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288415 tn?1231630502

Endlessly itchy wet ears

Since I was a child I have had ear problems but over the past few years I have had increasingly maddening ear problems.  I have used drops and anti biotics.  I sense relief then the symptoms return.  Most days I can hear but am constantly aware that my ears are itchy.  The challenge is to not itch.  If I itch, I usually get flaky stuff that I literally can lift off my inner ear.If I itch too much it becomes wet and begins draining a wet clear fluid.  Then at night, whatever side I lay on clogs shut.  In the morning there is thick crusty crud that again I try not to pick at.  Im obviously in continual circle of symptoms here.  Dr's seem to think I cause this problem by itching which causes infection which causes itchiness. HELP please?  I am open to homeopathic suggestions as mainstream medicine just seems to temporarily relieve the symptoms and not cure the cause.  Thanks in advance
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Hi all. So, a few have mentioned this before, but not recently. Do you also have bad dandruff? If so, I would have you all tested for Sebbhorreic Dermatitis. It doesn't seem to be connected, but Sebbhorreic Dermatitis is a skin reaction to a fungus that usually lives without problem on human skin. Some say it's an allergic reaction, since corticosteroids seem to help (DermOtic is a corticosteroid). It starts in your scalp and can move down to beards and ear canals - any place that is kept warm and moist, by hair or structure. It usually doesn't get much farther than that. Sebbhorreic Dermatitis is characterized by thick, crusty patches covering red splotches on the scalp. It is often mistaken for dandruff - and in some places it is simply called dandruff - but you may have noticed dandruff shampoo like Head and Shoulders either does absolutely nothing, or makes it worse. Inside the ear, it tries to form crusty patches, but because the ear canal doesn't grow new skin so quickly, so it forms thin, flaky patches. If you can, try to have someone look inside your ear. Is there a red, blotchy patch in your ear?
My fiancee has Sebbhorreic Dermatitis, and we just found a treatment for it that seems to work. For him, it started out on the back of the scalp, and slowly moved to his beard and then into his ear. He is like many of you: incessant itching inside the ear, pulls out thin flakes, and once that is clear, the ear oozes a thin, clear, almost water-like substance. He tries to keep it dry with tissues, but I have a feeling that's not helping in the slightest.
We found out from an allergist who, as soon as he walked in, took one look at my fiance and said "Oh, you have Sebbhorreic Dermatitis." "What?" "Sebbhorreic Dermatitis. You have really bad dandruff, right?" We hadn't gone to him for that, but he recognized it from the red splotches under my fiance's buzzcut. He suffered from the same thing and gave us a prescription for some medicated shampoo, explaining that it was an allergic reaction to fungus that lived on the skin. We wound up losing the small, white cream once it arrived by mail (we were in the middle of moving). Since then it has moved into his beard and ears. On the off chance, I mentioned this to my hairdresser once and she immediately pulled out a shampoo from Avlon. Sure enough, it said it treated Sebbhorreic Dermatitis on the bottle. She explained she used to have it really bad. It used to spread down her arms when it got really bad, and would pain her. She had what she called a "later stage" of it, but said her problems completely disappeared when she started using it. She also mentioned that Sebbhorreic Dermatitis is more common in black folks, for some reason, but my fiance is white, so I'm not sure. She insisted that only black folks usually get it, so he must have some mixed race in him.
So, look for Avlon's KeraCare line. (Silvery teal bottle with a tawny-gold cap. Black box that says "Dry & Itchy Scalp" on the front. The back says active ingredient is Pyrithione Zinc 1%, used for "Anti-Dandruff, Anti-Sebbhorreic Dermatitis"; it is the first option I had when I searched on amazon for "avlon keracare"). It has both a shampoo and conditioner version, and my hairdresser said using both together has really changed her life.  We could only afford the shampoo, however, but my fiance has used it once so far and noticed an immediate decrease in the amount of dandruff and itchiness in his scalp and some relief in his ear.  Of course, don't put the shampoo inside your ear, but washing your hair will get the soapy (and now medicated) water inside your ear a bit.  I'm gonna look at that DermOtic that everyone else is raving about, too. Nothing better than tackling a problem from two sides.
I hope this helps someone else.
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I have been following this thread for a long time as I sought an answer to the misery of itchy, weeping ears.  Not only was it extremely uncomfortable, but it was hugely unsightly too.  I tried many things over the years and like others here, indulged in the Q tips far too often, scratching until my ears bled and the problem got worse.
Finally, I decided to try the Zymox and bought it from Amazon.  I was a bit dubious at first, but enough is enough and anything is worth a go.  I am SO grateful to the people who tried and recommended this before me - it was an absolutely miracle cure for me.  And I really mean cure - it's been 2 months now and my ears are totally healed, with not even a mild itch.  It took about 7 days to work, getting better every day after day 3.  
I still have almost a full bottle and for a few weeks after the itch/rash/discharge/crust vanished, I put in a tiny amount every 3 or 4 days, to be sure to be sure.  Now, I don't even do that but I'm holding on to the bottle in case I need it again.  I was (and am) prepared to have to repeat the 'cure' if necessary but I haven't scratched or Q tipped my ears since, despite swimming every day now, which used to drive my ears crazy.
Oh, and I haven't turned into a dog (woof!), I don't think ...
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I've had itchy ears for about 10 years and have found a great ENT to care. He sprayed a power in my ear and gave me a prescription for nystatin & triamcinolone acetonide ointment.  3days later I felt 100 percent cured.  This cream is used for fungus and yeast infections.  ENT said mind was fungus infection.  Please ask your ENT about this cream..
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tea-tree oil cured me of itchy ears, flaky skin and wetness. dab the inside of ear with a cotton bud with a drop of the oil on.
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ABSOLUTE CURE!  After years of hell, I have an absolute cure.  Intense ear itching, wetness, smelly wax, onion skin tearing off. Tried everything on blog including ZYMOX, dog ear mite, cortizones, 4 doctors.  Serious ear and facial infections.  Temp relief from Vicks Vapo Rub in ears.  PERMANENT CURE from TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE OINTMENT USP, 0.5% distributed by Perrigo of Allegan, MI, USA 49010.  Hallelujah I'm saved!
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DermOtic Oil is a corticosteroid which needs a prescription. I didn't want to go to the doctor for this condition since no one seems to have a real cure. Flonase is a corticosteroid, too, but is OTC. So, I bought Flonase, the generic version. Squirted some into the cap, dipped in a cotton swab, gently swabbed it in my ear. (Please don't squirt it right into your ears!). I did this for 2 days, a couple of times a day, since my ears were very active and itchy at that time. It's been a week and no itch! Not even at night when I'm sleeping which is when I go to town scratching. I will reapply when and if I feel the itch.

