will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
David Benjamin, sisters baby. Born at 20 weeks on May 6th at 1.2 lbs and 9 in, now 4.4 lbs and 14 in
David Benjamin, sisters baby. Born at 20 weeks on May 6th at 1.2 lbs and 9 in, now 4.4 lbs and 14 in
Comments (7)
419008 tn?1219536438
110279hld, Aug 04, 2008
He is beautiful
376148 tn?1309899577
Rosa20, Aug 04, 2008
awee very so glad that everything is working out for the best....wishing you and your sister the best of luck!! ANd your whole family too becasue im sure what your going through is very hard..heads up to all of you espically your sister for bei
304970 tn?1331425994
LauraB78, Aug 04, 2008
He is soo handsome! Keep us posted on this little miracle baby and I am hoping for continued and speedy recovery/progression!
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New Mommy 2 Be 2007, Aug 16, 2008
wow at 20 weeks that is the youngest ever i heard of congrats god bless him best of luck to the baby and ur sister and ur family
184622 tn?1258556367
baboojamaica, Aug 16, 2008
So beautiful and such a miracle!
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Want2BeMama, Sep 23, 2008
isint this amazing?? 20 weeks wow i thought my son came son is a miracle baby too! hes my 24 weeker! who was born 1 lbs 7 oz and is now 12 lbs!!! at 6 months but  only 2 1/2 adjusted! they do great....they get cought up fast!!
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Mary3344353, Feb 13, 2010
This baby is soo cute!!!   I am sure family's support was a key!! He is a miracle, God did answer your prayers!

My brother was born in 20 weeks too!!   He lived in the hospital for almost a year,my parents had to sold a house to afford that, and he now has a long scar in his tommy, because he had no stomach thats how they fed him.  Mom also says his ears were still attached to the head, and that he looked like a little mouse.   Today he is 24 years old, holds a bachelors degree in international business and is also going to law school.  He had to go thru another surgery when he was 7 and he sometimes has gastric problems specially when he eats acid food.   but besides all that, never been hospitalized again. He is extremely intelligent and outgoing!!   All teachers always loved him!      He also has a good taste, only dates beautiful girls.    At home he was pampered, we are 4 girls and he is the only boy.    He is a truly miracle.   If you want to hear the story from him, you can reach him at ***@****