said yes about all that I ate was pizza and I literally had NO roughage in my diet.  So, I simply started to take Metamucil once a day and my symptoms are much much better. I think the lesson here is to try the most simple solution first and to try to stay away from drugs as much as possible. Drugs really don't treat the disease , they treat symptoms of disease. If you fix the problem at its root it is always much better.
Good luck.
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Hi and wow,

Of all the messages and comments I have read on this forum, the ones in this thread scream out-- aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet) poisoning.  

Check your labels.  Aspartame is not just in diet colas, but in children's and adult vitamins, prescription meds such as Singulair and OTC remedies such as  chewable antacids.  Not to mention sugar-free gum and mints.
6,000 products to date.

In 1995, the FDA, under the Freedom of Information Act was forced to reveal 92 symptoms caused by aspartame.  The top 10 are headache, dizziness, change in mood quality, vomiting and nusea, abdominal pain and cramps, change in vision, diarrhea, seizurea nd convulsions, memory loss, fatigue, weakness.  

For a library of info, go to www.dorway.com and http;//aspartamekills.com.


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I was recently diagnoised with advanced diverticulitis.  After several mis-diagnoises of bladder infections and kidney stones, an er physician ordered a CT Scan and discovered the disease.
Symptoms include severe lower abdominal pain on the left side and pain in the pelvis area(also on the left side). I was admitted to the hosital for four days while receiving i.v.andtibiotics and fluids.  I've also had a barium enema indicating some sort of mass in the colon.  

Four weeks later, I am experiencing consistent pelvic pain each day.  I am also totally exhausted by five o'clock in the afternoon. Before, I could go full speed til midnight or later.  
My shoulders hurt all the time and I have experienced a stiff or sore neck since being diagnoised with diverticulitis.

My question, " Are these aches and pains related to the diverticulitis?  Incidentally, surgery is scheduled within the next two weeks for a resection.  
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I can't believe I found someone who has such similar symptoms as mine.  I've been searching for answers for so long and have seen so many doctors, tried so many medicines, and alternative treatments etc.  Everything just kept on progressing until I got to the point where I could hardly function.  

The most headway I've made has been somewhat recent. I've had some diagnosis that have been totally wrong, but the ones that seem to be correct are IBS, Fibromyalgia, Gastroparesis. I had a nerve test which was normal, and then a muscle biopsy which showed a type of muscle atrophy.  This was confusing as I've always been physically fit and active until all this hit.  They don't know what it is and keep telling me just keep on doing exercise. Then I had a number of eeg's done and one was slightly abnormal and was placed on antiseizure medication.  I've never had a seizure and they didn't give me a seizure diagnosis but a possibility.  So on that I'm going to get another opinion. The tegretol and depakote did help the dizziness, vertigo, and some pain.

I too have wondered if there is one main problem that is causing all these symptoms that we've just been missing. As of yet the best approach has been to try to break them down and treat the symptoms.  So many conditions have so many of the same symptoms.  At first we thought it was female hormonal problems, etc.  Then due to another problem I had to have an oopherectomy and hysterectomy, was placed on hormones.  So am getting a steady supply and not any fluctuation.  None of these other symptoms disappeared.