I've suffered for 20 years now. Off and on but more on now. I do have some pollen allergies that come and go. I also have post nasal drip. I use to clean my ears a lot more back then so this may have been caused by that action. Who knows. I know my ears are dry and don't seem to be producing wax or enough was. Maybe if I can continue to keep them itch free for a few months, the wax can coat my ears properly.

Good luck!
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I had the same problem for 20+ years! I did tried so many stuff... while following so many years this thread... many hundred posts... many things to try/ did many...but all unsuccess ( or only few hours/days release...)
So many doctors/ENT doc/dermato... so many different diagnosis lie most time diagn.eczem... so,again, all unsuccess...
Finally I came back here/register, to post my way, even if last post is old...
So, last/final: my dermatologist advise me plant phyto treatment oplantamednaturo ( or oplantamednatura ...forgot / a natural stuff from drugstore) for a few days.  About a week after was almost all gone.
I could not believe... after so many years... so I waited few month ( since July 2020... so now 6 months )... still good / now it's all gone for good. This plant worked great for me. So happy to get back to nornal life.
Hope this helps :)  Good luck :)
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For me- cure is:
Itchy ear - use coconut oil and wet ear stop eating so much wheat.

Coconut oil -has been amazing for the itching and if I ever get an ear infection. I put some in and some behind and works within the day.

I had wet ears a lot, in and behind and worked out it was a lot worse when I drank beer, ate bread etc. Cut down and it was gone, only to return if I over do the beers.

