Search Results for "Gleason Score 7 Prognosis"

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Can you explain Gleason scores?

My brother is 48 years old who was just diagnosed with prostate CA. His father passed away from prostate CA. His scores are as follows: PSA 30 Gleason 9. All research indicates the prognosis is not good. He will be having a radical prostatectomy with lymph...

My husband is 57 years old. One year ago he had a PSA over over 12, and then down to 8. Biospy was a Gleason 7. He was found to have non-functional endocrine pancreatic mass at the same time. So we opted for a radical prostatectomy once the distal pan...

My father in law, now 62, was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer four years ago. At the time they said his cancer was contained in the prostate and was a Gleason level 7. He has refused any treatment, and the last we knew about three years ago, his PSA leve...

Hello, My dad (69 yrs old) was recently diagnosed with Prostate cancer -- stage 4. His PSA levels are in 90s but bone scan came back negative. His biopsy reflected a Gleason score of 3+4=7. He's always been very healthy and also has no other urinary trac...

Hi all My 63 year old dad has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. They did a biopsy and his Gleaston is 8. Primary 3 and secondary 5. He has no symptoms. In fact the specialist after doing a scope wasn't going to send him at all for a biopsy unti...

One year ago my psa level was 3.5 ...which I found out a couple of days ago. It was never mentioned to me at all. Just recently another PSA test was done and the results came back at 9.8. This time I was told and was sent to a urologist. Biopsy showed pr...

My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer (Gleason 10). It looks like they will do the external radiation and hormone therapy. What can you tell me about side effects? BTW, after a number of imaging tests, it does not appear to have metastasized (th...

I had robotic prostate surgery in July. Going into surgery, I had a 12 needle biopsy. One of the needle cores tested positive for cancer. Of this one positive needle sample, 1/5 of it was deemed cancerous. My Gleason score was 3 plus 4 for a 7 total. My su...

I keep reading that a high gleason score means a more aggressive form of prostate ca. what are the ramifications of a gleason score of 9? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/624549'>Gleason Score 9 and Treatment Choice</a>.

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