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Elongated Superior Cornu Thyroid Cartilage CT Scan
Elongated Superior Cornu Thyroid Cartilage CT Scan
Comments (3)
652360 tn?1264492519
wildblue98, Sep 20, 2009
Figure 2. A, Axial plain computed tomographic
scan of the larynx in the neutral position reveals
an elongated posterior margin of the thyroid
cartilage perched on the anterior surface of a
cervical vertebral body transverse process
(arrowhead). B, Axial computed tomographic
scan with the head turned to right shows the
thyroid cartilage posterior alar margin has
“jumped” off the transverse process (arrow).

This is the same CT abnormality I had with my thyroid cartilage causing really loud clicks even when I turned my head slightly.
218452 tn?1253583974
GGCB, Nov 04, 2009
This absolutely makes sense to me.  Now that I see it on a CT, I can actually picture it in my head as it is happening in my throat.  Except, I think that my cartilage is situated on the external side of the transverse process and jumping off of it toward the center of the CT.
652360 tn?1264492519
wildblue98, Nov 05, 2009
Yes, you need to take the possibility of this abnormality into consideration especially since you describe a mutliple clicking/catching sensation. Sometimes the hyoid bone injury will have a thyroid component as well.