

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on aspergillosis

Background: 31 years old. Female. No health problems until after delivery of my first chil...
i have had for many years a fungal type growth in both nostrils, it appears as a scaly crus...
My IGE level is 225, I want to know what that means as to severity. I have been on Xolair ...
I am a mom that needs some answers regarding my daughter's health. She is 22, diagnosed wi...
On New Year's Eve I smoked pot for the first time. I'm 17 years old and have had two kidney...
I have been having a deep cough with wheezing and greenish thick phlegm for 6 months now. ...
A few years ago I began bringing up hard, sticky mucus. At first it was normal in color, j...
i believe that i have trigeminal neuralgia but i do not know what tests are done to confri...
So, me and my children have been suffering from what a Nemours DuPont Doctor diagnosed as s...
I have asthma and had been coughing a good bit and felt something in my chest so went to my...