Feel free to keep in touch maybe one of us can help the other if we get any answers.  ***@****
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Beth, thanks for responding in such fashionable manner. I appreciate your input. Do you feel sudden weekness also out of the blue, like your legs will give out? Anyway, you are as close as I have come to finding anyone so similar. You can e mail me @ ***@**** for further discussion. I would like to hear from you.
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Hi Mary.  I am 39 years old and recently posted a note under "chronic gastritis and severe reflux for over a year .. help!" which describes what I have been experiencing.  In searching other areas I found your note and wanted to let you know that I have also had symptoms similar to yours as well.  I no longer have IBS problems either and during December and January I slowly eliminated the antispasmodic I was taking (Librax) and am only taking Prilosec at this time for acid problems related to gastritis (stomach inflamation).  Anyway I understood exactly what you were describing .. diziness, a quiver type feeling, weakness, etc. because I've had the same thing happening to me on and off during all of this other stuff I've been going through.  I've noticed a pattern, however, and in keeping track find it seems to be cycle-related and I feel it is probably a hormone imbalance.  I saw my regular physician recently and she decided to run blood tests to rule out a problem with my thryoid, muscles and she even checked for lupus and all the tests were negative so she is just as puzzled as I am but feels too if could be a "female" problem.  In further researching on my own I discovered another website called www.womens-health.com and under the index section I found information under assessments related to perimenopause.  I have every symptom it describes and it could be you do too.  I think it would be worth your while to check out that website.  You should probably have your doctor also rule out the items I listed above which mine did in early January to be on the safe side.  Anyway .. good luck and I hope you feel better!  Keep track of your symptoms on a day to day basis and you might find it is cycle-related too and we both could just be going through major female changes that are affecting us in troublesome ways!
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Over the past three months I have had the following symptoms.  Vertigo, which has led to nausea.  Stomach and chest pain and now headaches.  These are not everyday symptoms, the vertigo has subsided as has the nausea, but the headaches and chest pains persist.  I have seen an internist, gasto, and am seeing a nuerologist.  any ideas???
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I've been having very bad back pains right under my shoulder blades along with chest pains off and on, but frequently. My lower abs on the left side has been hurting practically everyday. Then I have like off and on through out the day abdominal pains from the left to the right, right under my rib cage. I have the shakes sometimes and the palms of my hands are always pinkish red. I went to the doctors and have had two blood test that and a physical. All was negetive except she said my cholesterol was a little high and I went on a cholesterol plan to just eat right. I've also been having some real bad headaches off and on. In late November my chest and head was hurting so bad my friend took me to the emergency room. They did chest x-rays and back x-rays and found nothing. They also took urine to see if I had anything as well and found nothing. Bone and ligement pains are also included in this. My knees, elbows, wrist,and fingers are off and on sore like arthritis pain.
A lot of people that I've read about have similar problems and I was just wondering do these symptoms normally happen and are there easy ways of taking care of it?
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       Do you ever get a little light headed and/or your ear ringing?
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just wondering if it might also have something to do with electrolyte imbalance or dehydration?  I have been experiencing some of the same and I am on prilosec. I do have reflux. Sometimes food or water will go down my throat before I swallow causing me to choke.
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I'm a 48 yearold female experiencing highly elevated liver enzymes.  Symptoms incluse nausea for over 6 monts now, dizziness, fatigue and lessened appetite.

A second blood test taken for hepatitus yesterday; awaiting results (Feb 28,200).  

Please shed some light on what is going on in my body?

Thank you,

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Also I forgot to mention.. I've had blood tests which were normal and have had a colonoscopy with biopsy, also normal. I've also been checked by a urologist and the only problem there is my bladder doesn't empty. I also only take medication if I need it, which lately is only about once a month as I mentioned. I think all the syptoms as mentioned above are linked, I just can't figure out why. No one on any bulletin board with IBS has such syptoms. I only hope I am not over looking something that could be detrimental in the future if not taken care of. Thanks
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Dear Mary,
irritable bowel disease can be associated with a ny number of symptoms including muscle pain, headache, weakness, fatigue.  The approach to these symptoms is to exclude other possible causes before deciding that irritable bowel syndrome is the cause.

If you are concerned about your symptoms or if they are interfering with your normal activities, then you should see your doctor
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I have had stomach cramps combined with diarrha and constipations for the last two weeks. I still have an apetite and no fever. What are these symptoms a sign of?
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It sounds just like my story.  One major difference is that I have Collagenous Colitis rather than IBS.  There are arthritis forms that are associated with colitis.  They're called spondyloarthropathy's and then each given a different name.  Mine is called ankylosing spondylitis.  I don't know if they are associated with the IBS or not, but quite possibly you have colitis that simply hasn't been diagnosed.  You need a colonoscopy with biopsy to be certain.  My body temp is always low too and my heart does flip flops but again, I've been diagnosed with a mitral valve problem that's associated with my colitis and I'm medicated for it.  I also have the shakes which in my case are diagnosed as Essential Tremor which tends to be a hereditary condition but doesn't have to be.  I'm medicated for them too and don't think they can be attributed to the colitis but wouldn't be surprised to find out they are.  Sounds like you need to see several doctors like I do but its most important that each doctor fully understands your unique situation.  I see on a regular basis a Rheumatologist for my arthritis, a cardiologist for my heart condition, a neurologist for my tremors and a gastroenterologist for my colitis.  Between them all I think I'm getting pretty good care.  I always make sure that each doctor received a report from the other doctors to keep all my doctors up to date.
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same as above
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