will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on personalities

Just wanted to share this piece (written by Julia Cameron) with my forum friends. When I f...
What do you think? I've read things like this for years. Supposedly why your formative year...
Kittens are growing up faster,now they are almost 7mo and some new difficults are coming......
My one and a half year (1 ½ ) old grand son has a wired behavior. He gets up in the mornin...
23 weeks pregnant,I feel my baby MOVE,but when do I feel kicks? or is it the same thing?
i have three male cats all ranging in ages, they all decide to use the bathroom wherever th...
My daughter is super stubborn, wants to do everything herself, doesnt like her diaper chang...
Years ago my BF was addicted to heroin. He hasn't touched that in a long time but now he's ...
Can other people affect the way you feel or cause stress for yourself?
I'm A Sagittarian mother soon to have A Virgo daughter. Does anyone know how our compatibil...