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Any new, effective treatments for persistent migraine aura without headaches

Has anyone had any recent success with treatments for persistent migraine aura without headaches.  Our son, 21, has been seeing visual snow, lights, stars, and distortions apparently for some time.  He has had trouble reading beginning in elelmentary school.  We have had him tested multiple times for learning disorders by specialists while in elementary school and middle school, with the only finding that he didn't write well because of a motor deficit.  He graduated from an excellent private school with near a B average, but never liked to read.  He is a junior in college, and about a year ago he informed us with a question:  "Mom and Dad, what do you see when you look at this plain, white sheet of paper?"  We, of course, said "A plain, white sheet of paper."  He said, " I see stars and movements."  We asked what he saw when he looked at a written page, and he said "I see stars, lights, and words moving around."  We asked what he saw when he looks at objects and he said:  "I don't see the whole object only parts of it that I put together."  Well, we were floored.  Since that time, he has been examined by an opthalmologist, a neurological opthalmologist at the Kresgee Eye Institute (who said "some people just see more background noise than other" a lot of help this genius was), as well as an optician who makes colored lenses for glasses to reduce the distractions.  Our son has never had migraines as such and continues to have the visual snow, all the time.  He also has poor peripheral vision.  Because of he tires so easily from reading, we have read to him over the years, and he does quite well with this assistance.  He is anxious and depressed about his future since much of what one does involves reading.  I want him to be optimistic about his future, but I don't live with his condition.  I have sent a similar description to the Mayo Clinic asking for help, but it doesn't even acknowledge PMA without headaches on its website.  Any help would be appreciated.  Our son is an extremely bright, articulate, and talented in so many ways.  I would love to give him the gift and joy of being able to see and read normally.  Thanks.

This discussion is related to Persistent visual disturbances without headache.
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Thanks for getting back to me.  We visited a neuro-ophthalmologist at the University of Michigan yesterday.  Tests were run and the Dr. could not find any "organic" or "medical" reason for my son's snow vision.  Thiks is the third medical doctor we have seen, and each concluded there is "no medical basis for the sight problems."  Yet, the visual snow continues along with the anxiety that accompanies it knowing it cannot be addressed medically.  Optimistdad
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I have had visual snow since I was a small child.
This also seems to be a new phenomenon with doctors unable to explain it. I have had many dilated eye exams and I am told it is nothing. My next step is a neuro.

Anyway, I wish you the best and hope you son is well and that you find answers. You are doing all you can.
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I have persistent aura with out infraction or headache for about 10 years. I got almost instant relief from Sandomigran (pizotifen). I am in Australia, I have a feeling Sandomigran isn't available in the US.
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My friend has this also with no treatment options. Good question. Keep this going and maybe someone will answer. Also he said depression sometimes follows the aura. Maybe a doc on here will see and answer. Keep trying!
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Hi Bedge, i've had persistent aura without infarction for 13 years and have tried lamictal, topiramate, verapamil and am currently trying Inderal all have had no effect on my vision disturbance. Do you still find that Sandomigran is helping you? does it completely get rid of the flashy vision? I've read that valproic acid and furosemide can help aswell i'm keen to try anything to get rid of this distressing vision so i can have my life back again i feel like i've been in a coma.
from Kris
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The Sandiomigran is what saved me. Although it had lots of side effects, the worst being a lot of weight gain and having to sleep for about 12 hours a day.

I don't really get typical aura. Its more like a temporal lobe seizure - in description (although Epilepsy has been discounted) with 'derealization' being my most constant symptom.

Further more - since January I have been on a gluten, wheat and dairy free diet. Just this weekend I am now completely off my medication, healthy and happy - after 12 year of living in hell.

Wheat and Gluten can be a big problem for people with migraines.. Check out the Wiki page under 'food': http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migraine
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I've been suffering from supposedly migraine-related visual disturbances for about four years now.  I have some visual snow if I look at very light/bright things like the sky on a nice day, but it's certainly nothing debilitating for me, thankfully.  My issue is small white spots that flash in my vision throughout the day, especially when at work.

I finally worked up the courage to seek medical help a couple months ago.  After trying Neurontin, which didn't seem to work, last week my Neurologist gave me samples of Treximet, which is a medication specifically for migraine, but not necessarily meant to be taken as a preventative measure.  Anyway he had me take it in the morning for three days in a row and I can tell you that I saw a pretty big improvement.  Although I still saw spots occasionally, 3 to 4 times a day, it was much, much less than before.  

