Mia shining through the Darkness
Mia shining through the Darkness
Comments (2)
7052683 tn?1392938795
CML2014, Jun 04, 2016
So I finally had the strength to post some of my memories of Mia. The vet had told me yesterday June 3, 2016 that if you were to see her chest x-rays and pancreas ultra sound you would never expect Mia to look as good as she did . The child had some real problems and always amazed the staff at how great she always looked. You would never know she was sick a day in her life.
They feel it was an Intercranial angianoma that took her. My Vet  said with her first look at Mia she knew "this was no longer Mia"

So through tears (still) I am finally learning to live life all over without HER!

God Bless all of you , my dear friends , for your kind words of sympathy. MedHelp will always be my MIA PLACE.
June 4, 2016  --Love Clare
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Jun 04, 2016
Oh, Clare, you have such a beautiful way with words.  You bring me right to tears.  What an awesome photo showing tribute to our darling Mia.  Of course you are still will for a long time.  Mia was your special girl.  I understand as Jade was mine.  God Bless YOU, Clare.  Hugs...♥  