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Sleepy babies holding hands
Sleepy babies holding hands
Comments (12)
982214 tn?1471454781
krichar, Oct 04, 2012
334926 tn?1436811523
butterflybabies, Oct 05, 2012
This is by far my fav pic
1340863 tn?1366641084
sisi2399, Oct 05, 2012
Awwww!!!!! Is all I can say when I see this pic.
1591611 tn?1485972086
Vency, Oct 05, 2012
This just melts my heart.  You are so blessed Lily!
952542 tn?1456763561
Gardezi, Oct 05, 2012
awww.....get it framed...:)
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mandydln, Oct 05, 2012
I love this pic! Your boys are so cute!  I have a pic of my girls holding hands also. I think its adorable. They will always have a special closeness.
334926 tn?1436811523
butterflybabies, Oct 05, 2012
I will definetly get this one framed :)
463595 tn?1333997222
colorado_g, Oct 05, 2012
from beds to head it looks like heart. such a beautiful picture
334926 tn?1436811523
butterflybabies, Oct 05, 2012
It does look like a heart!
195469 tn?1388322888
Heather3418, Oct 06, 2012
When I saw this picture, I had tears running down my face.  Those boys are beyond adorable.  If it weren't for the differences in their weight, I would still have to say that they look indentical.  Of course, it really doesn't matter, does it?  They are just handsome little individuals.

You may not always think this Lily, but I really do feel like you are doing a fantastic job of raising these boys.  You've been through some tough times with them, but despite that, they look and act so healthy.  Most of all they are happy and content.  And loved by many....