And even after the third day when I stopped taking it, I have still noticed a reduction in these visual disturbances.  So my doctor is having me try taking it every day for the next week.

The hope is that this will sort of reset whatever's going on in my brain so I don't experience these spots anymore.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Anyway, this might be one option for those suffering from symptoms all day long like me.
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The same thing hit me when i was 20.  The only difference is mine came with raging tinnitus and an extreme sensitivity to sound.  a new doctor that i am seeing says it could actually be parasites.  i am on a cleanse right now and i will let u all know how it goes.  if this doesn't work then i think im stuck with this for life.  it changed my life completely and i really hope they come up with a cure soon.
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I kinda fell on this topic by accident while looking for something else but my Grandad had most of the symptoms you have described he had them for over 20 years with ringing in his ears and lights and snow in his vision, he didn't have migraines but he did get dizzy sometimes and he said it was just the lights spinning around him. He was investigated for everything and no cause found but then by chance they were doing an MRI when they spotted some things on the scan that looked like he was having a mini stroke but after it happened there was none of the normal evidence of him having had a TIA. They treated him with asprin and things to thin his blood and he was amazed to find that the vision probs eased up a lot. He said the vision problems didn't go away all together but it was so much better he could live normally again and he was much happier. Sadly he died a few years ago so i can't get anymore info than I know and don't know if its the same thing as you guys describe but it sounds it so thought this might help someone. Best of luck to all of you. :)
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Thanks for that info about your grandfather!  Not sure if it'll help, but aspirin is harmless enough so I think I might actually give that a try.  I think they make low-dose 75mg tablets for heart attack and stroke prevention.
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I am a 19 year old female, I live i canada, and i actually just found out i have "visual snow" this like maybe two weeks ago, i was talking to my friend about the dots and that its getting worse. He looked at me and was like do u hear things too? he thought i was honestly crazy for a moment. Thats when i realized he didnt know what i was talking about. I have seen like this all my life, so i typed in seeing dots on google and visual snow popped up, and i watched a few videos, and now i wanna know more. But there isnt much research on the matter. And the research that is there... its not actually they way they tell it to be. I watched a video (which will be linked down at the bottom) and the "snow" or dots as i call it are actually much much smaller then what they show it to be in the video. Also, when i look at the sky or snow or a type of bright light, the dots seem to seperate a little and move around constantly, like they are jumping in the light sort of. Recently ive been seeing like shadows, and things that i know arnt there, i have been kinda seeing these all my life out of the corner of my eye. But now its more pronouced more vivid, and it doesnt just disappear when i focus on it anymore. I have been telling people my whole life that it looks like a tv screen, but im watching it all the time, and it doesnt go away whether i close my eyes or not, thats even how i see my dreams when i do dream. If im not doing anything, like perhaps for an example im zoned out. Im able to see images, not from a camara flash not from any type of movement around me, but just random images if im not focusing on anything.

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hello, i can help you with your mentioned symptoms, i know what you going through, reach me on ***@**** i believe you have a very high level of anxiety and alil depersonalization and derealization. the black dots and shadows are because your stress and anxiety levels are very very high. thats your bodys way of telling you. reach me on that email and i can offer some solutions that helped me. although the floaters, afterimages and snow is caused by stress and lack of sleep, i am experiencing them now because i went 7days without sleeping.
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You posted that you were trying Treximet back in March 2010. Did this help you in the long run?

I have been suffering from visual snow since August 2009. I would really appreciate to know if this helped you and if you would recommend it?


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Yeah that was like a year ago.  My neurologist at the time had me try taking it every day for about a week and I thought at first I saw some improvement but after a couple days it didn't seem to make a difference so I think it was just a coincidence.

I then went to get a second opinion with a more experienced doctor, actually one of the best in NYC.  He's a neurologist and an ophthalmologist.  He did his own exam on me and said he didn't think prescription drugs are really the best thing for me.  He said he never would have prescribed Treximet to be taken to prevent visual disturbances like that.  It's only meant to be taken for actual migraine headaches.  Indeed, given my symptoms and history of migraine headaches my whole life, he said he wouldn't have even had me get an MRI to begin with because he had seen my issue in other people several times.

