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13 weeks 1 day
13 weeks 1 day
Comments (3)
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HaYnSweetie, Nov 10, 2010
Aww how cute! i remember when my little munchkin was this small! 1st trimester seems slow but once you hit 2nd, youre gonna be like..."OMG im this far along already!?!" lol.
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iMazed, Nov 12, 2010
I'm in my 2nd trimester now and still feel like nothing much is happening. Now that I got rid of the nausea and most of the tiredness, I'm just waiting for my belly to grow. Right now I just look like I've been overeating for a few weeks! That and I do feel the round ligament pain, it's a nagging feeling and quite annoying! *sigh* Can't wait for that pink cloud to appear for me to hop on :P
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iMazed, Apr 14, 2011
ooookay, I'm 36+ weeks now and you're totally right! Can't believe how fast time has gone by, he's already nearly here! I can't believe he was ever this small :)