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We're 2 - we take stairs :)
We're 2 - we take stairs :)
Comments (5)
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Sep 16, 2013
Their looking around like...hey mom, where is everyone else?!?!?  Are we the only ones that excersize???
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Sep 17, 2013
Seriously, no one ever takers the stairs! I can take them down sometimes, because of my leg boo-boo, so when I can we always do. We never see people on them :(
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Sep 17, 2013
Hey, you live in America!!  Haha!  Land of the leisure :)
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Ellen038, Sep 17, 2013
such cuties :)
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Sep 17, 2013
Love it, Mhv! Gotta get them some leisure suits for the elevators!

Thank you Ellen! I can't wait to see your precious little baby's face. AWW!