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Scan at approx 7 weeks
Scan at approx 7 weeks
Comments (5)
1806181 tn?1385299656
Blue28, Nov 26, 2013
So this is our first where we saw our baby... he/she is measuring 9mm. We heard the heartbeat during this scan for the first time. By my calculations I should be about 7 1/2 weeks but Dr says baby is measuring about 10 days behind?
195469 tn?1388322888
Heather3418, Nov 26, 2013
Blue, this is a good size baby, if only 7 weeks along.  I don't understand the doctor saying you were 10 days behind.  I see the yolk sac, so I am not counting that, but the baby, I believe, is a great size.  Such a beautiful picture.  I'm so happy for you.  I think the baby looks really good and strong.
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Ellen038, Nov 30, 2013
I must of missed this pic. Hello Baby Blue:) keep growing nice and strong for your momma. I am overjoyed for you and DH. I can't wait to see your next us pic! Keep up the good work momma:)
2066718 tn?1431143569
TTC2006, Nov 30, 2013
I just saw this pic too.  I don't think 9mm is 10 days behind.  Everything I've read shows that at 7 weeks the average (key word is average) for 7.4 weeks is 10mm.   You may be measuring a couple of days behind, which is perfectly normal, given that u/s measurement is not a perfect science and every tech I've had has said they have a +/- ratio of 5 days that is considered in normal range.  You may have also ovulated a few days later than your LMP suggests too.

I'm hopeful your little fighter is growing strong and healthy!
1806181 tn?1385299656
Blue28, Dec 02, 2013
Thanks girls :) We are very lucky for our miracle.