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Me & Blue about to go down a slide for the first time.
Me & Blue about to go down a slide for the first time.
Comment (1)
1098760 tn?1266447897
AngelMyne, Aug 10, 2010
On a whim, I thought to see if hed go down the slide with me. and he did lol. many times even on the enclosed one without even a pause.

the day prior we went up an escalator for the first time. Hes always feared them and would get closer to them as the months have passed. he had to be shoved on, but once on, boy did he love it! all the enthusiasm of chasing hot dogs lol. I didnt need to shove him on to go back down. 1 issue fixed. As all things-the best in life comes to those willing to Work 4 IT.

We will see if he yet proves to have anything wrong that will cause me to sell him and start over. Ive put alot into him, and just giving up at the first sign of a challenge or 'trouble' isn't my style.