will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
All Photos Albums
Starting to lose the weight
Starting to lose the weight
Mommy & Aubree
Mommy & Aubree
Daddy & Aubree
Daddy & Aubree
Play time with daddy :)
Play time with daddy :)
Finally caught her smiling.
Finally caught her smiling.
She loves sleeping in mommy's lap...she gets more use out of my pillow than I do.
She loves sleeping in mommy's lap...she gets more use out of my pillow than I do.
So sleepy.
So sleepy.
3 weeks old and already trying to hold her own bottle.
3 weeks old and already trying to hold her own bottle.
Cuddle time <3
Cuddle time <3
I was so tired but I didn't want to fall asleep yet.
I was so tired but I didn't want to fall asleep yet.
Last day at the hospital.
Last day at the hospital.
Aubree Hewitt
Aubree Hewitt
39 weeks
39 weeks
Sucking her thumb, measuring 33 weeks
Sucking her thumb, measuring 33 weeks
31 weeks
31 weeks