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Can you find all the pumpkins?  One on top is aroound 120lbs
Can you find all the pumpkins?  One on top is aroound 120lbs
Comments (6)
973741 tn?1342342773
specialmom, Jul 22, 2012
WOWIE!  Them is some big pumpkins!!!  Love it.  Your baby has grown and has siblings now!!
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Jul 22, 2012
I counted five that the biggy at the back on the right side of the pic? Nice ones , what else do you grow ?
189897 tn?1441126518
Sandman2, Jul 22, 2012
    Yep, 5 total and the one on the top right is the biggest.  I had to put up the board so it wouldn't slide down the hill.
We also grow tomatoes, cucumbers (two types), corn, zucchini, boysenberries (although season is almost over for them), strawberries, bush beans, limes and lemons,  and lots and lots of flowers.
   Once we retired, things did ramp up a bit gottta admit.
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Jul 22, 2012
oohh makes me envious , what is the soil like where you are fo growing stuff '?
189897 tn?1441126518
Sandman2, Jul 22, 2012
Soil is a lot of clay.  If you look at the pics that is 9 inches of wood on top of the soil.  I add soil to that and mix it in.  Dr. Earth and EB Stone both have fertilzers (organic) with lots of good soil microbes that I use a lot.  Also do a lot of pots.  
   The wood is just treated lumber with rebar pounded into drilled out holes.
    If you have sandy soil its easier to use.  Just start adding mulch and working it in.
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Jul 23, 2012
The dh says I have to do it as hes busy so I will look at mulch in the stores and decide ..yours really looks good, here I have mostly cactus because of the desrt conditions .