Since my problem seemed to be the worst when I was at work (where I'm on a computer all day), rather than when at home and on the weekends, he suggested it might be a combination of the stress from being at work and the light from the computer screen.

He had me get glasses with polarized tinted lenses to see if that helped.  They didn't, though.

So, honestly, I kind of gave up at that point and I just deal with it now.  I don't want to go through trying dozens of medications to make it stop.  And, thankfully, the spots don't seem to happen nearly as often these days as they used to a year ago.  I couldn't tell you why.  So they don't bother me as much anymore.  As long as I know I'm healthy (and I've had three doctors tell me I am), I'm not going to worry about it any more unless it gets much worse.
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Hi everyone, I'm a 22 year old female and also suffer with visual snow, which I have done for two years, it just came out of nowhere, and at first I tried to tell myself that it's what everyone sees but soon realised it wasn't! I'm so glad from forums like this and other websites I've found a name for the condition I've got, as doctors are always baffled and have sent me for mri's, ct scans, physiotherapy (I suffer with a bad neck too) which have all not helped. They said it could possibly be aura migraines without the headache, but I'm glad to learn now that that is not what it is. I'd like to share a brilliant website with you:


This has an explanation of the condition, why they think it happens, but the best part about the website is the questionnaire at the bottom. If you answer the questions and email them your answers they send you back a personal email with an explanation of which type of visual snow you have and what causes it, etc. I emailed them and they got back to me the same day too so it really is a brilliant service and is completely free! It feels so nice I finally have a name and explanation for my condition, and means, like Newteh, I can just get on with my life now and not worry about what is going on, that there's something wrong with my brain, etc. It is a horrible condition and makes reading and the computer really difficult, but at least I know it's not serious, and it's not progressive. I wish I could see normally of course, but I feel lucky that it's not anything worse. As I'm a student I'm considering trying out the coloured lenses for reading and computer to see if it makes it easier, as I get very dizzy from these two things, so I'll let you know how I get on.
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I have had visual snow and tinnitus with occassional visual aurs since I was around 20 years old. I'm currently an advanced care paramedic. My best advice for the tinnitus is sleep with the tv on at a low volume as you won't hear the ringing in your ears anymore. For the visual snow wear a good pair of dark glasses in the day. This will dramatically cut out the stars you see and visual snow. As for the visual auras just relax they are always the same as previous ones. Lay down or sit down close your eyes and ride it out. We know it will only last about 15-30 mins. Then your life is back to normal. In all these cases just don't get caught up in thinking about it all the time. Keep busy and enjoy life aim to live a healthier lifestyle.
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I have had visual snow and tinnitus with occassional visual aurs since I was around 20 years old. I'm currently an advanced care paramedic. My best advice for the tinnitus is sleep with the tv on at a low volume as you won't hear the ringing in your ears anymore. For the visual snow wear a good pair of dark glasses in the day. This will dramatically cut out the stars you see and visual snow. As for the visual auras just relax they are always the same as previous ones. Lay down or sit down close your eyes and ride it out. We know it will only last about 15-30 mins. Then your life is back to normal. In all these cases just don't get caught up in thinking about it all the time. Keep busy and enjoy life aim to live a healthier lifestyle.
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I have had visual snow and tinnitus with occassional visual aurs since I was around 20 years old. I'm currently an advanced care paramedic. My best advice for the tinnitus is sleep with the tv on at a low volume as you won't hear the ringing in your ears anymore. For the visual snow wear a good pair of dark glasses in the day. This will dramatically cut out the stars you see and visual snow. As for the visual auras just relax they are always the same as previous ones. Lay down or sit down close your eyes and ride it out. We know it will only last about 15-30 mins. Then your life is back to normal. In all these cases just don't get caught up in thinking about it all the time. Keep busy and enjoy life aim to live a healthier lifestyle.
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hello, i can help you with your mentioned symptoms, i know what you going through, reach me on ***@**** i believe you have a very high level of anxiety and alil depersonalization and derealization. the black dots and shadows are because your stress and anxiety levels are very very high. thats your bodys way of telling you. reach me on that email and i can offer some solutions that helped me. although the floaters, afterimages and snow is caused by stress and lack of sleep, i am experiencing them now because i went 7days without sleeping.
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