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vascular dementia

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on vascular dementia

can a blocked coratid artery give symptoms of early alzheimers desease.
I had a brain mri scan for recurrent 'auras' thought to be due to migraine. The result of t...
I am curious as to how many years of having hep C is it when the dementia comes into play??...
My 70 year old aunt was diagnosed with pituitary tumor two years ago. Surgery was schedule...
My mother had a massive stroke (haemorage) about 2.5 years ago which left her right side pa...
For some time I have been having numbness, tingling and pain in primarily my right hand, bu...
My Dad is in stage 5 vascular dementia. His pacemaker reports that he has 6 months batter l...
My mom just had a stroke in September, and I would like to know if anything could have been...
My husband got the MRI report today: mild small vessel ischemic change with no evidence of ...
I am a 50 yr old female. I have suffered from depression most of my life, as well as chroni...