
irregular bleeding

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on irregular bleeding

I was on levlen ed for 3 months but then stopped that because I wanted a non-generic brand....
Hi. I'm a virgin and I was fingered really hard by my boyfriend 2 days ago. The day after b...
I am 24 years old, perfectly healthy besides ....I started having lower left ovarian pain i...
Hi, I've been having some really irregular bleeding since mid-April (of this year). It see...
I was recently prescribed Provera 10mg (1 tablet two times a day for 10 days) to bring on m...
I'm 19. I have had constant vaginal bleeding for over a year. Sometimes heavy but mostly li...
I just started Micrgestin FE 1/20 ( I take every day at same time)with my regular Period on...
I have had irregular bleeding, cramping and periods for the last several months. It started...
I got paraguard installed in mid-may of this year. I experienced the typical symptoms of cr...
I've been off the Depo shot for almost a year now, in Aug 2012 I got my period back again. ...