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Protected oral sex - but did my condom break?

Feb 28 had protected oral sex with CSW. She stayed on the condom covered area except for 3-4 licks on my left scrotum

Mar 1 started to notice a tingling sensation on the right side of penis shaft - edge of foreskin where it meets the shaft

Mar 2 noticed a lesion at said location, pink, slightly discolored compared to surrounding skin, no blister, just occasional slight pain. Worries sick that it might be herpes

Mar 3 noticed some heat sensation in urethra after peeing, immediately saw a doctor and swabbed for Chlamydia/Gonorrhea. Given a course of Augmentin (7 days)

For the next 6 days, the lesion did not heal but also didn't not get worse or develop into blisters. Heat sensation in urethra also stayed about the same

Mar 5 went to see dermatologist/venereologist, did a swab for herpes, awaiting result

Mar 10 lab result from first doctor came back, negative for Chlamydia/Gonorrhea, but found scanty growth of Haemophilus influenzae, doctor believes it would be the cause for my urethritis.

I was told Haemophilus influenzae is primarily found in nose and throat, and might be transmitted during oral sex. However as mentioned I was already wearing a condom, so did my condon break and the bacteria got through? I'm losing my mind over this - after reading so much here, I was convinced that the chance of getting herpes via protected oral sex was very low and was starting to ease my mind about my lesion, thinking it was more of a friction burn. But with this bacterial infection, I can't help but think if the CSW had oral herpes, the virus might have also had contact with my penis?

Please, I'm super worried, and any advice is appreciated, thank you.
2 Responses
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207091 tn?1337709493
I did some googling about H flu, and there are some cases of UTIs in children caused by it, and presumably, they have not received oral sex. It was not mentioned in the case studies, anyway.

It's not known for certain how often this appears in urine, and it's thought to be rare, but many UTIs are diagnosed with dipstick tests that aren't sent to culture.

Is this CSW the only one recently who's given you oral?

Since your sore never blistered, it's unlikely to be herpes, but let us know what the results are.

Hang in there.

Helpful - 4
Thank you auntiejessi. Like many other members here I have been googling and reading relentlessly, even spoke to a few online doctors about my situation. It's comforting to get a reply from you.

Yes, that CSW was the only one who's given me oral. The posts I've read and the online doctors I've talked to all agree it's very unlikely to be herpes. However, the dermatologist/venereologist who took the swab test for me did say he saw many cases of herpes with lesions that have no blisters. That made me worry. Is what he said really the case? That herpes with lesions that didn't blister are quite common?

Thanks again.
It would be unlikely for an initial outbreak. Typically, first outbreaks are more severe than others, though there are always exceptions. Even if it wasn't severe, I'd still expect it to blister.

Did the derm say what he thought it was?

Really, you had condom protected oral sex. It doesn't get much safer than that.

Update - doctor called and said the lab told him the swab didn't contain enough sample for the HSV 1&2 test. Should I assume that is good news? Since the swab was done 4 days after I discovered the lesion, and it's been dry the whole time and never blistered. If it were herpes, I guess it would have been moist enough to swab some fluid out of it?

It's been 16 days since I discovered the lesion and it never healed or improved. Doctor did say herpes lesion probably wouldn't go that many days without blistering/healing.

But should I be worried? Is it just a very resilient balanitis, or some other kind of STDs that I should check for?

Many thanks, your replies have been very helpful and supportive.

Is it near or on the head of your penis? Balanitis is only in that region.

It wouldn't be anything else. Syphilis can cause a lesion, but not nearly that quickly. Also, did they test for that?

It could be fungal, or allergic. Did the derm think of anything else?
Thanks for following up with me.

I'm circumcised, and the lesion is near the edge of my foreskin, where it almost meets the shaft. My guess is it's friction burn as the location matches where I felt the most rubbing when I masturbate.

I did not test for syphilis because 1. the doctor did say it's very unlikely to be syphilis; and 2. as you pointed out, it's very unlikely because I only received oral sex which was protected, and thus should be quite safe.

The derm called while I'm overseas and did tell me maybe I could find a doctor there to check it out. However I'm not very confident about the doctors at my current location and plan to visit another doctor when I get back to my hometown.
I'm not sure if you meant to say you are uncircumcised, because if you are circumcised, you have no foreskin.

Skip the masturbation for a few days - week, and see if it improves.

Also with syphilis, you'd see the sore at the point of infection, and since you wore a condom, it wouldn't be in a spot where the condom covered. I agree that this isn't syphilis from this encounter.

I did a full STD screening about 6 weeks of potential exposure. My test results were all negative. As for herpes - is an HSV IgG test after 6 weeks of potential exposure accurate? My result was Anti-HSV1 IgG 0.029 COI, Anti-HSV2 IgG 0.111 COI. Should I be reassured, or perhaps do another test at 12 weeks?
You don't get hsv2 from oral sex.

The hsv1 test misses 30% of infections. It's "conclusive" at 12 weeks, but it still misses 30% of infections. Even if it was perfectly accurate, if it's positive, it won't tell you if you have an oral or genital infection.

70% test positive by 6 weeks, but we don't know if you're already positive for hsv1, and the test is missing it, if you're actually missing it, or if you haven't developed antibodies yet.

Are you back in the US? If you aren't, when you get back to the US, you can do a Western Blot test if you feel you must know if you have hsv1. It's expensive, but it might be worth it if you can't let this go.

I wouldn't bother. You had protected oral.

I did find this - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6110053

It's about adults with H flu in their urinary tracts, no mention of sexual transmission. There are loads of citations, so doctors have had cases before. Apparently, it's not thought to be common, but that might be because no one is looking all that hard for it.

20620809 tn?1504362969
This is a good question but am not sure we'll know the answer. Normally, a broken condom is quite noticeable. Little pin holes are a myth. Oral sex unprotected when it comes to std's is a risk but low. With a condom, even lower than low. In reading about H flu, yes. It is a respiratory micro organism. It has been associated with unprotected oral sex between males. Are there incidences when someone has wiped their nose and touched their urethra and transference occurred? Not sure. but H flu urethritis is curable and am sure you are taking antibiotics now. You are awaiting your swab for herpes. Let us know what the result is but actually would be surprised. Remember too, it would be hsv 1 (oral herpes) that was transmitted to genitals. Truly, your situation was low risk and she used a condom. This means she's trying to protect herself from the men who pay for sex from her like you and that she's taken her risk down for herself substantially and in doing so, did for you as well. She doesn't know what diseases you have, you know? Men who go to CSW's are her risk factor.  

So, let us know what the result is but the risk was always extremely low for any std incuding hsv 1 transmitted orally. Try to stop reading until you get your result and once you get your result, trust it. Don't let anxiety interfere with accepting the result.
Helpful - 3

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.