Hope this helps someone as it was driving me insane!!
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I have exactly the same thing and it drives me insane - water and infection deep in the ear canal, itching, dry flaky skin which I can't stop scratching and wet lumps of skin all exacerbated and relieved by Otosporin steroid spray.  I had measles at birth and have hyperhydrosis.  I was told the ears were watery with bad water balance.  I get reiki for ME but it has never helped my ears.  Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.  It's very painful at times and I get very worn down with it.
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I have had an itchy/fluid left ear at night for a few months now.

- I am 52 year old Female
- I have a dog
- Itchy/clear fluid in left ear
- I have IBS/GI problems - had Gallbladder removed
- I have tried taking Vitamin D/probiotic-not sure if different
- I sometimes take a multivitamin
- Tried swabbing peroxide 1x - stung a little
- I purchased Zymox but haven't tried it
- Noticed symptoms several times from a beer? the night before
- Diet: dairy, soy, gluten, sugar, beer, soda?

I recently went to the ENT who said my ear was clean/clear with no wax nor infection. He suggested only wiping it with a rolled tissue (no Q-Tips) and rubbing some moisturizing face cream just inside my ear via my fingertip after my shower. I am not convinced this is the permanent answer. I will continue to try/track with  various options above.
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I have had an itchy/fluid left ear at night for a few months now.

- I am 52 year old Female
- I have a dog
- Itchy/clear fluid in left ear at night
- I have IBS/GI problems - had Gallbladder removed
- I have tried taking Vitamin D/probiotic-not sure if different
- I sometimes take a multivitamin
- Tried swabbing peroxide 1x - stung a little
- I purchased Zymox but haven't tried it
- Symptoms several times from a beer? the night before
- Diet: dairy, soy, gluten, sugar, beer, soda?

I recently went to the ENT who said my ear was clean/clear with no wax nor infection. He suggested only wiping it with a rolled tissue (no Q-Tips) and rubbing some moisturizing face cream just inside my ear via my fingertip after my shower. Not sure if I'm convinced but will continue to try the above options and track results.
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For me- cure is:
Itchy ear - use coconut oil and wet ear stop eating so much wheat.

Coconut oil -has been amazing for the itching and if I ever get an ear infection. I put some in and some behind and works within the day.

I had wet ears a lot, in and behind and worked out it was a lot worse when I drank beer, ate bread etc. Cut down and it was gone, only to return if I over do the beers.

Hope this helps someone as it was driving me insane!!
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I had the same problem and like most of you, the doctors said there was nothing wrong. I was desperate. I tried using a steroid salve I had from a different problem. The itching stopped within a couple of hours and after applying for two weeks, my ears are symptom free. Good luck.
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I had the same problem for years.. finally saw a dermatologist - he gave me clobatesol ointment which I applied carefully with a qtip..  had to repeat once every week or two and now it is gone for good.. I am convinced it was psoriasis - thats why the clear fluid starts after itching.. hope this helps:)
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Thanks, that's good info
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I had the same problem for years.. finally saw a dermatologist - he gave me clobatesol ointment which I applied carefully with a qtip..  had to repeat once every week or two and now it's gone for good.. I'm convinced it was psoriasis - that's why the clear fluid starts after itching.. hope this helps:)
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763612 tn?1385231750
RE Rash puzzle becoming clear by the Grace of God

I  have been looking for answers for my rashes for 11 years. Thought perhaps it was related to Hypothyroidism since I was Dx about the same time.

Anyway all those years of suffering ...

I now strongly suspect Intertrigo is the problem with my ears as well as other skin fold rashes I have.

By way of update to my friend who suggested rose hip oil-- I tried rose hip but it did not help. My condition comes and goes but seems like it's been here for 5 months now (maybe it just feels like that long) -- Anyway I am considering Intertrigo with a genetic factor and taking P5P ( the active form of B6) to see if that helps. Someone also posted on Wedding Bee of all places that Cider Vinegar with drops of the Essential oil lavender had helped her with Intertrigo.

