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11 weeks baby belly:) is it normal to grow that fast:S  makes me think theres more then 1..
11 weeks baby belly:) is it normal to grow that fast:S  makes me think theres more then 1..
Comments (3)
666089 tn?1260520261
elisha123, May 20, 2009
do you usually show more when your smaller? well ill have an ultrasound next week so we will see if its just 1 or more! i feel massive... is it normal to get bigger as the day goes on..cuz this is morning and by the end of the day i look like im 4-5 months
666089 tn?1260520261
elisha123, May 20, 2009
eaither that or im just a fatty...but ive lost another few pounds and still it grows pregnancy is so odd lol
711239 tn?1268210922
LadyM84, May 21, 2009
awwww bless you are growing quick :) i know that the baby does alot of growing from weeks 10 - 12 but you are alot bigger than i am in the morning :) but like you i get bigger as the day goes on , good luck at your u/s hun xx