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I have trouble swallowing anything any bigger than a tic tac, really I have trouble swallowing my xanax that I take and its about 1/4 the size of a tic tac. i dont know why but I always feel a lump in my throat after taking it and its very uncomfortable, ...

So basically i was put on prozac 40mg a day. Im 14 and it was liquid prozac. So for liquid prozac for every 5ml you take thats 20mg in pill form. My doctor thought it was for every 5ml of the liquid it is 10mg or the prozac pill form. So anyways.... I told...

The psychiatrist has now put Glen (16) ASD on prozac (20ml liquid) once a day alongside his 1mg twice a day risperidone (was on 2mg twice daily but had to cut it down due to Glen becoming constipated). Glen's anxiety is still sky high on the risperidone, b...

Gave second dose of Prozac last nite. How long for it to take effect? After my vet ruling out physical issues it was ruled behavioral. He was peeing on my bed. My last resort. I welcome input, new to this site.

I have been on 20 mg paxil for panic attacks for 7 years, I've tried to wean from paxil(felt like had no energy on paxil) many times, unsuccessfully. I've recently switched to 20 mg prozac, without a taper. After about 5 weeks, I started to feel lousey...

Hi.. I really need help with my situation!  I'm 16 and was on 20mg of prozac for 2 years. I had slight dizziness for a few weeks at the start but after that I felt so much less anxious and was happy. 6 weeks ago I noticed that I had bald patches on my head...

Hi..I hope I can get some help here..I am desperate. I have suffered from anxiety/panic disorder for many, many years. It got really bad after the death of my 11 year old son. However, I was also functionable, sometimes it was very difficult and would hav...

Basically i posted a question about my ocd and transgender fear. So i told my parents and they took me to a doctor and phsycologist. I am on 20mg of prozac a day in liquid form. Starting monday i am being pushed up to 40mg a day. I have been taking the me...

I was weaning off of Celxa (20 mg/day that I've been taking for just over a year) about a month ago, and it wasn't going well at all. I felt like garbage overall for a week after stopping the medication - I went down to 10 mg/day for a week and then stopp...

I started 5 mg of Prozac 10 days ago for anxiety. Lexapro always did well for me except that I would gain weight (a lot) and feel like a zombie even at 5 mg. No other noticeable side effects. So the doctor switched me to Prozac and these first 10 days h...

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