I'd been to many MD's (one Dx as candida rash- and that might be a factor), DO's Nutritionists, Metabolic Counselors, multiple Dermatologists (one Dx as Seborrheic Dermatitis) Endocrinologists, Chiropractors and Naturopathic doctors and holistic retreats for 11 years trying to get help. I've had tons of blood work and a very expensive Genova Diagnostics Cardio Ion test that included Organic Acids tests. I paid a lot of out of pocket fees was sold supplements, prescriptions and herbal tinctures etc resulting in little to no help.
And totally by the Grace of God I happened on this article
( http://www.naturalremedies.org/vitamin-b6/ )
about Vitamin B6 that listed Intertrigo ( which is a rash of the body folds) and when I looked up the pictures they match what mine look like. I am so very grateful to God but have to keep confessing the anger toward the Doctors and other practitioners who did not find this -- It took God who made me.
I know that God will now also lead me to help for this as well. I went back and reviewed the Organic Acids part of the Cardio Ion test and if I am reading it correctly it indicates low B6 really DL (less than Detectable Levels) of B6. Low B6 is shows multiple other things that suffer with.

Sorry to be repetitive but for more information ---Here are some notes I put in my health recap to my new doctor I am to see soon.
-Why do I have such problems with my ears?
Wax build up, swimmers ear and scaly to Wet/Dry skin behind my ears?
After suffering strange rashes for the past 11 years. I just began to research this today but believe it could very well be Intertrigo (rash of the body folds). Intertrigo is also a known symptom of vitamin B6 deficiency. I think the P5P form helps Intertrigo and also chronic inflammation, mild depression and SAD and high homocysteine which I have also suffered with. http://www.naturalremedies.org/vitamin-b6/http://allnutriments.blogspot.com/2015/04/vitamin-b6-deficiency-diseases.html and B6 can be depleted by many medications (oral contraceptives, hypertension drugs) and exposure to common toxins such as pesticides. Symptoms of B6 deficiency include neurological problems such as poor balance, fatigue and mental/emotional instability. Vitamin B6 status can be tested with the organic acid xanthurenate. [2] fromhttp://drsaulmarcus.com/mentalillness/Organicacidtestingmental.html
Hubby ( He has been on hypertension drugs 30+ years ) and I are both low B6 (DL which I think stands for below Detectable levels) per 7 9 15 Cardio Ion Tests.
So excited to have this possible Dx. with a new avenue to explore- I am amazed by God's grace.
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Barann, Hopefully you'll see this. I'm using the Zymox on day 2. After 4 years of itchy ears and trying every expensive solution under the sun. But what Im experiencing is without the hydrocortisone in the drops, my ears itch like MAD when I put the zymox drops in. So much so that I can't stand it and I end up itching my ears at night. Now my right ear feels full. This has never been a problem before so I'm wondering if you experienced something similar and if I just need to persevere...
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The Hydrocortizone caused the horrible dry crusty painful ear aftermath when you stop using it. It's not a cure - only a bandaide. The Doctors tell you to use it to manage a condition but it's not treating the underlying cause of the itchy flaky ear. I know - I went through the same thing. 3 years of itchy ears, went to 3 EMTs. First one gave me hydrocortisone with Acetic acid and it did the same thing to my ears that you are describing. Horrible. I'm trying to Zymox now, at least that treats the cause. Will see if it works.
Oh - by the way - what the Doctors don't tell you is that steroid creams cause permanent skin thinning on the body. That's their main side effect. Imagine the life long damage caused by permanent usage near your ear drum?
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Random, but how did you know if you had parasites in your ear? Did you see and ENT, Dermatologist or homeopath? Just trying to figure out the correct approach.
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Does anyone have slight swelling of the inner ear canal and ear fissures? They can be so painful. I typically will use a triple antibiotic ointment on them and that clears them up and lessens the pain for a few days, but the constant itching ignites the fissures again (that never actually completely close) to reopen.

These symptoms of itchiness, clear discharge w/smell, fissures and slight swelling have been going on for almost two years.
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Would you mind giving us the ratio of vinegar to filtered water that you use. How many ml or oz of each?

I would greatly appreciate it.
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Try blow drying ur ears with the dryer set on cool. I believe it is a yeast infection in ur ears. Does it seem to be worse at times? Try keeping track of what u eat & see if foods with yeast ,sugar,alcohol,etc. Make it worse
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