
how long

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Posts on how long

So I've been on depo for 9.months now and got my renewal shot and antibiotics for 10 days o...
I started to have sex when I was 21. But it was always a fling and the guys were never conc...
I take 5mg Abilify for about 21/2 months. Lithium 900mg for about 5yrs., and Klonipin a lon...
How long does it take for herpes to breakout after being infected? I just found out I ha...
All I have left is cold sweats and they are the worse. Does anybody know how long they can ...
My two-year-old brother stepped on a rusted staple yesterday, and he hasn't had the Tetanus...
Hello! I'm now during my syphilis treatment, which is quite harsh, got nerve system taken,...
I just want to know what symptoms you had before and outbreak and how long the symptoms las...
(Sorry I posted this just before but I think I posted it in the wrong section) Okay, I kno...
I was on Vicodin and Methadone for chronic pain prescribed by a pain doctor for 11 years. I...