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"Schizophrenic Brain" PET Scan, But How Does Mine Function After a Full Recovery From Glycine?
"Schizophrenic Brain" PET Scan, But How Does Mine Function After a Full Recovery From Glycine?
Comments (5)
505907 tn?1258369340
LetaB, Nov 28, 2008
  I'd say it functions pretty g** d*** well myself, lLadman.
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, Nov 28, 2008
Thanks. Actually I was seriously hoping that when I am studied that they could do a PET scan. As you can see from above there are huge deficits in the thinking process of people with schizophrenia and that improves with the usage of an antipsychotic but regardless there are aspects of cognition and negative symptoms (an inability to relate to people) that were not helped at all by the older antipsychotics and were better helped by the atypicals (Risperdal to Abilify) but still are not targeted now. But since gene studies show glutamate transmission is lacking in people with schizophrenia glycine and the other glutamate antagonists restore this (I much prefer the idea of giving the brain something its lacking, than depleting dopamine and creating Parkinsonism, it just seems like any other missing nutrient to me).
    In the clinical studies, there are strong effects on negative and cognitive symptoms but so far there aren't widely documented results of a full remission of psychosis as well as I have had but the studies are still early on. And this makes it easier to target what they are identifying as tardive psychosis and see what is in the brain since everyone else who has it has standard psychosis as well. And when I see the movement disorders specialist if they declare a PET scan is warranted and the results are markedly different in both the positive sense psychiatrically and the negative sense neurologically it would certainly interest me, and would interest them as well and perhaps science as a whole. There is a whole campaign for people with schizophrenia to put in their will that after they die that they should "donate their brain to science" and that's a good idea but I'd rather donate my mind to the cause and they can study the living brain while its functioning with a PET scan or MRI and use what they find for their own research.
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paranoid_cataclysm, Jan 03, 2010
I second that "it functions pretty g** d*** well".  Also I like your way of wording things such as the picture title/description.  It's almost like a cliff hanger sentence or something I don't know the name of since I always zoned out with boredom in English classes.
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, Jan 03, 2010
Well hopefully as the next generation antipsychotics (NMDA receptor modulates) are approved other people will reach this level of recovery. Honestly though as part of the neurological disability that was worsened into tardive I always had (way before medication) some trouble with space time relations and other key areas of learning in school so to get around this I obtained accomodations for what I was unable to do such as untimed tests with the SAT and in college. Its important when a person has some limitations due to their disability to set up reasonable accomodations around it so they can continue with school and work. Now my physical limitations (hopefully that will change) are marked but with Access A Ride and a home attendant that should enable me to get back into the outside world. It hasn't stopped me from advocating for new treatment modalities though (especially thanks to the internet) The understanding of my mental recovery and extent of my neurological disabilities and how others could potentially benefit from them continues to make the rounds among researchers who are learning more.
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paranoid_cataclysm, Jan 03, 2010
Yeah see people take stuff for granted like the internet but for someone like you from the sounds of it, it's a godsend.  I'm also hoping your physical limits will also have an extremely effective cure/treatment/recovery down the road just for your sake and other peoples' with it and I don't even have any tardive conditions at this time.  I would of got accommodations in school if I had even known I had the problems at the time I have; I went from being one of those people who are unaware of it even though they are told about having symptoms to someone who is fairly aware but still can't see when he's getting worse until it goes like IN YO FACE IM REALLY BAD NOW D00D!!